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Germans harassing and torturing a Muslim couple for wearing hijab

Its the advantage of decency that is being discussed here, Hijab is a matter of decency.
Actually security is tightened in whole world, especially, after Ninjas palestinian attacking with knives on israeli military near border & other involvement of ninjas , escaped due to security holes.

Nobody can escape from security checks. Even here is rawalpindi, one ninja was involved in suicide blast near GHQ, but thanks God it was unsuccessful attempt, only she died .

Security is very important . Nobody can afford to leave single security hole, even when western countries have more threats. Strict security measures are taken for security of civilians.
This Woman is travelling & going abroad, she is not there to teach security officers what Islam says about veil and what not or What Sahaba said or what not. She can't dictate and impose views on others & enforce religious thoughts there . She has to follow their laws . Full stop. No sharia there , nor any other thoughts. Their law, Their rules, respect it, get respect.
Actually security is tightened in whole world, especially, after Ninjas palestinian attacking with knives on israeli military near border & other involvement of ninjas , escaped due to security holes.

Nobody can escape from security checks. Even here is rawalpindi, one ninja was involved in suicide blast near GHQ, but thanks God it was unsuccessful attempt, only she died .

Security is very important . Nobody can afford to leave single security hole, even when western countries have more threats. Strict security measures are taken for security of civilians.
This Woman is travelling & going abroad, she is not there to teach security officers what Islam says about veil and what not or What Sahaba said or what not. She can't dictate and impose views on others & enforce religious thoughts there . She has to follow their laws . Full stop. No sharia there , nor any other thoughts. Their law, Their rules, respect it, get respect.

The problem here is the misconception that Hijab is an Islamic thing.
Hijab is a decency thing, Islam simply asks women to maintain a higher order of decency.
Hijab is one way to achieve that.
Islam is not the only religion that asks people to maintain a higher level of decency, Christianity does that, Jewism does that.
The problem here is that west has failed to incorporate this religious aspect in the legal system.
Until they solve it, these clashes are bound to happen. One cant enforce their laws on 1.5 bn Muslims, when they expect them to serve their country by including them in their workforce.

You stereotyping modest women is showing your own disrespect for women.
It isn't a matter of security that is at contest here, one can check a lady via machine, there is no need to remove a hijab completely to do that. It is simply racism.
BTW israeli terrorists should not kill innocent Palestinians, if they vacate the land, things will get a lot better.

I read German articles about this incident.
That are the facts:
1. The check in stuff are the victims.
2. The British man is the villian.
3. The police officers are the heroes.
There are enough witness for those facts.

Yes and Turkish coup wasn't USA backed.
Iraq had WMD.
And I am the king of Atlantis.

@Shaheer ul haq Brother,
Just leave it here there is no point in further prolonging the conversation. You are entitled to your opinions and others as well...the point for this thread was (in my opinion) to highlight the incident and to get various viewpoints which I think you got plenty...

To that I agree, I simply dont understand why do people need to defend the racist act of west.
The point of the video was to highlight the injustice and the people here are defending that injustice.

I respect your opinions and views...it does not matter if I agree with them or not that is not the point.

I have the same thoughts, its the opposing side that is hell bent on enforcing their views on me, I am just standing my position.

The point is how to change the perception and for that we need to look inwards, we need to pray, hope and contribute (in which ever way we can) in fostering a culture in which WE start respecting ourselves first...and believe me things will get better slowly and surely.


To that I agree.
The problem here is the misconception that Hijab is an Islamic thing.Hijab is a decency thing, Islam simply asks women to maintain a higher order of decency.
What advantages & disadvantages of hijab has to do with thread? Its simple, she need to cooperate with security officers. Security officer don't have time to listen advantages & disadvantages of hijab. When asked, just take off hijab for security reason. Follow their rules, that's it.
One thing that you can learn bro, is never resort to personal insults when you have ran out of arguments.

It will help you make more friends, trust me.
I am sorry but I didn't make any personal attack. If you find them you're more than welcome to report them to mods

Remember how they burned our libraries and literally burned our scholars alive? And hanged them from trees all over the city?
SO what is stopping this country from making again libraries instead of opening up cinema and malls ? Britain did that now they have left, so what is the excuse now ?
Valid and very good question. But again, for me safety and respect of my familly is more important...And again, it is not my country where i have an opinion to enforce the rule. So it is better to be safe that fighting for not wearing your traditions...
So to answer your question, we have to be prepared to face such kind of situation and adopt to the law of the land at the cost of my or your culture when we are travelling to their country. It is not a very good experience but again, i can not blame them either...As a matter of fact, from that day onwards, i pay 30% more fare but i travel through Gulf route to travel to India which feels like more homely than those fancy European cities..

So is that a yes?

See the video. He was already acting aggressive. They are law enforcements in sensitive of locations. In US people get shot for simple disobey by Police. I am not supporting tasered. But if she was a threat and there is no women police nearby what safest option do they have?

What threat? Are you telling me several officers can't control one woman? That's a joke.
The Hijab is an oppressive attire which people despises in non-Muslim countries and equates it with terrorism and Islam.
How is wearing burka or hijab is oppressive if someone wears it voluntarily? No freedom of expression in Christian countries? By that logic India should also ban it.

Fake news it was the man whose flight was delayed and no personnel touched his wife he went hot because of delayed flight watch the real video on youtube
Fake? You failed to see how she was pushed and harassed?
I read German articles about this incident.
That are the facts:
1. The check in stuff are the victims.
2. The British man is the villian.
3. The police officers are the heroes.
There are enough witness for those facts.
Please give link of German article you read
I am sorry but I didn't make any personal attack. If you find them you're more than welcome to report them to mods

You need to look at my signature, I put it up for a good reason.

SO what is stopping this country from making again libraries instead of opening up cinema and malls ? Britain did that now they have left, so what is the excuse now ?

You really should look at how many schools are being opened here.
I live in Karachi, cant speak for other cities.

What advantages & disadvantages of hijab has to do with thread? Its simple, she need to cooperate with security officers. Security officer don't have time to listen advantages & disadvantages of hijab. When asked, just take off hijab for security reason. Follow their rules, that's it.

Perhaps you missed what I wrote.
One can be identified without taking off her Hijab.
There are machines in the airport for this very purpose.
How is wearing burka or hijab is oppressive if someone wears it voluntarily? No freedom of expression in Christian countries? By that logic India should also ban it.

Fake? You failed to see how she was pushed and harassed?
Islam mandates wearing of burqa and hijab. It is not an optional thing. India or west might not implement it as these are not Islamic country. Good example is Saudi Arabia from where Islam started and is the main pilgrimage of all Muslims. See their rules. Burqa is mandatory there.
Today you call it not compulsory, tomorrow most of the Pakistani females will start adopting Indian or western culture and shun burqa. Islam is perfect and there is no need to change it.
A lady in burqa can do all tasks. She need not wear a bikini to become a doctor. It is a shame that Pakistani girls have stopped burqa and hijab and are being influenced by Bollywood item girls. If this continues then there will be no difference between Islamic Pakistan and hindu India.
Please give link of German article you read
For me it is not possible to post links

If you want news paper links then Google this:

ForThe official statement of Frankfurt police department google this:
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You need to look at my signature, I put it up for a good reason.

You really should look at how many schools are being opened here.
I live in Karachi, cant speak for other cities.

Perhaps you missed what I wrote.
One can be identified without taking off her Hijab.
There are machines in the airport for this very purpose.
I mentioned of libraries which you said were burnt down by Brits. Where is the replacement for them?
Oh don't mention of those schools that are opened in a house
I mentioned of libraries which you said were burnt down by Brits. Where is the replacement for them?

Additional libraries are built when the existing libraries start getting full. It isn't the case at the moment. It does have a relation with the number of scholars that are present in the city.
Besides in the digital age, who reads books in a library?

Oh don't mention of those schools that are opened in a house

While more fancy and furnished schools would surely look better, but the problem here is that the people who care about the education doesn't have the money required to create those fancy and furnished schools.

My friends for example run a charity based school, they are salaried professionals like me and pour their money (along with donations) to run the school.

I don't believe your theories.
I believe the statement of Frankfurt police department.
That incident was happen in front of hunderds of witnesses.
In such a case, the German police would not lie.

I dont believe your opinion either.
WMD story was denied by a large population, USA still LIED.
Turkish coup is easy to see for anyone and the western media, including German, is lying about that, completely disregarding the events that have happened on that day.
So the credibility of western media or west in general is just as questionable as my 1.5 year old niece's analysis.
And yes, I am the king of Atlantis.
Additional libraries are built when the existing libraries start getting full. It isn't the case at the moment. It does have a relation with the number of scholars that are present in the city.
Besides in the digital age, who reads books in a library?

While more fancy and furnished schools would surely look better, but the problem here is that the people who care about the education doesn't have the money required to create those fancy and furnished schools.

My friends for example run a charity based school, they are salaried professionals like me and pour their money (along with donations) to run the school.

I dont believe your opinion either.
WMD story was denied by a large population, USA still LIED.
Turkish coup is easy to see for anyone and the western media, including German, is lying about that, completely disregarding the events that have happened on that day.
So the credibility of western media or west in general is just as questionable as my 1.5 year old niece's analysis.
And yes, I am the king of Atlantis.
How many libraries do we have for a city of 2,5 cror that got burns by british?? Who said that whe. existing libraries are full the news ones are made ?
My friends for example run a charity based school, they are salaried professionals like me and pour their money (along with donations) to run the school.

That is very noble of them, we need this mind-set to spread if we want improvements in our society...its like "Apni madad aap ke tehet" kind of. We cannot afford to wait for our Govt. to fix all the ills all the time...
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