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Germans harassing and torturing a Muslim couple for wearing hijab

Germany is a secular progressive western European state. SO this kind of bigotry and vile mentality is expected from Germans.
Germany is a secular progressive western European state. SO this kind of bigotry and vile mentality is expected from Germans.
Germany has nothing to do with this incident. Security is tight after terrorism in France & other states. Rules are same for everyone. Security officers are just doing their Duty, This is for security of civilians and to maintain peace. Passengers should cooperate with security officers. They are doing day night duty for safety of them.

Then you should know that one need to comply with the airport security instead of arguing over it, they have to handle thousands of passengers everyday, they don't have time for these silly things. In fact, non-compliance may raise there suspicion. Besides, security is tighter in international flights.....so comply or become a news.
You said that they destroyed yourlibaries did you or did you not ?

I said, they gained their knowledge from Muslims and instead of returning the favor, they resorted to bloodshed.

I asked even if they did, its not as if we were making scientific discoveries every single day, did we or did we not ?

Every single day is too far fetched even by today's standards.
Our rate was highest though.
Every single day is too far fetched even by today's standards.
Our rate was highest though.
So what stopped it from making libraries and gaining that rate back after independence ? If not that rate then at least decent standards of education ? By our do you mean muslims in raba or sub-continents ?

I said, they gained their knowledge from Muslims and instead of returning the favor, they resorted to bloodshed.
What stopped muslims from building libraries in gulf or sub-continent after they left rather than making shiny tall sky scarpers and buying expensive cars ?
So what stopped it from making libraries and gaining that rate back after independence ?

That is the exact question I answered before. Please look back at my post where I mentioned Pakistan's education budget.

If not that rate then at least decent standards of education ? By our do you mean muslims in raba or sub-continents ?

By "our" I meant all muslims in general.

What stopped muslims from building libraries in gulf or sub-continent after they left rather than making shiny tall sky scarpers and buying expensive cars ?

Cant speak for other countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh.
For Pakistan, look above.
Cant speak for Arabs but they sure have developed their countries a lot.
Cant speak for Arabs but they sure have developed their countries a lot.
You mean all the wealth that is translated in big shiny building is development ?

That is the exact question I answered before. Please look back at my post where I mentioned Pakistan's education budget
Hence the blaming of British's is unwarranted
You mean all the wealth that is translated in big shiny building is development ?

I am talking about, law and order, peace, etc.

Hence the blaming of British's is unwarranted[/QUOTE]

Neither did I blame them.
No It was in context of our glorious history.
ly, It has remained in books that too are burnt and the current state of affair suggest that no one is interested in reading how sad. Pathetic !

No one to cherish those ''Glorious' history that you talk of. It is no wonder that muslims are in such pathetic and sad state of affairs
No one to cherish those ''Glorious' history that you talk of. It is no wonder that muslims are in such pathetic and sad state of affairs

It sure is a sad state of affairs.
Pathetic is a really strong word here though.
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