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Germans harassing and torturing a Muslim couple for wearing hijab

I wish there were a strong word than that, considering how Senate only responsible for our own demise

When people in China were underdeveloped and in a sad state of affairs.
They did not insult their own nation, despite their conditions, all they had was their history to clung to.
They didn't let go of their civilization, not even their languages, even though the country was literally riddled with thousands of heinous problems.
There were criminals, gangs, rapists, corrupt police men, corrupt army and what not.
Guess who were responsible for their demise? West.
They did not forget it. Neither did they forget their history.

I think you know where am I going with this.
We have a lot of bright sides to look at.
If we only wished.
When people in China were underdeveloped and in a sad state of affairs.
They did not insult their own nation, despite their conditions, all they had was their history to clung to.
They didn't let go of their civilization, not even their languages, even though the country was literally riddled with thousands of heinous problems.
There were criminals, gangs, rapists, corrupt police men, corrupt army and what not.
Guess who were responsible for their demise? West.
They did not forget it. Neither did they forget their history.

I think you know where am I going with this.
We have a lot of bright sides to look at.
If we only wished.

Chinese as nation are very hard working cant say same for pakistani youth that wakes up at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Chinese have never adopted any foreign culture nor forgotten their own language, Unlike us people who have actually invented a new language knows as roman urdu. You are encourage to go to any school and ask the kids of History of pakistan or islam and the response you will get ilch Zilch

I admire you enthusiasm and i hope and pray that you keep it steadfast. But by judging anything as bright side. i guess it would not be unfair to say that Sun dont shine at this end as we people have clogged it with our Mistrust, deceit, lies and corruption.
Chinese as nation are very hard working cant say same for pakistani youth that wakes up at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

We wouldn't be here if we were not a hardworking nation.
Our state is not different than any civilization that is trying to rise back from its ashes.
If you look at the history of Turkey, you will find many similarities.

Chinese have never adopted any foreign culture nor forgotten their own language,

We didn't accept any foreign culture either until late 1880s when Sir Syed Ahmed Khan encourages Muslims to learn English. It was simply a necessary evil.

Unlike us people who have actually invented a new language knows as roman urdu.

I think it has more to do with the lack of Urdu keyboard and Urdu language's support in the computer software and electronic devices (such as a mobile phone).

You are encourage to go to any school and ask the kids of History of pakistan or islam and the response you will get ilch Zilch

May I point you to a Madarasa (albiet a good one). You will get the opposite response.
We stand to gain a lot by merging the religious institutions with schools. As compared to completely ignoring and removing the religious institutions altogether.

I admire you enthusiasm and i hope and pray that you keep it steadfast.

Ameen. And I have the same prayers for you.

But by judging anything as bright side. i guess it would not be unfair to say that Sun dont shine at this end as we people have clogged it with our Mistrust, deceit, lies and corruption.

We will never get where we want to be if we do not change our perspective on how we look at our situation. It kills hope.
After the lose of world war and getting its two cities bombed and rest of the economy and military devastated Japan did not look at itself with anger or sympathy, they looked at themselves with hope and brightness and that is what carried them on.

When Turkey lost most of its century after abolishing Khilafat, they did not termed their condition as pathetic. They looked into the future with hope, you know that they were once known as "sick man of Europe", right?

I dont think they deserve that title again. Greece sure does.

In U.K there came a time that their politician gave out the famous statement:
"People should learn to shave in dark".

It was when they were fighting the world war.

Similarly Germany rose from their Ashes.

The situation in Russia after the disintegration of Soviet Union was even worse.

They just had a different attitude.

as we people have clogged it with our Mistrust, deceit, lies and corruption.

The common people of all the nations that I mentioned had the same habits, it were a few visionary people, that changed it all.

BTW I hope now you know why I defended the couple in the video in the first place.

I respect my religion and cultural values. And I will defend them regardless of the situation. And I hope we can get others to respect it, if we just tried.

To put things in perspective, Jinnah's ideas were even more ..... revolutionary.
"Give us a different country because we have a different religion".
Think about it, how absurd does it even sound, it sounds even more absurd because we were asking it from an occupier.
On top of that we were not the natives of the land.

Yet he stood by his religion and culture and achieved a geopolitical victory nothing short of a miracle that today is known as Pakistan.

He simply had a different perspective, something we simply do not share.
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To put things in perspective, Jinnah's ideas were even more ..... revolutionary.
I will cut it short since there is no point in dragging this meaningless debate. The nation who doesn't even respect their founding father. And by that you know very well what i am referring to what happens in mazair e quaid. This alone should give you a good idea of where the nation is headed. Rest what you said is all justification and nothing else
The nation who doesn't even respect their founding father. And by that you know very well what i am referring to what happens in mazair e quaid. This alone should give you a good idea of where the nation is headed. Rest what you said is all justification and nothing else

I am not sure how are we going to progress with this attitude.
Entire purpose of my discussion was about perspective, you can either look at whats good in your country or you can look at whats bad in your country.
It was the perspective that carried the nations forward.
And be sure, their perspective was positive, not negative.

I will cut it short since there is no point in dragging this meaningless debate.

I have the same thoughts.
Have a good day.
Because they were trying to escape from this - below.

Question? What is the differance between a slap from Pak Police and German Police?

*Answer later
LOOOOL, she was harassing him tho.
she was harassing him tho.
Indeed she was. She grabbed his uniform. However that does not justify his reaction, does it? After all the German cops were also being harassed.

Question? What is the differance between a slap from Pak Police and German Police?
One is halal other is haram.

On a serious note if Pakistani's spared all the energy they expand on America, West, German Police, Israel and the rest of assorted favourite distractions and instead spent their energy in questioning what goes on inside Pakistan - the country might see a progress. Instead in blatent disregard to the mountains of inequity that daily strikes the average person inside Pakistan they focus on distant issues that will not do ditt to resolve the problems at home.

They need to revisit the meaning of 'charity begins at home'.
Chinese as nation are very hard working cant say same for pakistani youth that wakes up at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Chinese have never adopted any foreign culture nor forgotten their own language, Unlike us people who have actually invented a new language knows as roman urdu. You are encourage to go to any school and ask the kids of History of pakistan or islam and the response you will get ilch Zilch

Indeed, we Pakistanis can learn allot from the Chinese in this regard. But we Pakistanis lack a strong national identity.

You must understand that the Chinese have a strong sense of national identity built upon the legacy of an ancient civilization in which they take immense pride, and this is what motivates them to persevere for the betterment of their nation and to preserve their own unique heritage instead of mixing it away and losing their unique identity.

We Pakistanis on the other hand suffer from an inferiority complex.
I don't understand why the lady refused to show her face to the security (It is always a part of the security procedure). The securities could have refused entry to the lady, there was no need for harassing them. I am not religious I don't understand why in Islam they have suggested their women to wear that black dress covering their face (forgive my ignorance).
Chinese have never adopted any foreign culture
Absolutely disagree with you there. The Chinese have adopted so much from the wider Western Civilization that besides their language and epicanthic fold there is little to differantiate them. Even that is increasingly open to remedial epicanthoplasty.

Link > http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/05/19/korea.beauty/
Link > http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/977083.shtml

Dress, sexual liberation, female equality, communist politics and Western consumerism have been adopted in toto. Take for example the defining, revolutionery political philosophy that has reshaped China and at residual level still is in place. Marxism. The Peoples Republic of China was fashioned in the shape of Marxist-Leninism. Don't forget Mao the father of modern China was disciple of communism. Marxism is a profoundly Western product most of which was culled together by Marx (a German) writing his Communist Manifesto in London. This then was taken up in Russia by Lenin and the project of creating a Marxist athiest workers paradise began. This went against religion, conservatism and patriarchy. China become the second experment of this Western philosopy when Mao took over. Everything about China then was shaped in light of Russia. Flag, uniforms, political organization.






I think you guy's get the picture. Chinese do everything a Western person will do with no inhibitions. Chinese have medelled themselves on a revolutionery athiest communit society first dreamed by Marx in London. Thet were not always like this. Ever wondered what Chinese females traditionally looked like?



When President Xi Jinping arrived in Islamabad he should have dressed like this below - if tradition had been observed.


When was last time you saw any Chinese official dressed in their own 'culture' unlike I pretend leaders who go around wearing Shalwar Kameez? Chinese used to have arrange marriages. Sex outside marriage was looked down on. Check them out now.

And as regards langiages Pakistan does not have a local language - either they are provincial or are from India or Britain.
In summary the Chinese are are 'Western' with their own language and epicanthic folds which is a genetic trait. The language - the West does not have a language, instead each country uses their own language. In that sense China is no differant.
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German security men in the airport wanted a Muslim woman to take off her veil ( Hijab) and she refused so they electrically shocked her with the electrical guns and her husband teaching them a lesson before they electrically shocked him.

Welcome to the "liberal" world :)
If they don't like it they can just leave

You talk about just couple but you ignore the millions followers of your religion who live there who have more rights than you!!

Can you tell us how the infidels are being treated by your islamic countries??

Your hypocracy make me glad that I decided to leave this religion with no regret

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