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Germans harassing and torturing a Muslim couple for wearing hijab

How many libraries do we have for a city of 2,5 cror

Dont know the count, but there was at least one for every town in the city (on average).

that got burns by british??

Not sure what you are trying to ask with this, I dont think we had a population of 2.5 crore when Britians came.

Who said that whe. existing libraries are full the news ones are made ?

Basic common sense, they are books, if no one is reading them, they will gather dust, so its useless to build more of them if you do not see demand in the existing ones.

That is very noble of them, we need this mind-set to spread if we want improvements in our society...its like "Apni madad aap ke tehet" kind of. We cannot afford to wait for our Govt. to fix all the ills all the time...

Agreed. If only we had more doers instead of criticizers.
Dont know the count, but there was at least one for every town in the city (on average).

Not sure what you are trying to ask with this, I dont think we had a population of 2.5 crore when Britians came.

Basic common sense, they are books, if no one is reading them, they will gather dust, so its useless to build more of them if you do not see demand in the existing ones.

Agreed. If only we had more doers instead of criticizers.
One for every Town its no wonder people here are mostly uncivlised . when in was in London my council Alone had 11 libararies. So blamg bets for your own failures carries no worth. Thanks for clarifying that
One for every Town its no wonder people here are mostly uncivlised . when in was in London my council Alone had 11 libararies. So blamg bets for your own failures carries no worth. Thanks for clarifying that

At least one.
You need to take in account the population in the town. Total human population until the end of 18th century was barely 2-3 BN. That is counting the entire world.
The Education centers of the Islamic world (Like Baghdad, Mecca, etc) had numerous of them and the universities were world class. You should read more about the Islamic history.
At least one.
You need to take in account the population in the town. Total human population until the end of 18th century was barely 2-3 BN. That is counting the entire world.
The Education centers of the Islamic world (Like Baghdad, Mecca, etc) had numerous of them and the universities were world class. You should read more about the Islamic history.
My question is what stopped Pakistanis from rebuilding the libraries after independence ?

Have ypu seen how many libraries do wester cities have ? regardless of population count
Agreed. If only we had more doers instead of criticizers.

You meant "tanqeed brai tanqeed" well don't you know it is our "favorite mashghalla" :-) and I am following your responses on this thread... you reminded me of brother @ghazi who use to remain very calm and collective even when he was ganged up...so that is a good quality.

Also, since you are relatively new, I humbly advise you to learn as well as you argue and also ask questions...there are quite a few members here who have lot of knowledge in various domains.
You meant "tanqeed brai tanqeed" well don't you know it is our "favorite mashghalla" :-)


and I am following your responses on this thread... you reminded me of brother @ghazi who use to remain very calm and collective even when he was ganged up...so that is a good quality.

Thank you :)

Also, since you are relatively new, I humbly advise you to learn as well as you argue and also ask questions...there are quite a few members here who have lot of knowledge in various domains.

Agreed. Thats the reason I use this site so often, have learned so much over here.

My question is what stopped Pakistanis from rebuilding the libraries after independence ?

Unfortunately, I don't specifically know what goes into the decision making process. But our education budget is very low. Why that is, is not clear to me, there could be valid reasons for that as all the government in Pakistan's history has typically kept it as is. But I am yet to learn about that.

Have ypu seen how many libraries do wester cities have ? regardless of population count

I have not been to west.
I have been to a middle eastern country.
Perhaps it has more to do with literacy rate and the level of education in that particular country.
Unfortunately, I don't specifically know what goes into the decision making process. But our education budget is very low. Why that is, is not clear to me, there could be valid reasons for that as all the government in Pakistan's history has typically kept it as is. But I am yet to learn about that.
It was brtsh who are responsible for that LOL. Get over the blaming mentality
Their cultural norms and mores do not require them to, there was no body search involved, there was only an identification, they were not expecting such an hysterical response?
You are avoiding the point altogether. Asking someone to remove the scarf is an attack on her modesty. There is no other explanation or excuse that can overcome that staff should have been aware of these values.

They did - by their norms. A question for you: what diet would you give a Jain vegetarian?
Whatever he's OK with.
You are avoiding the point altogether. Asking someone to remove the scarf is an attack on her modesty. There is no other explanation or excuse that can overcome that staff should have been aware of these values.

As I have said time and time again, it is not their understanding that removing a scarf is an attack on anyone's modesty. That is why I have pointed out that it is for the visitor to conform, or to explain and satisfy, otherwise conform in any case. There is no reason why German staff should be aware of non-German cultural values.

Whatever he's OK with.

Precisely. You don't know. Just like the Germans did not know the implications of removing a head scarf.
Precisely. You don't know. Just like the Germans did not know the implications of removing a head scarf.

The airline counter staff were just trying to do their job, and probably called security only when they could not handle the situation created by the couple.

The title of this thread should be "British couple assault airport staff" that's all. Besides, what has this entire incident to do with Pakistan Affairs? The present title is a LIE intended to be inflammatory to play to the prejudice prevalent here and only encourages falsehoods.
The question is, why did they ask her to remove her hijab in the first place, people can be scanned easily by machines, they have machines for this specific purpose.

Do you do international flights?
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