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Germans harassing and torturing a Muslim couple for wearing hijab

Yes the only thing we are so far proud of BOMB BOMB BOMB. other than that world really much doesn't exists for us I guess. After building bomb we havent done much of anything. Dont you think its high time we move forward from that mentality and actually do something good of how corrupt the society has become

Which arab country grants muslims citizenships ? Hell saudia had banned Saudi from marrying Pakisatnis.


Again this is going off topic

@Shaheer ul haq I have a wonderful suggestion for you. How about in protest you stop using western technology ?

That oughta teach them some good lesson

Which is what exactly A jailed man running country for five years ?

A corrupted prime minister living like a king ?

A rich kids guards shoots another kid because he was all too powerful

You do understand that he is arguing just for the sake of argument ? :D
My wife was travelling through Hethrow airport few years back with my kid. Immigration officer asked her to remove all the jewelry including the "Mangal Sutra" which is usually not removed by most of the Hindu woman...But again, she has to remove because, it is the rule of the country where she is travelling to...

So i always suggest, if you are travelling to any other country which is with different culture, you should always follow or read the rules and culture before landing up and face unnecessary hassle for your familly. From that day onwards, we never travel to India through Europe rather Dubai is preferred one...
I had no idea people took mangalsutra so seriously. ..
As I said without proper report of what exactly happened and jumping to conclusion only shows your intention of describing yourself as victim.

You are waiting for a western media article and expect them to accept that yes, they did commit racism? Didn't Turkish coup and western media's take on it teach you enough?

German or Western countries hardly come ever close harassing foreign passenger or their nationals, But in our glorious society you are harassed by the very people whom you are to serve, asking for bribes, causing unnecessary delays

You seem to miss that we werent like this until recently, we have a glorious history.

Yes the only thing we are so far proud of BOMB BOMB BOMB. other than that world really much doesn't exists for us I guess. After building bomb we havent done much of anything. Dont you think its high time we move forward from that mentality and actually do something good of how corrupt the society has become

I am proud of many things, but that is a personal choice.
We are already on that path, look at Turkey for example.
It will take some time, but that requires US/west to stop bombing and terrorizing Muslim countries.
Its a Non-Muslim country that is trying to sabotage economical projects in Pakistan that are destined to change its fate.
A prosperous Pakistan would mean lower crime and better life, so while Muslims sure have there own part in it, they are not alone responsible for there state.

Something you should agree on.

Anyways, I wont respond to these type of questions anymore, as this is wayyy off topic.

Which arab country grants muslims citizenships ? Hell saudia had banned Saudi from marrying Pakisatnis.


Again this is going off topic

Arabs may have learned from the fate of Palestine.

Besides why do you expect me to defend another country's laws? Its you who is doing it here, not me.
I am saying that one country's wrong action does not justify the other country's wrong action.

Stop making the same argument over and over again.

@Shaheer ul haq I have a wonderful suggestion for you. How about in protest you stop using western technology ?

That oughta teach them some good lesson

I could have, but then I cant ignore the fact that they reached there by reading our books and learning from us and then strategically ruined our education system. Remember the 200+ rule of Britains? Remember how they burned our libraries and literally burned our scholars alive? And hanged them from trees all over the city?

Which is what exactly A jailed man running country for five years ?

A corrupted prime minister living like a king ?

A rich kids guards shoots another kid because he was all too powerful

Please take a look at your neighbor country.

And again, stop making the same argument over and over again.

You mean Muslim ladies should have special treatment, especially those wearing hijab or burka?
No I am saying that ladies should have special treatment.

Because most women don't have this problem.
Muslims are 1.5 bn people.

Such as ?

Did you really ask that question?

But we did attackedour own mulims in Bangladesh, didnt we ?

Oh and do you recall that black september ?

That is an unfortunate reality.

You do understand that he is arguing just for the sake of argument ? :D

How can you say that? I am only making rational argument.

None of you have actually managed to come up with a logical reply.

He has just lost the plot terribly and fell into his own trap of words. Thats what they all do kids, Its so bait

One thing that you can learn bro, is never resort to personal insults when you have ran out of arguments.

It will help you make more friends, trust me.

Please do not assume you speak for 1.5 BN muslims, that is pure delusion on your part.

Cant argue with that.
But you sure agree that a large majority of Muslims share my point of view, look in your family circle if you have doubts.

Her objection on removing the Hijab is irrelevant, she is NOT in her country.

That does not give them right to be a racist.

Hijab has nothing to with covering your face.

You are among those who make sense, so please dont say stuff like this.

Decency depends upon men as well. This is a security checkpoint and they see too many women to care about some singular lady's beauty.

Whatever, she had the right to object. The cops' behavior is racist and unprofessional.

What you find as disrespect doesn't constitute the same thing in Europe so there's nothing to change.

While its true but Europe should then not be speaking about what happens in Saudia, dont you think.
Cant argue with that.
But you sure agree that a large majority of Muslims share my point of view, look in your family circle if you have doubts.

That does not give them right to be a racist.

You are among those who make sense, so please dont say stuff like this.

Whatever, she had the right to object. The cops' behavior is racist and unprofessional.
My family circle has a representation of the 10 million that think like you.
And please get this idea that somehow you are the only sensible one out of your head, anyone who does not agree with you is not sensible? sounds like someone preaching about Donald Trump and conspiracy.

Hijab has NOTHING to do with the face. Go back to the Quran and Quran alone to find anything.
Stop mixing culture with religion, and if you do , stop attributing to all Muslims. These are your values, not mine, not of many Muslims.

And you CLEARLY do not represent all muslims.

As for what the officer did, these people process thousands of people daily; then you have a lady who insists that somehow her beauty is worthy of hiding in a veil which she cannot be bothered to reveal for the sake of security and the convenience of hundreds of other passengers because Allah in her mind is some Nauzubillah bureaucratic bumbling being that cannot see her situation and that of what is happening around her.
While its true but Europe should then not be speaking about what happens in Saudia, dont you think.

No.What happens in S.A is regressive to us so we can call it that.In the end,Europe is the father of the modern world,it has the right to have an opinion.
You are waiting for a western media article and expect them to accept that yes, they did commit racism? Didn't Turkish coup and western media's take on it teach you enough?

You seem to miss that we werent like this until recently, we have a glorious history.

I am proud of many things, but that is a personal choice.
We are already on that path, look at Turkey for example.
It will take some time, but that requires US/west to stop bombing and terrorizing Muslim countries.
Its a Non-Muslim country that is trying to sabotage economical projects in Pakistan that are destined to change its fate.
A prosperous Pakistan would mean lower crime and better life, so while Muslims sure have there own part in it, they are not alone responsible for there state.

Something you should agree on.

Anyways, I wont respond to these type of questions anymore, as this is wayyy off topic.

Arabs may have learned from the fate of Palestine.

Besides why do you expect me to defend another country's laws? Its you who is doing it here, not me.
I am saying that one country's wrong action does not justify the other country's wrong action.

Stop making the same argument over and over again.

I could have, but then I cant ignore the fact that they reached there by reading our books and learning from us and then strategically ruined our education system. Remember the 200+ rule of Britains? Remember how they burned our libraries and literally burned our scholars alive? And hanged them from trees all over the city?

Please take a look at your neighbor country.

And again, stop making the same argument over and over again.

No I am saying that ladies should have special treatment.

Muslims are 1.5 bn people.

Did you really ask that question?

That is an unfortunate reality.

How can you say that? I am only making rational argument.

None of you have actually managed to come up with a logical reply.

One thing that you can learn bro, is never resort to personal insults when you have ran out of arguments.

It will help you make more friends, trust me.

Cant argue with that.
But you sure agree that a large majority of Muslims share my point of view, look in your family circle if you have doubts.

That does not give them right to be a racist.

You are among those who make sense, so please dont say stuff like this.

Whatever, she had the right to object. The cops' behavior is racist and unprofessional.

While its true but Europe should then not be speaking about what happens in Saudia, dont you think.
I worry for Muslims around the world. in Iraq, the Sunnis will be slaughtered by Shias, lets not focus on stuff like this, it will take us nowhere.
No.What happens in S.A is regressive to us so we can cal it that.

I dont know how to respond to that.
But thank you, Sir, you have just strengthened my opinion.

My family circle has a representation of the 10 million that think like you.

I would choose not to comment on that.

And please get this idea that somehow you are the only sensible one out of your head, anyone who does not agree with you is not sensible? sounds like someone preaching about Donald Trump and conspiracy.

When did I say that I am the only sensible person here, I use this discussion forum for the precise reason that I can find well informed people here.

Hijab has NOTHING to do with the face. Go back to the Quran and Quran alone to find anything.
Stop mixing culture with religion, and if you do , stop attributing to all Muslims. These are your values, not mine, not of many Muslims.

وَ لاَ يُبْدِيْنَ زِيْنَتَهُنَّ إِلاَّ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَ لْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلىَ جُيُوْبِهِنَّ
“...and not display their beauty except what is apparent, and they should place their khumur over their bosoms...”
an-Nur, verse 30

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ, قُلْ لأَزْوَاجِكَ وَ بَنَاتِكَ وَ نِسآءِ الْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ: يُدْنِيْنَ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِنْ جَلاَبِيْبِهِنَّ
“O Prophet! Say to your wives, your daughters, and the women of the believers that: they should let down upon themselves their jalabib.
al-Ahzab, verse 59

BTW, sir, You should know that Islam is not limited to Quran.

And you CLEARLY do not represent all muslims.

Didn't I already agree to that?

As for what the officer did, these people process thousands of people daily; then you have a lady who insists that somehow her beauty is worthy of hiding in a veil which she cannot be bothered to reveal for the sake of security and the convenience of hundreds of other passengers because Allah in her mind is some Nauzubillah bureaucratic bumbling being that cannot see her situation and that of what is happening around her.

Hijab is ordered for every women, regardless of her beauty.
What ALLAH is, is cannot be described, but what he said has been posted above.
I dont know how to respond to that.
But thank you, Sir, you have just strengthened my opinion.

I would choose not to comment on that.

When did I say that I am the only sensible person here, I use this discussion forum for the precise reason that I can find well informed people here.

وَ لاَ يُبْدِيْنَ زِيْنَتَهُنَّ إِلاَّ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَ لْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلىَ جُيُوْبِهِنَّ
“...and not display their beauty except what is apparent, and they should place their khumur over their bosoms...”
an-Nur, verse 30

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ, قُلْ لأَزْوَاجِكَ وَ بَنَاتِكَ وَ نِسآءِ الْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ: يُدْنِيْنَ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِنْ جَلاَبِيْبِهِنَّ
“O Prophet! Say to your wives, your daughters, and the women of the believers that: they should let down upon themselves their jalabib.
al-Ahzab, verse 59

BTW, sir, You should know that Islam is not limited to Quran.

Didn't I already agree to that?

Hijab is ordered for every women, regardless of her beauty.
What ALLAH is, is cannot be described, but what he said has been posted above.

Again, irrelevant verses to the face? Do you even know what you are talking about? The Jalabib is the loose garment. The idea of Satar is to ensure coverage, the Jalabib is to ensure that bodies do not display sexual attraction.
Still no mention of a face cover. The Quran is the beginning and the end which nothing can contradict which you have not been able to prove.

There is Arabian culture to cover the face from strangers that some followed and some did not.
Why has the intentionally misleading and inflammatory title of the thread not been edited to the correct situation?
@Shaheer ul haq

Hey, I beg to differ here. Sr. @Oscar is right actually.
Hijab is not about covering face. If one does, great. And that's her choice.
But hijab is about covering your hair & wearing loose cloths, which doesn't show their bodies.
Don't forget the fact, Islam isn't very harsh, let me put in this way, Islam is NOT hard religion at all.
@Shaheer ul haq
Hey, I beg to differ here. Sr. @Oscar is right actually.
Hijab is not about covering face. If one does, great.
But hijab is about covering your hair & wearing loose cloths, which doesn't show their bodies.

What you are referring to isn't hijab, Sister. That is sitar.
Hijab has a different definition, it is just used interchangeably.

And that's her choice.


Don't forget the fact, Islam isn't very harsh, let me put in this way, Islam is NOT hard religion at all.

The order of Hijab wasn't revealed for strictness, it was revealed because Muslim women used to be bullied by Jews of Madina.
If your wife didn't remove the jewellery, would you consider it fine to taser her?

And should you be tasered if you disobey?

Valid and very good question. But again, for me safety and respect of my familly is more important...And again, it is not my country where i have an opinion to enforce the rule. So it is better to be safe that fighting for not wearing your traditions...
So to answer your question, we have to be prepared to face such kind of situation and adopt to the law of the land at the cost of my or your culture when we are travelling to their country. It is not a very good experience but again, i can not blame them either...As a matter of fact, from that day onwards, i pay 30% more fare but i travel through Gulf route to travel to India which feels like more homely than those fancy European cities..

You nailed it. People need to follow rules, when they visit abroad.

Very True...In specific, suppose we travel to a country where majority are not belonging our religion or culture, we should prepare ourselves to have this kind of situation and how tackle it peacefully...We should not expect that every different culture knows about our tradition and culture and should bend their rule.
@Shaheer ul haq Brother,
Just leave it here there is no point in further prolonging the conversation. You are entitled to your opinions and others as well...the point for this thread was (in my opinion) to highlight the incident and to get various viewpoints which I think you got plenty...

I respect your opinions and views...it does not matter if I agree with them or not that is not the point. The point is how to change the perception and for that we need to look inwards, we need to pray, hope and contribute (in which ever way we can) in fostering a culture in which WE start respecting ourselves first...and believe me things will get better slowly and surely.

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German security men in the airport wanted a Muslim woman to take off her veil ( Hijab) and she refused so they electrically shocked her with the electrical guns and her husband teaching them a lesson before they electrically shocked him.

Welcome to the "liberal" world :)

I read German articles about this incident.
That are the facts:
1. The check in stuff are the victims.
2. The British man is the villian.
3. The police officers are the heroes.
There are enough witness for those facts.
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