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Genocide Of Muslims in india.

not really
Culture and religion are not problems if they're not mixed with politics.
Well thankfully for us... They are not.. and yet... seems it's a problem...
But Without a culture you are nothing... just empty souls... who will try endlessly to fill the void... like per exemple... ''wanting more and more money'' thinking that having the most or being Top 1 will bring them a ''culture/identity'' or even some sort of respect...
No, you regard Cultural/Religion removal as a Necessity.

They don't operate a systematic removal of Culture/religion on specific minority...
Now does that make Them perfect? No...

But to compare CN behavior in Xinjiang is more than dishonesty...
That was only the case few decades ago... When that same ''Cultural/religion'' removal was being operated on your own people... with Mao... and the Commies...
You guys lost your Culture/religion and seems to be happy about it... thankfully I see many Chinese wishing it be back... Maybe you see them as problematic too...who knows...

I have a lot of respect for people who are trying to keep their Identity instead of exchanging it for a new car or a bigger check at the end of the month... or having the latest phone... And thinking that's what life is about... as if being ''advanced'' make them better or giving credit to their ''Identity''
Which culture or religion China removed? Xinjiang has more mosques per person than Turkey, Tibet has the world biggest Buddist college, they still speak and write their languages.
As for Han Chinese culture, how much do you know our culture? Which culture had been wiped out beside women binding their feet to deformity and men marrying many wives?
Which culture or religion China removed? Xinjiang has more mosques per person than Turkey, Tibet has the world biggest Buddist college, they still speak and write their languages.
As for Han Chinese culture, how much do you know our culture? Which culture had been wiped out beside women binding their feet to deformity and men marrying many wives?
Is that all what you remember of your Culture? Well...
It was actually a very interesting one... That many tried to imitate...
You should read at least what foreigners said about it centuries ago ( if you don't believe you own historic writers)... maybe you will take more pride in it.
If Indian Muslims deserve it, then Kashmiri Muslims, Xinjiang Muslims, Arabs, Rohingya and all other persecuted muslims deserve it
Pakistanis should not comment on the religious freedom of other nations. Pakistan is the worst country to be a minority and the worst country in terms of religious freedom. They should be the last country to comment on the condition of minorities of a foreign nation.

Just recently a Hindu doctor was attacked by mullahs after falsely accusing him of blasphemy. Minority women are not safe in Pakistan and are being targeted by Muslims. Minorities cannot build churches and temples and have no right to repair them. Minorites especially Christians are doing odd jobs and menial jobs and cannot hold high ranking government post or become a high ranking officer in the army.

Even Somalia is better than a poor nation like Pakistan
why spoil their hard work and efforts . :pakistan::china::sleep:
Stick to the topic, this isn't about China or censorship. I'll delete anything else.
Well thankfully for us... They are not.. and yet... seems it's a problem...
But Without a culture you are nothing... just empty souls... who will try endlessly to fill the void... like per exemple... ''wanting more and more money''
Well thankfully for us... They are not.. and yet... seems it's a problem...
But Without a culture you are nothing... just empty souls... who will try endlessly to fill the void... like per exemple... ''wanting more and more money'' thinking that having the most or being Top 1 will bring them a ''culture/identity'' or even some sort of respect...

talk with a Chinese about culture, you need to read tons of books then come back.

i feel you hate communist, but you never think about why communist exist in China till now.
talk with a Chinese about culture, you need to read tons of books then come back.

i feel you hate communist, but you never think about why communist exist in China till now.
The Irony of our world...is when a foreigner give more respect to the culture of someone... that Himself would...
Those figures are completely skewed as it doesn’t account for Bangladesh independence, where majority of Hindus lived after 1947. I have looked at the demographics when I studied the partition. There has neither been any video evidence of Hindu being whipped or beaten with rods on Pakistani streets, it is a lie to accuse Pakistanis about a ‘genocide’

On the other hand there is several murders or beatings of Muslim every week in India - caught on camera.
your facts are incorrect , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Pakistan 1559489214(1).png
check the data , perhaps your stories are futile and the world know the truth . moreover this whole post is biased and i assume it to be a futile propaganda on the pdf . anyways . bye for now
The Irony of our world...is when a foreigner give more respect to the culture of someone... that Himself would...

let's back to topic, if you're interested in Chinese culture/history/communist read some books then message me.
they will get no sympathy from me .. they reap what they sow , they choose to stay in India as they thought that those Hindu's will accept them once they are in power .. if they eat beef they get lynched , if they offer Salah they get attacked , if they marry people say its Love Jihad and Sajish to make India Muslim majority country ..there is a thing called self respect which doesn't exists in Indian Muslims, and that include some of my distant relative from mother side who lives in Bhopal ... No offense but damnn they're living style is dirty and they smell bad .
your facts are incorrect , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Pakistan View attachment 563193
check the data , perhaps your stories are futile and the world know the truth . moreover this whole post is biased and i assume it to be a futile propaganda on the pdf . anyways . bye for now
This is so stupid. Hindus being 17% of Pakistan population after 71. You are mixing Bangladesh numbers. After 71 the percentage of Hindus in West Pakistan was never more than 1.5%, almost all in Sindh. I lived most of my life in Pakistan and met only one local Hindu. A dhobi living and working on an air force base. If they were around 20%, they would have been more visible.
This is so stupid. Hindus being 17% of Pakistan population after 71. You are mixing Bangladesh numbers. After 71 the percentage of Hindus in West Pakistan was never more than 1.5%, almost all in Sindh. I lived most of my life in Pakistan and met only one local Hindu. A dhobi living and working on an air force base. If they were around 20%, they would have been more visible.

Most ridiculous table. I don't know, who concocted it.
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