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Genocide Of Muslims in india.

No bangladeshi showed up here.

remember these are people who cannot write a Paragraph without the word genocide in it.

hypocrisy reigns Supreme!!
Prick. They fight BACK against Hindutva rampages and mobs. Gujarat riots began AFTER your scumbag pm trashed Babri masjid. Do you understand cause and effect? The real problem is, the muslims of India don't fight back ENOUGH. Probably anything now would be too little too late, despite Pakistan's best efforts at warning them for the last 70 years.
oh please.

why must we always stop at 2002 Gujarat riots ? why not rewind just a wee bit more and go to 1984 ? That was secular congress, not "hindutva" mobs.

There are also many instances of anti Hindu violence and propaganda etc.

but none of it is important, the facts are, that the BJP has massively increased their vote share among the muslims this time around. Why ? because contrary to popular belief, they are not very 'right-wing' at all. Modi might even be considered a raging socialist in certain quarters. His socialist schemes were not discriminatory, poor muslims, hindus, and everyone else gained from these schemes.. and they voted him in, simple.
LOL! CPEC isn't alerting the World of Muslims being beaten in India.

Just sit down and realize your slamming of Western articles as being "marginalized" is just you being a hypocrite since China has been COMPLETELY SILENT on it.
We are the only one put our fate together with Kashmir, actions always speak louder than words.
Muslim population percentage in India has been growing with each passinf year and increased from 9% in 1947 to 15 % today.

Hindu population in Pakistan has gone from 20 something per cent to 2 %.

Genocide has happened in Pakistan. Not India.
India is a complex problem. I don't think anybody can really "save" the Muslim minority from Hindutva except by taking in refugees. Pakistan doesn't want to take them. So the refugees can to go Bangladesh, Turkey or EU.
why not you take them in ?

take a platoon worth of deobandi indian mullahs, they are much less venomous than their Pakistan counterparts.

take them in as your house mates, lets see how much fun you have lol
We are the only one put our fate together with Kashmir, actions always speak louder than words.

LOL! As if China would suddenly speak up for oppressed Muslims in the world if they solved their territory issues in Kashmir?

Do you really think people would bet money on that vs Western Human Rights groups?
oh please.

why must we always stop at 2002 Gujarat riots ? why not rewind just a wee bit more and go to 1984 ? That was secular congress, not "hindutva" mobs.

There are also many instances of anti Hindu violence and propaganda etc.

but none of it is important, the facts are, that the BJP has massively increased their vote share among the muslims this time around. Why ? because contrary to popular belief, they are not very 'right-wing' at all. Modi might even be considered a raging socialist in certain quarters. His socialist schemes were not discriminatory, poor muslims, hindus, and everyone else gained from these schemes.. and they voted him in, simple.
Yah Modi himself is very cunning. He knows the beef lynching laws, the anti-Pak and anti-Kashmiri rhetoric, and Jay shree ram temple building shenanigans will take care of the dirty work for him at the hands of his khaki wearing RSS cadres. Modi washes his hands of such business, just like he did and will continue to do so with Ayodhya. India heading for civil war - great. Btw, I am delivering a critique on RSS/BJP, what's it got to do with Congress 1984?
Muslim population percentage in India has been growing with each passinf year and increased from 9% in 1947 to 15 % today.

Hindu population in Pakistan has gone from 20 something per cent to 2 %.

Genocide has happened in Pakistan. Not India.

Those figures are completely skewed as it doesn’t account for Bangladesh independence, where majority of Hindus lived after 1947. I have looked at the demographics when I studied the partition. There has neither been any video evidence of Hindu being whipped or beaten with rods on Pakistani streets, it is a lie to accuse Pakistanis about a ‘genocide’

On the other hand there is several murders or beatings of Muslim every week in India - caught on camera.
You are just too confident, the whole Muslim world all across the world hate US for a reason.

LOL! Those same western Human Rights groups slam the US too on things...so that doesn't change the bet at all on who would be the most reliable source of information if China solved the Kashmir issue.
Those figures are completely skewed as it doesn’t account for Bangladesh independence, where majority of Hindus lived after 1947. I have looked at the demographics when I studied the partition. There has neither been any video evidence of Hindu being whipped or beaten with rods on Pakistani streets, it is a lie to accuse Pakistanis about a ‘genocide’

On the other hand there is several murders or beatings of Muslim every week in India - caught on camera.
Indians have more smartphones, and a bigger population.

Indian muslims live better lives than Pakistani Hindus generally.
LOL! Those same western Human Rights groups slam the US too on things...so that doesn't change the bet at all on who would be the most reliable source of information if China solved the Kashmir issue.
They put some token reports to show a sign of fairness but we all know they are not, that's why nearly all westerners were shocked when they first visited China about how different China is from what they heard from their media, that's undisputed fact, I know how your media work. We Chinese know the media tries to brainwash us so we consciously resist being brainwashed and most times talk about press news as jokes, but you westerners blindly believe whatever your media tells you and willingly being brainwashed by it, you are a perfect example for this phenomenon.
They put some token reports to show a sign of fairness but we all know they are not.

A so-called "token" report by Western media sources is a lot better than complete silence.
Your Eastern media only reports things if it benefits China. Indians treating Muslims like dirt doesn't matter to China so you don't report it.

Then you make sure you criticize Western Media for not reporting it enough. Amazing!
Genocide? Pakistan reduced the population of Hindus from 22% in 1951 to 1% in 2019 yet Indians are genocidal.

Hindu population in Pakistan has gone from 20 something per cent to 2 %.

As per 1951 census, Hindus made up 1.6 % of (west)Pakistan's population. Today they make 1.8 - 2 % of the total population. Get your facts straight
Those figures are completely skewed as it doesn’t account for Bangladesh independence, where majority of Hindus lived after 1947. I have looked at the demographics when I studied the partition. There has neither been any video evidence of Hindu being whipped or beaten with rods on Pakistani streets, it is a lie to accuse Pakistanis about a ‘genocide’

On the other hand there is several murders or beatings of Muslim every week in India - caught on camera.

You clearly haven't read about the 1971 genocide of Bangladeshis by Pakistan or are deliberately ignoring itHindu Bangladeshis were particularly targetted by the Pakistan army.

I think it's about time you consider stopping the genocide by Boko Haram of Christians in Nigeria as well.

As per 1951 census, Hindus made up 1.6 % of (west)Pakistan's population. Today they make 1.8 - 2 % of the total population. Get your facts straight

A genocide did happen in 1971 by Pakistan against Bangladeshis especial Hindus. That's a fact.

Whereas, the Muslim population in India is thriving.
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