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Genocide Of Muslims in india.

A so-called "token" report by Western media sources is a lot better than complete silence.
Your Eastern media only reports things if it benefits China. Indians treating Muslims like dirt doesn't matter to China so you don't report it.

Then you make sure you criticize Western Media for not reporting it enough. Amazing!
China does rarely report other countries problems with worries of being labelled as meddling other's internal affairs as US, but we act to show what we believe. If your media is really that nice why the whole Muslim world hates you? Your media prepared justification of many wars in Muslim countries with lies and those wars caused millions of Muslim deaths, as I mention, Muslims around the world hate you for a reason.
A genocide did happen in 1971 by Pakistan against Bangladeshis especial Hindus. That's a fact.

Whereas, the Muslim population in India is thriving.

No, it's not a fact, it's just propaganda. There is no objective evidence available to prove the Bangladeshi claims regarding the so called 'Genocide'.

The Hindu Population in Pakistan has grown from 1.6% in 1951 to almost 2% currently. This is a fact
@faithfulguy @Dungeness @beijingwalker @Feng Leng @eldarlmari @Offshore @Götterdämmerung @Three_Kingdoms @Char

You guys should spread these kind of proofs so that India is exposed, because it is India along with some in the west trying very hard to damage China and Muslim world's relations.

@UKBengali @Mamadouso @KAL-EL @Indos @HannibalBarca @TruthTheOnlyDefense @Cthulhu @Arabi @Falcon29 @Hack-Hook @Hamartia Antidote

Any comments?

It's already widely known... India don't even bother hiding it.
Same goes for Israel when it comes to Palestine...

Now what is the difference with China you may ask? it's simple... India you can pressure her to change her behavior, whatever inside her own country or Outside... There is some sort of ''hope''... While China... its not possible... those inside are already on the cave wagon and as of the outside you can't either...

Let's be honest...shall we... NO Chinese member need to open his mouth to defend himself... Since many Pakistanis seems to defend China better and stronger than any Chinese combined around here... You guys will make good Lawyers...
Heck as I said before... I read more Long Live China...Than any Long Live Pakistan... well actually... I only read it during Cricket match...
No, it's not a fact, it's just propaganda. There is no objective evidence available to prove the Bangladeshi claims regarding the so called 'Genocide'.

The Hindu Population in Pakistan has grown from 1.6% in 1951 to almost 2% currently. This is a fact

There are plenty of neutral reports and news articles on the genocide in Bangladesh. A simple google search will reveal it.
There are plenty of neutral reports and news articles on the genocide in Bangladesh. A simple google search will reveal it.

Certainly there had been excesses committed by both sides, but the FACT remains that there is no objective evidence available to prove the Bangladeshi claims regarding the so called 'Genocide'.
@faithfulguy @Dungeness @beijingwalker @Feng Leng @eldarlmari @Offshore @Götterdämmerung @Three_Kingdoms @Char

You guys should spread these kind of proofs so that India is exposed, because it is India along with some in the west trying very hard to damage China and Muslim world's relations.

@UKBengali @Mamadouso @KAL-EL @Indos @HannibalBarca @TruthTheOnlyDefense @Cthulhu @Arabi @Falcon29 @Hack-Hook @Hamartia Antidote

Any comments?

comparing with India, you'll find China is a moderate country.
China does rarely report other countries problems with worries of being labelled as meddling other's internal affairs as US, but we act to show what we believe. If your media is really that nice why the whole Muslim world hates you? Your media prepared justification of many wars in Muslim countries with lies and those wars caused millions of Muslim deaths, as I mention, Muslims around the world hate you for a reason.

Yes many do, but we aren't talking about US Media. We are talking about Western Media (which is over 60 countries). The US is just one of them. For instance Amnesty International is European so if you want to call out Western Human Rights groups giving "token" articles about India treating Muslims like dirt go take it up with the Europeans as pointing the finger at the US doesn't make much sense.

Amnesty International has no problem slamming the US for doing things they don't like...including killing Muslims. So you should be applauding them for writing it up instead of quickly writing them off as tokens. They are certainly more admirable than China's complete apathy.

Iraq: Still paying a high price after a decade of abuses
Yes many do, but we aren't talking about US Media. We are talking about Western Media (which is over 60 countries). The US is just one of them. For instance Amnesty International is European so if you want to call out Western Human Rights groups giving "token" articles about India treating Muslims like dirt go take it up with the Europeans as pointing the finger at the US doesn't make much sense.

Amnesty International has no problem slamming the US for doing things they don't like...including killing Muslims. So you should be applauding them for writing it up instead of quickly writing them off as tokens.

Iraq: Still paying a high price after a decade of abuses
避重就轻, I hope your wife can read it, they may bring up some minor issue once in a while, but they never delibrately targetting US government with the purpose of destablising the country with 24/7 press bombardment.
someone regards education as torture, I'm not changing his mind.
No, you regard Cultural/Religion removal as a Necessity.

I would say compare to Turkey, our ethnic problem is like nothing at all.
They don't operate a systematic removal of Culture/religion on specific minority...
Now does that make Them perfect? No...

But to compare CN behavior in Xinjiang is more than dishonesty...
That was only the case few decades ago... When that same ''Cultural/religion'' removal was being operated on your own people... with Mao... and the Commies...
You guys lost your Culture/religion and seems to be happy about it... thankfully I see many Chinese wishing it be back... Maybe you see them as problematic too...who knows...

I have a lot of respect for people who are trying to keep their Identity instead of exchanging it for a new car or a bigger check at the end of the month... or having the latest phone... And thinking that's what life is about... as if being ''advanced'' make them better or giving credit to their ''Identity''
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避重就轻, I hope your wife can read it, they may bring up some minor issue once in a while, but they never delibrately targetting US government with the purpose of destablising the country with 24/7 press bombardment.

You must have a very fragile society if you are afraid of Human Rights articles.
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