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Genocide Of Muslims in india.

And these so called western human rights and news sites who used to bark at Pakistan about Swat incident have been blind because they are controlled by their govts who want to hide this to milk bharat mata.

@Numerous do you see the propaganda? They have no proofs against China but they are posting propaganda 24/7 against China but there are hundreds of such evidences against India, I never came across articles which show india's dirty face.

@Topic, Muslims of India have no choice but to massively give births to kids, all they need is increase their population at a very high rate so that their situation have chances to improve in at least a decade.

What is the difference between western news agencies who hide what is happening in kashmir and you - someone who tries to defend china from criticism over it's treatment of uighurs.

They defend India because they want it as a trade partner and you defend China because it is Pakistan's major financial partner.

The world is not black and white. It's isn't full of good guys and westerners. The west is evil, so is russia, so china, they all have a big hand in oppressing Muslims in different parts of the world.

Have your trade deals and so on but do not blindly support an oppressor. I am not asking you to stop working with China but outright supporting China in what it is doing to uighurs is no better than a Muslim who supports the west's wars in Muslim countries. You seem like a good man so do not fall into this trap.
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The world is not black and white. It's isn't full of good guys and westerners. The west is evil, so is russia, so china, they all have a big hand in oppressing Muslims in different parts of the world.
I assure you that China hurt Muslims much much less than Muslims hurt each others, so before calling everyone evil, how about think of yourself first.
Genocide? Pakistan reduced the population of Hindus from 22% in 1951 to 1% in 2019 yet Indians are genocidal.
Use your real flags bharti! Real Nepalis hate you.:lol: Just like all of india's neighbors.
anti-hindu politicians are sacked in Pakistan but butcher of muslims in gujrat is made a PM.
The population of hindus is growing in Pakistan and indonesia but in india you need ghar wapsi to save the hindu race.:rofl:

What the **** did I just watched. A woman being brutally assaulted by a CUnt with a whip. And large mob of men in staring in silence?
indians hate women more than they hate Pakistanis,Bangladeshis,etc.
Her suffering is arousing them and the indians on this forum.
If Indian Muslims deserve it, then Kashmiri Muslims, Xinjiang Muslims, Arabs, Rohingya and all

MYbe to you. not to us. Heres why. Your Indian famous nuke Muslim scientist and many more like this coconut Mr Abdul. In helping Hindu against who? He was then honoured by then BJP prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Seriously a stupid and deluded race of Muslims they are. And the Hindus! Use this Muslim population collaborators to further there goals. Sending as diplomats to Muslim gulf other states. Selling a false lie on India. They serve in Indian army stationed on our borders oppressing the Kashmiris . There list is endless. Burning our flag at any incident to look more Indians. From trade to finances these collaborators would put French Vichy puppet nazi government to shame.
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This is so stupid. Hindus being 17% of Pakistan population after 71. You are mixing Bangladesh numbers. After 71 the percentage of Hindus in West Pakistan was never more than 1.5%, almost all in Sindh. I lived most of my life in Pakistan and met only one local Hindu. A dhobi living and working on an air force base. If they were around 20%, they would have been more visible.
ok boss , bye for now
What is the difference between western news agencies who hide what is happening in kashmir and you - someone who tries to defend china from criticism over it's treatment of uighurs.

They defend India because they want it as a trade partner and you defend China because it is Pakistan's major financial partner.

The world is not black and white. It's isn't full of good guys and westerners. The west is evil, so is russia, so china, they all have a big hand in oppressing Muslims in different parts of the world.

Have your trade deals and so on but do not blindly support an oppressor. I am not asking you to stop working with China but outright supporting China in what it is doing to uighurs is no better than a Muslim who supports the west's wars in Muslim countries. You seem like a good man so do not fall into this trap.

What solid ground proof you have that there is a genocide going on? Many Pakistani religious leaders went there and exposed the propaganda.

Yes there maybe 1 or 2 incidents here and there, but a genocide? It is same propaganda they are spreading against Pakistan abt PTM or BLA, or Turkeye against Kurd, etc.
your facts are incorrect , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Pakistan View attachment 563193
check the data , perhaps your stories are futile and the world know the truth . moreover this whole post is biased and i assume it to be a futile propaganda on the pdf . anyways . bye for now

I haven´t gone into the numbers in detail. But the percentage can go down by multiple factors: If the Muslim have relatively more children than the Hindu community then the percentage also will go down.

So the percentage doing down per se does not prove any genocide or discrimination....
What solid ground proof you have that there is a genocide going on? Many Pakistani religious leaders went there and exposed the propaganda.

Yes there maybe 1 or 2 incidents here and there, but a genocide? It is same propaganda they are spreading against Pakistan abt PTM or BLA, or Turkeye against Kurd, etc.

Too many uighur eye witnesses who claim to have jailed in the past or currently have family jailed. Some kazakhs who were jailed by accident also report the same thing. Pakistani husbands of uighir wives claiming their wives were jailed and forced to eat pork and drink alcohol etc... The proof is too much. This is far beyond 1 or 2 cases.

You think China would show them the dirt? China will only show what it wants them to see. Same thing when Americans let media into guantanmo bay, they try to pass it off as some humane place where prisoners are treated justly, whilst the reality is that it's a place where a lot of abuse and potentially even murder has taken place.
I wish it was true but unfortunately it isn't, rohingyas, bangladeshis and other illegal moslems are coming flocking to my country also there is also no exodus of moslems from India to the heavenly islamic countries like pakistan, saudi, syria, iraq, afganistan etc.
You are just too confident, the whole Muslim world all across the world hate US for a reason.

they make alliances with USA, sell their oil and immigrate to USA in a heartbeat
take the PDFers. they were fine to kiss Uncle Sam *** when the money was rolling in during the 1980s
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