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General Soleimani Awarded Iran’s Highest Military Order

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Is he dead yet? In Pakistan, till date, our highest military award is not wore on chest by any living.

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No, thanks to Allah, he is alive and serving Muslims in the front against Kufr and US/Israel/Saudi supported terrorism. He crushed ISIS, that's why he deserved the highest military reward of Iran. He is head of Quds branch of IRGC, the name of this branch on its own shows intentions of this general : Quds. The final goal of this brave man. Oh, let me remind of something, What your media told your people about his threats was trolling and trying to divert the attention from terrorist attack in Iran. Wht he said :
"""Our concern is why the government and the people of Pakistan allows Saudi provided funds to be given to these takfiris which is now placing Pakistan in front of the world.
"Pakistan is a country that possesses atomic bombs, and should not be in a weak position to deal with these takfiris," he said, adding that Iran wants a joint operation to crack down on the Takfiris. This is not acceptable. General Soleimani stated: "The Islamic Republic of Iran will not take any action unless it is in the national interest and if it has tried to suppress ISIL in Iraq and Syria, it has been in the course of national interest." Soleimani said: "Unfortunately, some people have criticized us for Iran's crackdown on ISIL, because we did not allow this savage group to get close to Iranian borders a group that has blown up to three thousand mosques in Syria. Also, according to the report, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards Corps said that he is now well aware of the threat of Wahhabi mindset in the region, he emphasized: the Islamic Republic is the only Islamic-based governmental system, and if the Zionist regime does not dare to attack us, its because of existence of foundations like Hezbollah and Hamas in the region. There is no action and no decision made unless it was in Iran's national interests. Soleimani continued: I warn you not to test Iran, and anyone who has tested Iran has taken a firm response. We are talking about friendship with Pakistan and saying that your borders should not cause insecurity in neighboring countries. Anyone who conducts this plan against Pakistan has its goal of splitting up Pakistan. The Islamic Republic will have to take revenge on the blood of their martyrs from mercenaries who have taken this action anywhere in the world. We punish this evil group at any point in this world. We do not allow the blood of our youth in the country to be easily spilled."""

What your media told you : Iran is going to invade Pakistan. Not surprising at all, your media is filled with these kinds of jokers/jokes. Not to mention the Ale-Saud paid elements in your media are busy with spreading fake reports about Iran, its an obvious fact. Or the cooperation of ISI's wahabi elements with CIA/MI6/Mossad. Thats an other fact. I dont wanna begin the blame game, but we have never allowed someone to conduct suicide attack in Pakistan and talking about the arrested spies such as UB, Yadhav who were intentionally carrying Iranian passports, is an old trick. None of them caused massacring or taking your military personnel to hostage. Something that happens from Pakistani side on monthly basis.

BTW, its a nice piece of reward.


Thanks for your kindly comment. We need more of your kind in this forum
Let me make something very clear, if Iran truly allowed any foreign agent to use its soil against Pakistan then I condemn it very strongly and Pakistan would have the right to be angry and demand answers. However, Iran has nothing to gain from doing something like that so I don't believe for a moment it would give a passport to some Indian to use its soil against Pakistan.

I am not saying your government support those terrorists, I am saying they are roaming free on your soil. Pakistan obviously has it's hand full at the moment, so it needs to show Iran a positive move and allow joint cooperation to rid those groups from your soil. That's what Iran was asking.

Don't let propaganda and false headlines damage the relations between once brotherly nations.


Iran's increasing relation with Indian are not aimed at Pakistan. India is a large market and customer of Iran's oil...Iran needs them, especially during sanctions.

problem for pakistan is kulbhushan indian identity with irani passport.do you know what it means? it means you provided indian ex naval officer passport and necesasary things to infiltrate inside pakistan.now his irani name is different and his real indian name is different.i mean we know the games.we aren't fools.only a spy can use different identities.cooperation is based on on mutual trust.you can't ask someone to take action when you yourself failed to take action.there are many other problems between iran and pakistan.your generals don't like pakistani saudi relations and now iran is getting closer to india just to persuade pakistan to forget saudia.this will not work and you know india is enemy of pakistan so you should decide whether you want india or pakistan.

pakistan isn't enemy of iran and i think we never want war but look at india,they attacked us and now they are humiliated so i believe that iran will not attack us.we can solve problems but threat is a threat.your general threatened pakistan and it really hurts.it still hurts.we have done everything for iran.terrorists attack are common in countries who are fighting proxy wars.there are many factors.pakistan is strong and we are very happy with the performance of our armed forces.
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Some problems Gen. Soleimani with your irresponsible statements.

Most governments would have sacked him, but Iran gives him their highest award. Wow.

Our concern is why the government and the people of Pakistan allows Saudi provided funds to be given to these takfiris which is now placing Pakistan in front of the world.

Absolutely no proof for this outrageous statement.

In front of what world is Pakistan being placed in front of? US, India, Israel?

I warn you not to test Iran, and anyone who has tested Iran has taken a firm response.

Direct threat to Pakistan. Way to up the ante for no logical reason.

Do you lack diplomatic channels to discuss these issues?

We are talking about friendship with Pakistan and saying that your borders should not cause insecurity in neighboring countries.

Iran joining with Afghan puppet government and India to promote this nonsense that Pakistan is causing insecurity to its neighbors.

As you can imagine, this has angered us greatly, especially as we considered Iran a friend and ally. Very shameful.

Anyone who conducts this plan against Pakistan has its goal of splitting up Pakistan. The Islamic Republic will have to take revenge on the blood of their martyrs from mercenaries who have taken this action anywhere in the world.

You have given that very government which split Pakistan previously a place in Chahbahar on Pakistan’s border where Kulbushan Yadav was caught engaging in terrorism for that very purpose.


You revenge against the enemies of Pakistan can wait. Why not proactively try to help Pakistan now when we are facing zindian proxy terrorism?

This too from a nation whom we defended politically and physically aided with food, medicine, etc. during Saddam’s invasion, much to the continued ire of Arab nationalists to this day.

While the whole world was ostracizing The Iranian revolution, we fully embraced Iran much to the chagrin of the West.

Pakistan is such a friend that we will stick by Iran, even if our sentiments and rights are not respected, because we fear Allah swt and desire that the Ummah of Muhammad saws is united.

However, don’t expect us not to take action if India is given more space in Iran. It should be unthinkable for Muslim brothers to support Kuffar against each other.
Direct threat to Pakistan. Way to up the ante for no logical reason.

Do you lack diplomatic channels to discuss these issues?
He threatened Ale-Saud and UAE, its an unwanted problem with the Iranian reporter, he had cut his statements. He spoke for almost half an hour, you can see some pieces of his words. These direct threats were stated against the two mentioned backward tribal families ruling UAE and KSA, not even against people of the two countries.
He said , we know who is funding and arming these groups, for plenty of times, UAE and KSA are mentioned as founder and funders of these groups.
Iran joining with Afghan puppet government and India to promote this nonsense that Pakistan is causing insecurity to its neighbors.

As you can imagine, this has angered us greatly, especially as we considered Iran a friend and ally. Very shameful.
Look bro, even if we suppose Indian have oppressed Muslims and they are enemies, it was unfair and a savage act to conduct suicide bombing against their soldiers while they were unarmed. Islam teaches us to be intelligent, and be an honorable enemy for your opponent. This Islamic law is correct when your enemy is not invading your lands.
You have given that very government which split Pakistan previously a place in Chahbahar on Pakistan’s border where Kulbushan Yadav was caught engaging in terrorism for that very purpose.
Have you asked yourself, why on earth, a professional spy was carrying an other nationality's passport?
Do you know that both Yadhav and UB have been receiving funds from UAE's banks?
Chabahar port is an old Iranian civil project, it has nothing to do with Gwadar. Indians joined it when it was preparing to be operational. Moreover both China and Pakistan are already using this port to deliver their goods to Eurasia region through Iranian railways. As i said, your media is completely a different media. I should remind you, your railways are not usable to reach Europe and Chabahar is the best way for Pakistan's goods to reach Eurasia. Indian presence is bounded to be economic for obvious reasons. We wont allow Americans to destroy Gwadar through Chabahar. That was why after the terror attack against IRGC bus, we still offered Pakistan to join CPEC. And remember India has no influence in Iran, they just buy oil, in the same way that they bought Pakistani agricultural products
BTW, its a nice piece of reward.


Thanks for your kindly comment. We need more of your kind in this forum

No problem brother, with all things aside i.e. minor political friction, nationalist jingo etc, both countries need each other.
After Feb 27th this General wore a "Soleimani Topi" and disappeared (along with his empty threats) :wave:

He threatened Ale-Saud and UAE, its an unwanted problem with the Iranian reporter, he had cut his statements. He spoke for almost half an hour, you can see some pieces of his words. These direct threats were stated against the two mentioned backward tribal families ruling UAE and KSA, not even against people of the two countries.
He said , we know who is funding and arming these groups, for plenty of times, UAE and KSA are mentioned as founder and funders of these groups.

Look bro, even if we suppose Indian have oppressed Muslims and they are enemies, it was unfair and a savage act to conduct suicide bombing against their soldiers while they were unarmed. Islam teaches us to be intelligent, and be an honorable enemy for your opponent. This Islamic law is correct when your enemy is not invading your lands.

Have you asked yourself, why on earth, a professional spy was carrying an other nationality's passport?
Do you know that both Yadhav and UB have been receiving funds from UAE's banks?
Chabahar port is an old Iranian civil project, it has nothing to do with Gwadar. Indians joined it when it was preparing to be operational. Moreover both China and Pakistan are already using this port to deliver their goods to Eurasia region through Iranian railways. As i said, your media is completely a different media. I should remind you, your railways are not usable to reach Europe and Chabahar is the best way for Pakistan's goods to reach Eurasia. Indian presence is bounded to be economic for obvious reasons. We wont allow Americans to destroy Gwadar through Chabahar. That was why after the terror attack against IRGC bus, we still offered Pakistan to join CPEC. And remember India has no influence in Iran, they just buy oil, in the same way that they bought Pakistani agricultural products
Salam dadsh chetori khubi? Azz khaili waqt ghaib budi , suriye khush guzashat?
problem for pakistan is kulbhushan indian identity with irani passport.do you know what it means? it means you provided indian ex naval officer passport and necesasary things to infiltrate inside pakistan.now his irani name is different and his real indian name is different.i mean we know the games.we aren't fools.only a spy can use different identities.

I have already addressed your claims about this passport many times, but you're pretending to be a sleep.
Passports can be faked, simple as that.

Cooperation is based on on mutual trust.you can't ask someone to take action when you yourself failed to take action.

1) Pakistan never asked Iran to take any action, heck your officials have not said anything yet to Iran.
2) Iran has asked you to take action against the terrorists on your soil but you have no done anything about them yet.

there are many other problems between iran and pakistan.your generals don't like pakistani saudi relations and now iran is getting closer to india just to persuade pakistan to forget saudia

You think Iran's relation with India is based on pakistan? what are you? 12?
If you want to have a discussion, at least try to bring some substance.

.this will not work and you know india is enemy of pakistan so you should decide whether you want india or pakistan.

Iran's relation with India is only going to get stronger. India is a rising power in many aspects and it is in Iran's interests to have a good relation with them. Pakistan is not even a factor in this.

pakistan isn't enemy of iran and i think we never want war

Who said otherwise?

but look at india,they attacked us and now they are humiliated so i believe that iran will not attack us

No offence, but if we want to talk about humiliation, I think at best you were both humiliated.

we can solve problems but threat is a threat.your general threatened pakistan and it really hurts.it still hurts

They threatened the terrorists and NOT the pakistani nation. The is a huge difference.
The Generals asked pakistan to take action. I speak farsi, I know much better than you what they said.

we have done everything for iran.

Don't make me laugh. You have done nothing at all.

terrorists attack are common in countries who are fighting proxy wars.there are many factors.

The only factor to note here is that these terrorists keep coming from your soil. They're roaming free.
Look bro, even if we suppose Indian have oppressed Muslims and they are enemies, it was unfair and a savage act to conduct suicide bombing against their soldiers while they were unarmed. Islam teaches us to be intelligent, and be an honorable enemy for your opponent. This Islamic law is correct when your enemy is not invading your lands.

We are not responsible, this is why the statements of Soleimani are offensive.

Publicly accusing us is a deliberate act, furthering Indian RAW/NDS propaganda also is unacceptable.
I have already addressed your claims about this passport many times, but you're pretending to be a sleep.
Passports can be faked, simple as that.

1) Pakistan never asked Iran to take any action, heck your officials have not said anything yet to Iran.
2) Iran has asked you to take action against the terrorists on your soil but you have no done anything about them yet.

You think Iran's relation with India is based on pakistan? what are you? 12?
If you want to have a discussion, at least try to bring some substance.

Iran's relation with India is only going to get stronger. India is a rising power in many aspects and it is in Iran's interests to have a good relation with them. Pakistan is not even a factor in this.

Who said otherwise?


No offence, but if we want to talk about humiliation, I think at best you were both humiliated.


They threatened the terrorists and NOT the pakistani nation. The is a huge difference.
The Generals asked pakistan to take action. I speak farsi, I know much better than you what they said.

Don't make me laugh. You have done nothing at all.

The only factor to note here is that these terrorists keep coming from your soil. They're roaming free.

the problem is when we asked you to do something,you simply denied.now you are saying that passport is fake.i think you think of pakistan as land of fools but we know.we know many things and i don't want to discuss more because you aren't accepting iran role in spreading violence inside pakistan.it's useless to talk.first you provide us details of kulbhushan then we take action against groups.you have to give us something if you want action.if you want to deny your role then i guess it's okay.we aren't in a hurry.don't blame us for more attacks because iran is not cooperating.you have to give us list of your intelligence officers who are working closely with raw.now you say that passport is fake and i think it's useless to talk here.
the problem is when we asked you to do something,you simply denied

This makes no sense whatsoever.
You did not ask Iran to do anything.

now you are saying that passport is fake.

You're the one that's not even considering that possibility i.e it being fake which is just hilarious.

i think you think of pakistan as land of fools but we know

Now you're trying to put words in my mouth.
Having said that, I think anyone that thinks passports can't be faked is indeed foolish.

we know many things and i don't want to discuss more because you aren't accepting iran role in spreading violence

Now you're sounding like bunch of Israelis/Americans on fox news.

inside pakistan

What? Give me one evidence of Iran spreading violence inside pakistan.

.it's useless to talk.first you provide us details of kulbhushan

First get your officials to officially ask for such things and then Iran will officially respond.

then we take action against groups.you have to give us something if you want action.

Too bad your government is not bothering to make such a move.

if you want to deny your role then i guess it's okay.we aren't in a hurry.don't blame us for more attacks because iran is not cooperating

Great so now you're admitting pakistan is deliberately not stopping the attacks.
Okay, so then don't complain if Iran returns the favour, deal?

you have to give us list of your intelligence officers who are working closely with raw.now you say that passport is fake and i think it's useless to talk here.

You seem to be reading too many fantasy stories, come back down to reality.
We are not responsible, this is why the statements of Soleimani are offensive.

Publicly accusing us is a deliberate act, furthering Indian RAW/NDS propaganda also is unacceptable.
The terrorists operate in pakistani territory and have done so for a considerable amount of time,either because the pakistani government and its military are simply unable to clean them out,or more sinisterly certain factions within the pak military and government allow them to operate in pakistan because it serves their purposes,either way it looks very bad for pakistan.
Its pretty simple really if you are,either through action or inaction,going to allow terrorists to operate on your territory and attack your neighbors then you should not be surprised in the least that those neighbors will quite rightly hold the pakistani government accountable for these attacks and this has nothing whatsoever to do with paks problems with india.You guys really do need to get that through your heads,as its not all about you and india and iran has its own quite legitimate interests here which pak would do well to recognize.
Frankly I think the iranians were being pretty diplomatic as always,but they were also making it pretty clear that pak has to do something about these anti iranian terror groups on its soil and quickly.I for one certainly hope that imran khan is a much more sensible fellow than many of the intolerant,sectarian,jingoistic "PAKISTAN STROOONK!!!" type posters making vile comments in this thread.
two group are famous for Vitreous Enamel one is people of Isfahan who work on Silver and copper and the second group are Mandaeans in the city of Ahvaz who are working with Gold
Hmm, so they can make vases too? I should look into this
Look bro, even if we suppose Indian have oppressed Muslims and they are enemies, it was unfair and a savage act to conduct suicide bombing against their soldiers while they were unarmed

It was a false flag to corner pakistan even by the Indian standards. Pak is free to welcome any country to invest. Just like we dint object to you folks inviting our arch enemy in our backyard - - - - - -

Like a decade ago?
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