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General Soleimani Awarded Iran’s Highest Military Order

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No, thanks to Allah, he is alive and serving Muslims in the front against Kufr and US/Israel/Saudi supported terrorism. He crushed ISIS, that's why he deserved the highest military reward of Iran. He is head of Quds branch of IRGC, the name of this branch on its own shows intentions of this general : Quds. The final goal of this brave man. Oh, let me remind of something, What your media told your people about his threats was trolling and trying to divert the attention from terrorist attack in Iran. Wht he said :
"""Our concern is why the government and the people of Pakistan allows Saudi provided funds to be given to these takfiris which is now placing Pakistan in front of the world.
"Pakistan is a country that possesses atomic bombs, and should not be in a weak position to deal with these takfiris," he said, adding that Iran wants a joint operation to crack down on the Takfiris. This is not acceptable. General Soleimani stated: "The Islamic Republic of Iran will not take any action unless it is in the national interest and if it has tried to suppress ISIL in Iraq and Syria, it has been in the course of national interest." Soleimani said: "Unfortunately, some people have criticized us for Iran's crackdown on ISIL, because we did not allow this savage group to get close to Iranian borders a group that has blown up to three thousand mosques in Syria. Also, according to the report, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards Corps said that he is now well aware of the threat of Wahhabi mindset in the region, he emphasized: the Islamic Republic is the only Islamic-based governmental system, and if the Zionist regime does not dare to attack us, its because of existence of foundations like Hezbollah and Hamas in the region. There is no action and no decision made unless it was in Iran's national interests. Soleimani continued: I warn you not to test Iran, and anyone who has tested Iran has taken a firm response. We are talking about friendship with Pakistan and saying that your borders should not cause insecurity in neighboring countries. Anyone who conducts this plan against Pakistan has its goal of splitting up Pakistan. The Islamic Republic will have to take revenge on the blood of their martyrs from mercenaries who have taken this action anywhere in the world. We punish this evil group at any point in this world. We do not allow the blood of our youth in the country to be easily spilled."""

What your media told you : Iran is going to invade Pakistan. Not surprising at all, your media is filled with these kinds of jokers/jokes. Not to mention the Ale-Saud paid elements in your media are busy with spreading fake reports about Iran, its an obvious fact. Or the cooperation of ISI's wahabi elements with CIA/MI6/Mossad. Thats an other fact. I dont wanna begin the blame game, but we have never allowed someone to conduct suicide attack in Pakistan and talking about the arrested spies such as UB, Yadhav who were intentionally carrying Iranian passports, is an old trick. None of them caused massacring or taking your military personnel to hostage. Something that happens from Pakistani side on monthly basis.

BTW, its a nice piece of reward.


Thanks for your kindly comment. We need more of your kind in this forum

No, I am just surprised that you dole out your highest military award to livings for some really small things. We haven't given our Nishan-e-haider to those who broke the back of Soviet union or who have humiliated America in Afghanistan. Only few got it yet none of them wore it , it's just the families kept them as a matter of pride and honour. Perhaps different perception between us and you lot.

As for this chap, we find him amusing rather audacious to talk about terrorism when Iranian soil is being used by India to spread terrorism among Pakistani citizens. Irony is, that RAW even targeted Pakistani Shia citizens to spread sectarian disharmony, right under the nose of Iranian mullah regime.

Talk is cheap, we have seen enough. Lose talk by Iranian generals about Pakistan sovernity is childish and will only make Iran enemies in 200 million strong nation. We have all seen what Pakistan did to India when it challenged Pakistan sovernity. Let the diplomats deal among themselves and find some common ground if there is any.

Any non sense from Iranian generals will only be counterproductive.
It seems to me that many Iranian members on PDF are racist against Pakistanis and the Iranian government, military statements are not helping the situation.

We should not reply in kind. Soleimani made very disgraceful and insulting remarks to Pakistan at the same time India attacked our country, so to many of us it seems like Iran backstabbed us.

To set the record straight: Pakistan shot down a Sukhoi, a Mirage, and a chopper confirmed using JF17. Maybe another Mirage. Captured one Indian pilot and maybe another who died.

Not a small victory for us.
Yes,yes all very stronkly impressive I`m sure,however it is both utterly irrelevant and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the pressing problem at hand which is this: anti iranian terror groups operating on pakistani soil which are carrying out attacks against iran,and either the seeming inability of the pakistani state to deal with and ideally wipe out these terrorists that pose such a clear threat to both nations,or worse the possibility of links between the terrorists and the pakistan government and that some sections of the pakistan government or military may be actively collaborating with these groups against iran for whatever reason.
I think that on this occasion the iranian government and military are both clearly speaking with one voice on this subject,and what they are saying is that the ball is now in paks court to actually do something about the terrorists operating on paks soil.
Yes,yes all very stronkly impressive I`m sure,however it is both utterly irrelevant and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the pressing problem at hand which is this: anti iranian terror groups operating on pakistani soil which are carrying out attacks against iran,and either the seeming inability of the pakistani state to deal with and ideally wipe out these terrorists that pose such a clear threat to both nations,or worse the possibility of links between the terrorists and the pakistan government and that some sections of the pakistan government or military may be actively collaborating with these groups against iran for whatever reason.
I think that on this occasion the iranian government and military are both clearly speaking with one voice on this subject,and what they are saying is that the ball is now in paks court to actually do something about the terrorists operating on paks soil.

Promoting terrorism in Pakistan through Chahbahar Indian access now that Taliban has effectively ended Indian adventures in Afghanistan. This is the real issue which has killed 75,000 Pakistanis and made us suffer bomb attacks daily under our last two administrations.

The proper way to deal with the situation is to ensure some joint patrolling and fencing of the border to fight smuggling and trafficking.

It is not beneficial to pin the blame solely on Pakistan openly like this.
Mate, no offense but Iran continues to earn over $200 billion annually. Despite all the sanctions and threats. Petty little shit you boyz always talk about? Do you honestly believe Iran will host hendi to destabilize its own province of balochistan, or your side?? You think we are a bunch of idiots to not keep an eye on the few hundred Indians working at Chah bahar in a fukking compound?

Who are we to tell Afghani to expel Indians from Afghanistan? If they giving them money? All these accusations hold no water. You guys need to kill these drug smugglers and clean up the border areas. Iran is tired of killing people trying to enter its territory from your side.

Promoting terrorism in Pakistan through Chahbahar Indian access now that Taliban has effectively ended Indian adventures in Afghanistan. This is the real issue which has killed 75,000 Pakistanis and made us suffer bomb attacks daily under our last two administrations.

The proper way to deal with the situation is to ensure some joint patrolling and fencing of the border to fight smuggling and trafficking.

It is not beneficial to pin the blame solely on Pakistan openly like this.
A sectarian terrorist being awarded by sectarian govt.

I think Shah had very friendly relations.
You cant understand the region or your world with this oversimplified black-or-white view.
Mate, no offense but Iran continues to earn over $200 billion annually. Despite all the sanctions and threats. Petty little shit you boyz always talk about? Do you honestly believe Iran will host hendi to destabilize its own province of balochistan, or your side?? You think we are a bunch of idiots to not keep an eye on the few hundred Indians working at Chah bahar in a fukking compound?

Who are we to tell Afghani to expel Indians from Afghanistan? If they giving them money? All these accusations hold no water. You guys need to kill these drug smugglers and clean up the border areas. Iran is tired of killing people trying to enter its territory from your side.

I have confidence that things will settle down. We Pakistanis find no joy in fighting fellow Muslims for petty politics. We, however enjoy fighting Kuffar, whether it is Indians, Israelis, Russians, etc.

This is why we keep relations with both Iran and KSA on equal footing. We won’t let anyone influence our policies against our brothers. We also believe in a non-sectarian policy, because we view Muslims as one, whether Sunni, Shia, or Wahabbi, Salafi.

About Afghanistan, we can handle it fine on our end as recently shown in Helmand province. India has been effectively blocked out by us. Chahbahar is next. Hope that we can come to some arrangement which benefits us both.

I don’t know what foreign policy Rouhani’s government and the Iranian military are promoting, but your recent actions have had the effect of distancing Pakistani Shias from Iran and the consequence of making our pro-KSA sentiment stronger.

May be good in the long run as it will force Pakistanis to rely on themselves, and not others for the defense of their borders from nonstate actors and to watch hostile rhetoric and alliances from our Western border.

Pakistan is more than capable of dealing with any hostile neighbors relatively quickly and efficiently. We have a professional fighting force which is second to none.

I am wishing for peace, however, and common sense to prevail in Tehran.

apparently whole existence of khomini regime stand againt zionists .

you have better relations with yahud and hanoud but Muslims . says a lot about iranian revolution .

If we find out that jesh Adl has state backing, it won't end well for your country. The retribution will be swift. However, the investigation is still pending. We have identified the suicide bomber as being from your country. It doesn't look good so far.

I have confidence that things will settle down. We Pakistanis find no joy in fighting fellow Muslims for petty politics. We, however enjoy fighting Kuffar, whether it is Indians, Israelis, Russians, etc.

This is why we keep relations with both Iran and KSA on equal footing. We won’t let anyone influence our policies against our brothers. We also believe in a non-sectarian policy, because we view Muslims as one, whether Sunni, Shia, or Wahabbi, Salafi.

About Afghanistan, we can handle it fine on our end as recently shown in Helmand province. India has been effectively blocked out by us. Chahbahar is next. Hope that we can come to some arrangement which benefits us both.

I don’t know what foreign policy Rouhani’s government and the Iranian military are promoting, but your recent actions have had the effect of distancing Pakistani Shias from Iran and the consequence of making our pro-KSA sentiment stronger.

May be good in the long run as it will force Pakistanis to rely on themselves, and not others for the defense of their borders from nonstate actors and to watch hostile rhetoric and alliances from our Western border.

Pakistan is more than capable of dealing with any hostile neighbors relatively quickly and efficiently. We have a professional fighting force which is second to none.

I am wishing for peace, however, and common sense to prevail in Tehran.

These boyz talk as if they are relevant. However, we all have a good laugh.

A country surviving on handouts has no policy, let alone integrity. They can't be trusted as they got no legs to stand on.

You cant understand the region or your world with this oversimplified black-or-white view.
No, I am just surprised that you dole out your highest military award to livings for some really small things. We haven't given our Nishan-e-haider to those who broke the back of Soviet union or who have humiliated America in Afghanistan. Only few got it yet none of them wore it , it's just the families kept them as a matter of pride and honour. Perhaps different perception between us and you lot.

As for this chap, we find him amusing rather audacious to talk about terrorism when Iranian soil is being used by India to spread terrorism among Pakistani citizens. Irony is, that RAW even targeted Pakistani Shia citizens to spread sectarian disharmony, right under the nose of Iranian mullah regime.

Talk is cheap, we have seen enough. Lose talk by Iranian generals about Pakistan sovernity is childish and will only make Iran enemies in 200 million strong nation. We have all seen what Pakistan did to India when it challenged Pakistan sovernity. Let the diplomats deal among themselves and find some common ground if there is any.

Any non sense from Iranian generals will only be counterproductive.
Why you saying just Pakistan?
Iran fund and provide training to people who are working against governments in in gulf mostly in Bahrain.iranian people got arrested with pakistani passport. Yemen is another example where Iran is helping houthis.
They are spreading terror in the Middle East.
If iran can do this then why not other countries can do to iran? Even i am strictly against using Pakistan soil against for hiding insurgents.if they want fight against iran then have to stay or hide iran.
Iran should build fence at border like we did at indian and afghani border.and should bring more man power to guard to board instead of sending them to syria and yemen.
Pakistan is not iraq yemen or Syria we can give you befitting reply for any misadventure.
If iran dont stop threatening Pakistan.then Pakistan should join hand Israel suadia and uae.
I know Pakistan dobt want open another front but iran should understand threatening Pakistan will not benefit.if you concern then deliver it why diplomatic channels.
Calling name loudly prove that you dont care what other country will feel.
Hey @Khafee , you are a silent audience on this thread. Enjoying to watch Pakistanis and Iranians throwing insults to each. Don't you?

BTW, you are fortunate that Rohani is still in power in Iran, if he gave the green light, now UAE was smoking already. But believe it or not, if it begins, your brothers in arm the Israelis, won't be exception. It's a decade that your little country is on our priority. Till that day sir, kudos
If we find out that jesh Adl has state backing, it won't end well for your country. The retribution will be swift. However, the investigation is still pending. We have identified the suicide bomber as being from your country. It doesn't look good so far.
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stop giving threats even tiny israel isnt scared of you .
Promoting terrorism in Pakistan through Chahbahar Indian access now that Taliban has effectively ended Indian adventures in Afghanistan. This is the real issue which has killed 75,000 Pakistanis and made us suffer bomb attacks daily under our last two administrations.

The proper way to deal with the situation is to ensure some joint patrolling and fencing of the border to fight smuggling and trafficking.

It is not beneficial to pin the blame solely on Pakistan openly like this.
Patrolling and fencing isnt going to work,its merely a symbolic band aid,these groups have to be gotten rid of.Cant you honestly see the threat that they pose to both nations?.Not only that,bad enough as it is,but the very fact that groups like this can operate on pakistani territory at all should be very worrying to most pakistanis,as at a minimum it reflects very badly on the power of the state and its sovereignty,because it implies that the pakistani state cannot seemingly exercise full sovereignty over all its territory,or even worse it possibly implies some level of actual collusion between organs of the state and these groups,either way it looks bad,not to mention of course the real harm that a group like this can cause to both countries relations.
Lastly,what did you honestly expect iran to do after this latest attack that left so many people dead?,just not mention this outrage so as not to publicly embarrass pakistan?,come on...
Obviously they don't care, and it's not on their priority list of things to do. Last 30 years playing rambo got them into this shit in the first place......lol

And they haven't learned that playing rambo has consequences, such as seriously fukking up shit in your own backyard. Bankruptcy plus 70,000 dead and counting later, they still don't get it. lol

Patrolling and fencing isnt going to work,its merely a symbolic band aid,these groups have to be gotten rid of.Cant you honestly see the threat that they pose to both nations?.Not only that,bad enough as it is,but the very fact that groups like this can operate on pakistani territory at all should be very worrying to most pakistanis,as at a minimum it reflects very badly on the power of the state and its sovereignty,because it implies that the pakistani state cannot seemingly exercise full sovereignty over all its territory,or even worse it possibly implies some level of actual collusion between organs of the state and these groups,either way it looks bad,not to mention of course the real harm that a group like this can cause to both countries relations.
Lastly,what did you honestly expect iran to do after this latest attack that left so many people dead?,just not mention this outrage so as not to publicly embarrass pakistan?,come on...
This guy single handedly gave Iran tremendous influence throughout the region, what have you jokers accomplished?

We trained your God father Sulemani, merely chanting mrg bar doesnt win you a war . Rest assured Pakistan would be the last country Rouhani would want to piss off

The official diplomatic support to Kashmir cause shall continue with your Indian allies greeting a bloody nose evey once in a while. Moreover stay away from Afghanistan its our play ground . You are only allowed to sit and watch the show while we are at it - - - - - - - -

And take that persian pride to the streets of Irani balochistan, they all love you no?
We had a similar security problem with Iraqi Kurdistan, from where US backed Kurdish terrorists attacked our border guards every now and then. We told Mr Barzani that if this doesn't stop, then we will make it stop. Since then, the attacks have largely stopped.

Something similar is being done in the Balochistan area. You see, we don't ignore and take the slack-asss approach when it comes to security. It is why Iran is one of the safest countries to live in. And we do intend to keep it that way.

View attachment 545990 stop giving threats even tiny israel isnt scared of you .
Iranian madrasa product is angry at the fact that no one is taking them seriously not even the Caspian lol.

This what happens when a whole lot of sectarian freaks take on charge and see everything through the prism of sect and religion. Dumasess think they can take the whole world for a ride. Inventors of jeans and space shuttles :lol:

Something similar is being done in the Balochistan area

What happend to the drone you sent last time as a brotherly gesture. Taken out ? Too bad this time it's going to be the very base sending toys our side :P
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