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Gen Zia - Man behind Defeat of USSR in Afghanistan

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Yes he's the hero for all religious extremists. Ahmadis should hate him and ZAB, poor Ahmadis have been continuously persecuted thanks to these 2 guys. Infact all of Pakistan should hate those 2 corrupt scums. These 2 people were the reason for religious extremism in Pakistan although Zia was definitely the man who damaged Pakistan the most. He brought in millions of refugees from Afghanistan to Pakistan which had long term side effects. His hardcore Islamic laws islamisized Pakistan which we are now paying the price for.

What was he supposed to do when Afghan refugees came running to Pakistan, turn them back? No just and humane nation could have done that. Iran did that, but Pakistan, which was created by refugees, by people escaping persecution, could not have turned back these Afghans, coming in a situation comparable to that of many Pakistanis before 1947.
As to the statement on Ahmadis, I fully agree with you, the Ahmadis were greatly wronged and persecuted by both Bhutto and Zia.
And on the Islamization of Pakistan, that would have happened anyways whether or not Zia had come into power. Pakistan was already moving in that direction thanks to Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.
Zia is the cause of Pakistan current position, he was easily the weakest puppet in the hands of the Americans who used Pakistan through him as a means to further their goals. Whoever supports Zia is just as stupid and dumb as he was.

We can understand your emotions dude,
Indian forces left Afghanistan after defeat of USSR like dumb b******s lol
Pakistan should never allow any world power to conquer Afghanistan because if they do, next in line would be Pakistan's western provinces.

If you sit back and let world powers do their thing in Afghanistan, this will become of Pakistan:



Indians know this thats why they supported Soviet invasion of Afghanistan as well as the current U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. They know these invasions of Afghanistan will lead to the destruction of Pakistan.
I think Afghanistan is the graveyard for the Superpower who attempted to conquer this place.

In the past there was USSR, maybe US will be the next in the future. Who know.
General Zia Ul Haq was a blessing sent from Allah (swt) to protect Pakistan and defeat the enemies of Pakistan.

He is the main reason why Soviets are extinct.

The worst imaginable thing for Pakistan is to be surrounded by two enemy giants, one of the enemy being a superpower.

If you are a Pakistani nationalist as you say, then you must read 2 Nafl everyday for General Zia Ul Haq. He is the reason why Pakistan is still standing today.
Taliban is also a blessing sent by General Zia. You have fun with them. Zia has corrupted the mind of many like you. But a vast majority of Pakistanis understand the problem of extremism Zia gave and I'm sure they will be able to finish extremism. Despite people like you.
We can understand your emotions dude,
Indian forces left Afghanistan after defeat of USSR like dumb b******s lol

Hey Indian forces were never in Afghanistan. Whatever you did in Afghanistan but your services to your American Masters are being rewarded with drones. How can you even give an iota of respect for the biggest puppet of America.
Taliban is also a blessing sent by General Zia. You have fun with them. Zia has corrupted the mind of many like you. But a vast majority of Pakistanis understand the problem of extremism Zia gave and I'm sure they will be able to finish extremism. Despite people like you.

Nice try indian. TTP was formed in 2004, years after General Zia's death. Pakistan was 1000 times more peaceful and safer during General Zia's rule than under Zardari's rule today. I know you indians hate General Zia because he foiled your plans for the region and destroyed your closest ally Soviet Union.
Nice try indian. TTP was formed in 2004, years after General Zia's death. Pakistan was 1000 times more peaceful and safer during General Zia's rule than under Zardari's rule today. I know you indians hate General Zia because he foiled your plans for the region and destroyed you closest ally Soviet Union.

TTP, Taliban and all such group were formed as the consequences of religious extremism . Same goes for LEJ LET etc.
Religious extremism was something that was fed into Pakistani society by General Zia to serve the needs of his Master America.
Nice try indian. TTP was formed in 2004, years after General Zia's death. Pakistan was 1000 times more peaceful and safer during General Zia's rule than under Zardari's rule today. I know you indians hate General Zia because he foiled your plans for the region and destroyed your closest ally Soviet Union.

Soviets were our great friends that's right. But look how your great friend (America) is rewarding you. He made Pakistan a client state of US and you can never come out of that it seems.
Nice try indian. TTP was formed in 2004, years after General Zia's death. Pakistan was 1000 times more peaceful and safer during General Zia's rule than under Zardari's rule today. I know you indians hate General Zia because he foiled your plans for the region and destroyed your closest ally Soviet Union.

You are wrong, all Pakistan hating Indians LOVE Zia. What an enemy should have is a short sighted dictator who would cannibalise their own population in pursuit of somebody else's foreign policy and short term goals.

Using Pakistanis as cannon fodder and changing the national history to create by products like you was a GOOD thing.

We also hope you go back to Pakistan and rule the great nation to new heights :tup:
I can't believe i'm reading this from a moderators post!!

There is nothing offensive about my post, I am stating facts.

Gen Zia hailed from an Arain family and so did Bhutto partially, this was one of the main reasons of his selection.
You are wrong, all Pakistan hating Indians LOVE Zia. What an enemy should have is a short sighted dictator who would cannibalise their own population in pursuit of somebody else's foreign policy and short term goals.

Using Pakistanis as cannon fodder and changing the national history to create by products like you was a GOOD thing.

We also hope you go back to Pakistan and rule the great nation to new heights :tup:

Exactly my thoughts...It was Zia whose policies have reduced our defence budget by atleast 20% ....
Pakistan Demands End to Drone Strikes

If US and NATO planning to leave Afghanistan in 2014 they should agree with Gen Kiyani proposal to stop drones attackes and exit of Indian companies working in Afghanistan.

Dude, NATO and USA is not going anywhere.. 2011 is already becoming 2014.. Let 2014 come and then you guys will be waiting for 2019. And guess where all the militant energy is getting diverted while USA and NATO are blocking the Taliban in Afghanistan. If you do not know the answer, all you need to do is pick up a Pakistani newspaper.
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