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Gen Zia - Man behind Defeat of USSR in Afghanistan

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Yeah, General Zia, the 'brave' who put an inexperienced, young girl like Benazir Bhutto in prison from 1977 to 1984, after hanging her father in a sham trial. Zia, the 'brave' who had to bury Zulfi Bhutto in the middle of the night so that only a few people could offer the funeral prayer in a town virtually shut down by military troops.

And 'brave' Zia's grave now lies largely ignored. His 'services' to Pakistan are so forgotten.

I dont think his services to Pakistan are forgotten or can be forgotten anytime soon. Pakistan is reminded of them everytime its innocent citizens are killed in terrorist attacks or bomb blasts..
he and general akhter defeated ussr and took revenge of 1971

Is this a fair idea of revenge ?

The legacy of Zia's time is getting worse by the day and is eating into the vitals of Pak .

Quite like cutting your own nose to spite someone else !
You are wrong, all Pakistan hating Indians LOVE Zia. What an enemy should have is a short sighted dictator who would cannibalise their own population in pursuit of somebody else's foreign policy and short term goals.

Using Pakistanis as cannon fodder and changing the national history to create by products like you was a GOOD thing.

We also hope you go back to Pakistan and rule the great nation to new heights :tup:

The damage Zia did to Pak is compounding each day with new militant organizations, Drone attacks, religious fundamentalism etc.

Not to mention institutionalization of Military Coups and biting the hand that fed him.

By no unit of measure can he be considered a savior. He acts destabilized permanently a nation that was beginning to find its feet.
main( )


for (i=stupid gullible pakistanis; i<180 million; i++)


printf("Hail Zia!");


Can you please elaborate on that?

Long history short.

There was coup planned against Zia in the early 80's which was discovered and all of the involved were brutally punished.

Many of the best and brightest of the army were either kicked out for being liberal, Ahmadi, Christian, Shia etc or they were harassed and made to run away.

But the lower cadre was still intact and once they reached higher positions, they repeated the old plan albeit differently.

However the western support for Zia made it very difficult to dispose of him until an infamous incident occurred.

The said incident took the lives of more than a thousand Pakistani's and it alarmed the army as well as the Americans.

Gen Zia ruled out any investigation into the case and fired the Junejo government for opening investigation.

After this Gen Zia went into hiding, he wasn't seen for more than a month when one Lt Gen called him to invite him for some new tank demonstration. Zia was apprehensive but two important American were going to be there so he went along after much coercion.

The performance of the tanks were pathetic so they all decided to go back to their homes in their own planes. One General asked Zia to use a certain plane which he refused, however when he found out that the Americans were going to be in it, he agreed.

Gen Akhtar Rehman was also asked by an infamous Brigadier to take the same plane and he accepted.

They all boarded the plane and suddenly one of the generals who had asked Zia to board the plane got off and said he will follow them in another plane.

But he did send them a few boxes of mango as gifts which were placed in the plane.

The plane flew and it fell, the general in the plane behind them just went home and slept while a Lt Gen stated when told of this incident on the phone something to the effect of:

"What happened is in the best interest of everyone, now don't disturb me"
Gen Zia - Man behind Defeat of USSR in Afghanistan

and the destruction of Pakistan society.

Please complete the sentence sir jee.
Whoever supports Zia UL Haq is a true patriotic inteligent Pakistani.

He is the reason why Pakistan is not surrounded by two giant enemies.

The Soviets were never our friends they were your friends, and the Soviets were also interested in capturing parts of Pakistan after capturing Afghanistan. But we all know their plans back-fired and now the Soviet Union is dead and Pakistan is still standing. All because of General Zia Ul Haq.

People may contest your view that Pakistan (as your father of the Nation envisioned it) is still standing...And you are right, standing or not, Gen Zia has a large role to play in Pakistan's current situation
Do you think your racist gandhi, your bisexual nehru, and your witch indira are all cavorting in paradise:blink:

And should I add to the scurrilous offerings?

It may not please such a devout like you!!
Pakistan should never allow any world power to conquer Afghanistan because if they do, next in line would be Pakistan's western provinces.

If you sit back and let world powers do their thing in Afghanistan, this will become of Pakistan:

Indians know this thats why they supported Soviet invasion of Afghanistan as well as the current U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. They know these invasions of Afghanistan will lead to the destruction of Pakistan.

So, Pakistan should never allow any power to conquer Afghanistan?

What the Di.ckens is the US doing out there and flying drones into Pakistan for?

Playing marbles?

I think Afghanistan is the graveyard for the Superpower who attempted to conquer this place.

In the past there was USSR, maybe US will be the next in the future. Who know.

True, who knows.

Yet, the US is not budging from Iraq or Afghanistan!

funny chaps, what?

Nice try indian. TTP was formed in 2004, years after General Zia's death. Pakistan was 1000 times more peaceful and safer during General Zia's rule than under Zardari's rule today. I know you indians hate General Zia because he foiled your plans for the region and destroyed your closest ally Soviet Union.

Pakistan was peaceful during zia's time since he was plotting and planning to made Pakistan an inferno as his legacy.

Zardari is merely an inheritor of the chaos and mayhem.

I can't believe i'm reading this from a moderators post!!

Moderators are not human?
Actually it was a beautiful woman who was sold to defeat USSR in Afghanistan. She is now 64 years old and still being sold to the highest bidders. And Zia legacy to Pakistan was afghan gold mine which made many generals millionaire and left her poorer and more unstable.
Pakistan was peaceful during zia's time since he was plotting and planning to made Pakistan an inferno as his legacy.

Zardari is merely an inheritor of the chaos and mayhem.

Lets see.

General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq

6th President of Pakistan
In office from 16 September 1978 – 17 August 1988

During his rule, Pakistan experienced no suicide bombing, no bomb blasts, no drone attacks, no target killings, and no separitist groups. Peace in all areas of Pakistan. Pakistan was respected in the world. Pakistanis very proud of being Pakistanis. Pakistan's economy was stable and was successful. Pakistan reached a GDP growth rate of 8.71 during his rule, the 5th largest GDP growth rate in the history of Pakistan.


After his death, Benazir Bhutto and then Nawaz Sharif came to power. The economy dropped but the country was still peaceful, stable, no suicide bombings although bomb blasts became common in Karachi but still the majority of Pakistan was safe and peaceful. Pakistan was still respected and Pakistan's sovereignity was still respected.

Musharraf then came to power. 9/11 happened in USA. The United States invaded Afghanistan. Pakistan's economy grew under Musharraf, we saw development in our cities under Musharraf, but we also saw for the first time suicide bombings, increase of bomb blasts, and a new enemy called Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) which was created in 2002 and became active in 2007.


Asif Ali Zardari

11th President of Pakistan
In Office: 9 September 2008 - Present

Suicide bombings happen regularly, bomb blasts happen regularly, US drone attacks on Pakistani territory happens regularly, target killings happen regularly in some of Pakistani cities, we have many trained separitist groups now carrying operations inside Pakistan. The area that was most peaceful part of Pakistan is now considered to be the most dangerous place in the world. Its very common for Pakistanis to be questioned for hours in airports today because of their ethnicity/nationality. Some Pakistanis are ashamed to show their green passport. Pakistan is almost bankrupt under Zardari's rule. Pakistan reached its 2nd lowest GDP growth rate in the history of Pakistan under the rule of Asif Ali Zardari.

How can a man whose been dead for 20 years suddenly change Pakistan's condition so drastically.

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