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GEN.KIYANI's shopping list to CHINA!!!

No doubt looks impressive but at the same time we need to see whether we already have grenade launchers or not. If we already have grenade launchers then we need to see what specific advantage this grenade launcher shall give us over the existing ones.

Dear, shehbazi2001; sir,
the specific advantage about is that, its atuomatic in its function, i think we had some launchers but they were not atuomatic in their functioning.




type87grenade_35mm4a.jpgTYPE 87 (QLZ87) 35MM GRENADE LAUNCHER

The Type 87 (also known as QLZ87) is the 35mm automatic grenade launcher developed by NORINCO in the late 1980s. Designed to provide direct fire support for infantry troops, the Type 87 is the first grenade launcher that has entered service with the PLA as a standard weapon equipment. The weapon was described as “mini infantry artillery” and has been serving with the PLA infantry (including airborne forces and the Marine Corps) at platoon and company level since the mid-1990s.


The PLA began to study the use of grenade launcher in its infantry units in the 1970s. Reverse-engineering of the U.S. M-79 40mm grenade launcher and the Soviet AGS-17 35mm automatic grenade launcher was carried out in the late 1970s, but these weapons did not enter service. In the mid-1980s, NORINCO introduced the W87 35mm automatic grenade launcher for export market, and the weapon was widely seen as an indication of success in the Chinese indigenous grenade launcher programme. By the late 1980s, NORINCO introduced new improved version of the W87 for the use of the PLA. The weapon entered service with the PLA in the mid-1990s under the designation Type 87 (QLZ87).

The Type 87 is available in two variants: the standard variant and the tripod-mounted heavy variant. The standard variant with a combat weight of 12kg can be carried and fired by a single soldier and is mainly for the engaging targets within 600m distance. The heavy variant with a combat weight of 20kg is carried by a crew of three and has a longer range (>1,750m). The weapon delivers 25kg HE or HEAT grenades in either single or burst mode, with a sustained rate of fire of 45rds/min.

Compared to the U.S. MK19-3 40mm automatic grenade launcher, the Type 87 is inferior in range, muzzle velocity, and rate of fire. However, the Chinese 35mm grenade, though lighter than the MK19-3’s 40mm grenade, has better performance in blasting radius (MK19-3: 7m; Type 87: 11m) and armour penetration (MK19-3: 51mm; Type 87: 80mm). Unlike the MK19-3, which can only be fired on tripod, the Type 87 can be carried and fired by a single soldier.


The Type 87 is a manportable, gas-operated, air-cooled, fully automatic weapon. It fires 35mm HE and HEAT grenades in either single or burst mode. The grenades are fed to the weapon using 6-round (standard variant) or 15-round (heavy variant) cartridge drum. The weapon is equipped with an optical aiming sight. The standard and heavy variants are almost identical in basic designs. The standard variant has a foldable bipod for shooting, while the heavy variant is mounted on a tripod. If necessary, the weapon can also be mounted on vehicles or helicopters. As well as engaging ground targets, the weapon is claimed to be also capable of attacking low-flying airborne targets.

Calibre: 35mm
Muzzle velocity: 200m/s
Firing mode: Single, burst
Max range: (standard) 600m; (heavy) 1,750m
Weight: (standard, with scope) 12kg; (heavy, with scope) 20kg
Elevation: (heavy, mounted on tripod) -10~70 degrees
Traverse: 360 degrees
Rate of fire: (sustained) 45 rds/min
Grenade weight: 250g
Ammunition: HE, HEAT

JN1601 Communications Jammer

The JN1601 is an integrated communication countermeasures system designed to search, intercept, monitor, analyse, and jam enemy high-frequency (HF) communication signals. The system can be used as a stand-along system or integrated into other communication countermeasures system. If necessary, the system can also be used for conventional communication purpose. The system is also used for communication and electronic warfare training.
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i think he came back with empty hands lol

Well unforgotton_man, sir
i guss, i would not going to forget you, plz dont be jealous, about it!
its not upon your thinking, think positive ,Great chinese people's and thier govt. knows more than you , what pakistan needs before and now.
well, as for your jealous and rather crazy thinking, i surly can challenge you that, GEN. kiyani will not come back empty hands for sure.:D:agree::tup:
Getting alms from US and buying third class chinese weapons.

What a pity. :lol:

Dear mustaq, sir
I guss, its enough for the ringing US alrms, bythe way these so called (thrird class) chinese weapons already made sleepless nights to INDIA.:D
I just want to know that do you know about , NATHOO Lal?:partay:
So, you call yourself moderate and who calls the power which is responsible for most of the evils of today's world by its true name a 'mullah'. If your "ally" is such a benevolent power I don't understand why you Pakistanis are so upset about its recent actions, I don't understand why you people have such sinister thoughts about the "pure" intentions of your "ally". It is quite clear that you do not have any reservations about that "ally", you're too busy keeping your name in the good-book of your benevolent "ally", but even after all that your "ally" somehow thinks you're not sincere in fighting terrorism. Would you please elucidate why your "ally" chronically has such low faith in Pakistan ?

If you were a Pakistani then I would not care, but frankly our country's affairs are none of your business. You have no right to speak like that about anyone's country, you dont know the ground realities. You have no right to judge us or our people like this. Least of all you. If Islam and fighting 'satan' and not siding with the non-muslims meant so much to you then there would have been no such thing as "Bangladesh". Then you would not be proud to call yourself Bangladeshi. Pakistan was made for Islam, Bangladeshi was made because of ethnic ambition at the COST of Islamic unity with the HELP of Hindus.

People who go abroad, especially kids, become lame and extreme, but they forget that much of what they enjoy in life is thanks to the US, UK or its 'satanic' allies where their parents took them to seek better lives. If the US and UK are evil then why pay taxes to them and be so desperate to live there like second class citizens? Why enjoy all the freedoms they give to their citizens and residents? Why live under their laws and protection and be part of their society and then try to chastise a whole nation for being one of their allies or having ties?

Muslims are hypocrites, thats our problem today.

I think General Kaynai's visit is important symbolically, particularly with Zardari off to impress America. I'm not sure if he is buying any equipment though. And lets not forget he is the Army chief, not the Air Force or Navy chief. So he wont be talking about equipment he is not familiar with otherwise the Air Chief would have come along too, etc.
I think the Army however right now needs, helicopters, light weight artillery, infantry fighting vehciles, advanced small arms, UAVs etc. As far as I know China doesn't have much of these...
Gen Kayani meets top Chinese diplomat

Thursday, 25 Sep, 2008 | 03:12 AM PKT |

BEIJING: Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who is on an official visit to China, called on Dai Bingguo, State Counselor of the People's Republic of China, here on Wednesday.
Bingguo currently serves as a State Councilor, director of general office of foreign affairs leadership group of Communist Party of Chine Central Committee, and director of general office of national security leadership group of CPC Central Committee.
According to the ISPR, the two dignitaries exchanged views on matters of mutual interest and expressed their satisfaction with the unique and strategic ties between Pakistan and China.
Gen Kayani expressed his gratitude to the Chinese government and people for their exemplary support to Pakistan in all times of need.
Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to maintain and reinforce this relationship for peace and security in the region.
According to the APP, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani also visited the Ministry of National Defence, where he was briefed about Exercise “Warrior 2008.”
Kayani hails Chinese support to Pakistan
Thursday, September 25, 2008

BEIJING: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on Wednesday expressed his gratitude to the Chinese government and people for the exemplary support extended to Pakistan at all times.

General Kayani, who is currently on an official visit to China, called on Dai Bingguo, State Counsellor. The dignitaries exchanged views on matters of mutual interest and expressed their full satisfaction at the unique strategic relationship between Pakistan and China.

Both the sides reaffirmed their commitment to main-tain and reinforce this relationship for peace and security in the region, says an ISPR press release. General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani also visited the Ministry of National Defence, where he was briefed on exercise "Warrior 2008". Later, COAS Kayani attended a dinner hosted by General Liang Guanglie, State Counsellor for Defence.

Kayani hails Chinese support to Pakistan
HQ-12 (KS-1) Surface-to-Air Missile System

The KS-1 (Kaishan-1) is a medium- to long-range, all-altitude surface-to-air missile (SAM) system developed by China Jiangnan Space Industry Co. (also known as Base 061). The KS-1 development programme began in the early 1980s to replace the ageing HQ-2 (Chinese copy of the Russian SA-2 Guideline). The first test firing of the KS-1 reportedly took place in 1989 and the missile was first revealed to the public at the 1991 Paris Air Show. The development of the KS-1 was completed in 1994, but the missile failed to attract any customer from either domestic or international market.

The improved KS-1A was introduced in the late 1990s. The KS-1A features a truck-mounted mobile launcher replacing the original fixed launcher, and a new target acquisition/tracking radar. The missile has been marketed by China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CPMIEC) to foreign customers since 2001. In 2005, a senior officer of Malaysia's armed forces said that Malaysia had in principle agreed to purchase the KS-1A missile from China. Both parties have signed a memorandum of understanding beforehand and such purchase will be listed into Malaysia's ninth development plan.

The PLA has been testing the KS-1 since the mid-1990s. However, the repeated delay in the commissioning of the missile indicated that the PLA was not entirely satisfied with the missile’s performance. During the exhibition at the Chinese Revolution Military Museum in July/August 2007 to mark the 80th anniversary of the PLA, a KS-1A missile launch vehicle and a guidance station were displayed to the public. During the same exhibition, a photo confirmed that the military designation of the KS-1 is HQ-12. This may suggest that the missile is now in operational service with the PLA.
Based on the second- (upper-) stage of the HQ-2, the single-chamber dual thrust, solid-fuelled missile, weighing 886kg, can engage targets flying as low as 0.5km and as high as 25km, has a slant range of 7km to 42km (KS-1A 50km) and a maximum speed of 1,200m/s. The radio-command KS-1 was designed primarily to engage aircraft and helicopters, but also has limited capability against air-to-surface missiles and other air-launched precision guidance weapons. A typical battery would consist of one radar and guidance station and four launchers with eight missiles ready to fire and 18 in reserve.

The basic variant of the KS-1 was launched from a fixed four-leg pedestal launcher developed from the HQ-2 launcher. Each launcher has two ready-to-fire missiles mounted on slant launch-rails. The improved KS-1A is launched from a mobile launcher mounted on a 6X6 truck, each carrying two missiles mounted on slant launch-rails. In the latest improved variant the two missiles are carried and launched from two box-launchers, allowing better protection and easier maintenance.

A range of guidance stations have been developed for the KS-1 missile system. The basic variant KS-1 uses a SJ-202 (some reports suggested that it was actually SJ-212) 3D phased-array target acquisition/tracking and missile guidance station with multi-tracking and multi-engagement capabilities. The control station and the phased-array radar are mounted on a six-wheel trailer. The SJ-202 is the first Chinese indigenous 3D phased array radar, featuring a search range of 115km, a tracing range of 80km and a guiding range of 50km. The radar is possibly working at G-band, being able to guide six missiles to attack three to six targets. It is also said to have an impressive anti-jamming capability. This radar could also be integrated with the older HQ-2 SAM.

An alternative guidance station is the H-200, which also features phased-array target/acquisition and tracking radar capable of guiding six missiles to attack three targets. The station is mounted on a larger 8-wheel trailer. The same guidance was also displayed during the 2007 PLA exhibition.

An Internet source photo revealed a third option, consisting of a phased-array radar and a separate guidance station, both of which are mounted on 6X6 trucks.

Guidance Stations


Missile dimensions: length 5.6m; Diameter 0.4m; Wingspan 1.2m
Launch weight: 900kg
Propulsion: Solid rocket booster
Operating altitude: 0.5~25Km
Operating range: 7~42km, or(KS-1A) 5~50km
Maximum speed: 1,200m/s
Missile manoeuvrability: 20G
Guidance: Radar command
Warhead: 100kg HE fragmentation, with radio frequency proximity fuse
Single shot hit probability: N/A
Max target manoeuvring capability: 4~5G


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The radars that we got from the US were AESA ones but i think the purpose to go for JY-14 will be to keep the radars out from Jamming since in case of the US built, they would know each and everything about them so jamming would not be a problem.
SAM system is the need of the day. We are left behind in this crutial update for the armed forces, but having said so, imo HQ-9 does not fit the equation right since it lacks in quality and development as compared to any of its western or Russian counterparts.But however it can provide Pakistan the bases to start with their own surface to air system or perhaps upgrade the HQ-9 themselves to higher standards.

how about a private party offering ANDV -- 5 crores per city: deployed in six months
If you were a Pakistani then I would not care, but frankly our country's affairs are none of your business...

I see topics on Bangladesh on this forum, should I remark "None of your business" ? No, I won't for I'm not afraid of your arguments.

You have no right to speak like that about anyone's country, you dont know the ground realities.

I know the ground realities much better than you and I've the same right as you have to speak up as I wish.
You have no right to judge us or our people like this. Least of all you. If Islam and fighting 'satan' and not siding with the non-muslims meant so much to you then there would have been no such thing as "Bangladesh".Then you would not be proud to call yourself Bangladeshi. Pakistan was made for Islam, Bangladeshi was made because of ethnic ambition at the COST of Islamic unity with the HELP of Hindus.

You did not have any problem accepting people's verdict to make Mr. Ten Percent as your President, if you people had shown the same democratic spirit in 1970 there wouldn't be any need for Bangladesh. If you people really practised Islam there wouldn't be any genocide in 1971 and as a result the Islamists in Bangladesh today wouldn't have to take the blame for it.

People who go abroad, especially kids, become lame and extreme, but they forget that much of what they enjoy in life is thanks to the US, UK or its 'satanic' allies where their parents took them to seek better lives. If the US and UK are evil then why pay taxes to them and be so desperate to live there like second class citizens? Why enjoy all the freedoms they give to their citizens and residents? Why live under their laws and protection and be part of their society and then try to chastise a whole nation for being one of their allies or having ties?

I didn't want to pay taxes to those mother of all terrorists that's why I threw away my green card in the toilet and returned to my country in 1995. Since then I've been living in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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ii just saw news and china said no to pakistan until paksitan make it clear that who they want to join.As i said our Army chief came back empty hand.

Dear unforgotton_man; sir
I would ,like to open your mind, this trip of our COAS was just a trip to let our chinese brothers understand that, pakistan army , still thinks that best source of thier confidence is CHINA.

I think, all the details will be anounced later ! when ZARDARI, will be on tour to china, as he already accepted the chinese trip , as his frist official tour as a president of pakistan!
COAS tour of china, has already been a sucsess, and a deep understanding has been reached , in all the fields, just wait 20 more days.:lol::agree::tup:

nothing to wory, just be happy,my dear,unforgotton_man;)

ISLAMABAD (September 28 2008): Pakistan and China will further strengthen defence co-operation as both countries are enjoying time-tested and all weather friendship. There was complete unanimity of views between China and Pakistan on matters of strategic and professional interest during the five-day official visit of Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani to China.

During his stay, General Kayani called on top military and political leadership of China. He held official and bilateral talks with General Guo Boxing, vice-chairman, Central Military Commission (CMC) and PLA Deputy Chief of General Staff (DCGS) General Zhefengi.

This was General Kayani's first official visit abroad and signifies the strong, time-tested and all weather relationship between China and Pakistan. In his meeting with Pakistani Chief of Army Staff Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, General Guo Boxing appreciated the fruitful co-operation between both sides over the years.

Noting the two countries as good neighbours, good friends and good partners, General Guo said both sides had carried out remarkable co-operation in politics, economics, military, culture and technology, and made positive contribution to regional and world peace, stability, and development.

China highly values its all-round strategic co-operative partnership with Pakistan, General Guo said, vowing to join hands with the country to boost bilateral ties to a new level. In response, General Kayani said his country treasures its traditional friendship with China and is ready to further boost co-operation with its close neighbour.

General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani also called on Dai Bingguo, State Counselor. The dignitaries exchanged views on matters of mutual interest and expressed their full satisfaction at the unique strategic relationship between Pakistan and China.

The COAS expressed his gratitude to the Chinese government and the people for the exemplary support extended to Pakistan at all times. Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to maintaining and reinforcing this relationship for peace and security in the region.

General Kayani also visited the Ministry of National Defence, where he was briefed about Exercise "Warrior 2008." General Kayani was also given detailed briefing on the organisation/role of People's Liberation Army and the defensive policy of China. The COAS also witnessed Exercise "Warrior 2008" at Zhurihe. The COAS during his meeting with Chinese Defence Minister Liang Guanglie said that Pakistan is ready to work with China on enhancing bilateral strategic co-operation under the new circumstances.
Well unforgotton_man, sir
i guss, i would not going to forget you, plz dont be jealous, about it!
its not upon your thinking, think positive ,Great chinese people's and thier govt. knows more than you , what pakistan needs before and now.
well, as for your jealous and rather crazy thinking, i surly can challenge you that, GEN. kiyani will not come back empty hands for sure.:D:agree::tup:

Man u keep thinking positive and US lawmakers votes OK for nuclear deal with India and kayani went back home empty hand due to our non stable policies.

God bless Pakistan
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