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GEN.KIYANI's shopping list to CHINA!!!

Man u keep thinking positive and US lawmakers votes OK for nuclear deal with India and kayani went back home empty hand due to our non stable policies.

God bless Pakistan

You are certainly not from Pakistan so why pretend to be one?
I see topics on Bangladesh on this forum, should I remark "None of your business" ? No, I won't for I'm not afraid of your arguments.

I visit this forum too you know. And I know that no one here speaks like this about your country's foreign policy disposition or inclinations. No one looks down on you despite there being obvious grounds on which to do so. And certainly no one from here goes to a Bengali defence website to ridicule and belittle your country in completely off topic remarks.

BTW don't flatter yourself, no one here is afraid of your childish 'arguments'. And the fact that Bangladesh itself is heavily reliant on western aid seriously diminishes your credibility in this regard.

I know the ground realities much better than you and I've the same right as you have to speak up as I wish.

Yes ofcourse you do. How many people do you know from the tribal areas? How many soldiers do you know from the Pakistan Army let alone soldiers who have actually served in this war? How many times have you visited NWFP and spoken to the people there let alone in the tribal areas?

Sitting at home and talking about our war in the drawing room, enjoying the illusion that you know how to do things better than people who are actually involved in the tough situation 100s of miles away, being in love with the notion of your own moral superiority doesn't really make you know much.

And I am afriad you dont have as much right as I do, your parents gave up that right 37 years ago.

You did not have any problem accepting people's verdict to make Mr. Ten Percent as your President

I am more than aware of the fact that you have a bitter ethnic mentality, but please dont turn this into a 'you'(i.e. people of Pakistan) VS 'us'(people of Bangladesh) thing since you know very well that there is hardly anyone in this forum who doesn't dislike Zardari, let alone is glad to see him in the office of president. He is from Pakistan, but we have the courage to say that we dont like him, we have the courage to say that his sort is bad for the federation. And you know that by 'his sort' we mean Bhutto and Mujib-ul-Rehman. Unfortuntely no one in East-Pakistan had this courage and you still probably dont. So dont lecture us when you cant even honour national unity and stick to primitive ethnic tendency, let alone Islamic unity.

Pakistan was and is the only nation is the world built on the basis of Islam. And you helped destroy that, nothing can justify that. Pakistan has always had an unparallel enthusiasm for supporting Muslim causes around the world, from the Palestinian cause, to Chechnya, to Afghanistan to Kashmir. We took and still take alot of flak for it too, but we were and still are strong. In 1971 you broke more than just a country, you broke that ideal.

if you people had shown the same democratic spirit in 1970 there wouldn't be any need for Bangladesh.

Yes the antics of one greedy dictator completely justifies running to Hindus and starting insurrection. If Islamic Unity was meant to be on such firm ground then there would be no Islam today.
If you would read a history book, other than Bengali 'genocide' splattered ones, you'd note that the insurrectionist movement started long before the elections. Elections were just an outlook of how 'Awami League' was able to lash and expliot the rash Bengali population into an inflammatory ethnic frenzy. When the elections came every single Bengali voted for Mujib because a vote for Mujib was seen as a vote for the 6 Points and Bangladesh. 6 Points were as it is a mockery of the federation. Tell me which country in the world gives a seperate army to its states? Dont bring democracy in to cover your inherit ethnic short sited-ness. What was the point of democracy when it was just a means to an end that was the division of Pakistan. Mujib himself said he wont back down from the 6 Points or his supporters would kill him.

And dont even try to tell me that Pakistan broke up because of Pakistan Army's hard-handed-ness. Pakistan Army only started counter-insurgency operations once it became clear that an insurrection supported by no one less than Mujib was underway. Mujib was calling for Bengalis to arm themselves long before election results were out. Situation would have calmed down too and there would have been no Bangladesh if your Indian friends didnt invade in our moment of weakness.

The only reason I brought this up is to point out the difference that we Pakistanis lament those days and our mistakes but Bengalis on the other hand cherish them. Yes we did make mistakes, but NOTHING justifies the breaking of Islamic Unity. If all Muslims were like Mujib then there would have been no Islam to begin with. Mind you, both of them got what they deserved, Mujib and Bhutto. We dont cherish Bhuttos action, you cherish Mujibs. If you say to me right now that you condemn Mujib's and Mukti Bahnini and Indian action that broke up our country then you are my brother and I will accept that you have the right to raise these arguments. If not then you are a hypocrite and everyone knows it, and thats enough for me.

If you people really practised Islam there wouldn't be any genocide in 1971 and as a result the Islamists in Bangladesh today wouldn't have to take the blame for it.

Yes because the Islam was the first thing in Mujibs mind when he did all those things that he did? Was Mujibs 'democratic' policy of exploiting ethnic divisions to such terrible ends what you call Islam?
The Jamat-e-Islami was the Islamic party of Pakistan back then and is now, they fought against traitors in East-Pakistan and got martyred in their hundreds for Islamic unity. Your founders certainly didnt care much about what they said then so why do you care so much now? I also dont get what you mean by 'Islamist' taking the blame for it, can hypocrites really be Islamists? Can a country that was all but made by Hindus and Sikh armies and is damn proud of it too have an Islamic party?

I didn't want to pay taxes to those mother of all terrorists that's why I threw away my green card in the toilet and returned to my country in 1995. Since then I've been living in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

LOL. Yes I am sure you did. You certainly changed your country designation from American/Bengali to Bengali/Bengali there below the avator.
So you were probably born in the US, or got the Green Card later in which case why'd you get it in the first place? If you were born there then your parents were there, so wont you admit that your parents made their own little deals with 'satan' by taking you there or that you were born in Satan's domain?

MoDs I'm sorry for digressing so. But I really needed to address this guy's claims.

P.S. I dunno why this guy is so ticked, Pakistan and China will always have better ties than Bangladesh and China will.
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It is ludicrous comparing Asif Ali Zardari's election to Shaikh MujiburRehman. Zardari's party won the election on the ticket of unity and federalism, as Zardari's Pakstan Khappay stance and speaking up for the federation at the funeral of Benazir Bhutto Marhoom shows.
The Jamaate islami were not Pakistan nationalists, rather islamic ideologues. Their refusal to celebrate 14th August as INdependance day is well known. However, they fought not to save Pakistan, or Punjabi dominance. They fought to save the idea of Pakistan, of a nation created to empower the muslims of south asia.
But the Bengal problem is nothing new. We know Mir Jaffar of Bengal, and how deceit there led to the defeat of the muslims by the British East India Company.
We know of the constant insurrections in Bengal during the time of the Kings of Delhi, and the Moghul Emperors. Every year after the floods, Bengal decided to stage another insurrection. Interestingly the only power that Bengal has never insurrected against were the BRitish. Now what does that tell you?
It is ludicrous comparing Asif Ali Zardari's election to Shaikh MujiburRehman. Zardari's party won the election on the ticket of unity and federalism, as Zardari's Pakstan Khappay stance and speaking up for the federation at the funeral of Benazir Bhutto Marhoom shows.

Thats true. Even the likes of Zardari are better than Mujib. Atleast he didnt campaign on promise of giving Sindh its own Army. But I'm just trying to make a point...

Exactly, there was a flood, and what did the 'Islamic' leaders of Bengal do? Blame it all on Pakistan despite Pakistan doing all they could to help. Perfect Islamic mentality..."There R flood in ma province n ma province shod get mor money so I R go to India for training N come back with arms and Kill as many Pakistani soldiers as i Can on the streets N any west Pakistanis I can find !"
Thats true. Even the likes of Zardari are better than Mujib. Atleast he didnt campaign on promise of giving Sindh its own Army. But I'm just trying to make a point...

Exactly, there was a flood, and what did the 'Islamic' leaders of Bengal do? Blame it all on Pakistan despite Pakistan doing all they could to help. Perfect Islamic mentality..."There R flood in ma province n ma province shod get mor money so I R go to India for training N come back with arms and Kill as many Pakistani soldiers as i Can on the streets N any west Pakistanis I can find !"

Although I am not comparing the two either, however on what grounds are you saying that Zardari was better than Mujib? Do you know why Mujib asked for more Army or a local force in EP? It was out of resentment for leaving East Pakistan with a token force during the 1965 war. The idea of defending EP from WP is what ticked off East Pakistanis and rightly so as well.

The flooding was bad...the government acted but obviously there were some grievances, but the GoP allowed those feelings to fester and then things blew in our own faces. Mujeeb was no angel, but he was ok with a single Pakistan up until the elections. When he won fair and square, that self-serving Bhutto should have shut his trap and accepted Mujeeb as the legally elected Prime Minister of the entire Pakistani federation. For his own self-serving reasons, Bhutto declined (yahan hum, wahan tum). Some introspection is needed to realize what alienated the East Pakistanis from us.
Although I am not comparing the two either, however on what grounds are you saying that Zardari was better than Mujib? Do you know why Mujib asked for more Army or a local force in EP? It was out of resentment for leaving East Pakistan with a token force during the 1965 war. The idea of defending EP from WP is what ticked off East Pakistanis and rightly so as well.

The flooding was bad...the government acted but obviously there were some grievances, but the GoP allowed those feelings to fester and then things blew in our own faces. Mujeeb was no angel, but he was ok with a single Pakistan up until the elections. When he won fair and square, that self-serving Bhutto should have shut his trap and accepted Mujeeb as the legally elected Prime Minister of the entire Pakistani federation. For his own self-serving reasons, Bhutto declined (yahan hum, wahan tum). Some introspection is needed to realize what alienated the East Pakistanis from us.

That is exactly so. It is okay to empathize, and another thing to justify.
Every Pakistani lowers his head in shame when we talk about the 1971 events, because we know we made mistakes as far as addressing their grievances was concerned, but that does not justify what happened. It is a perfect example of what it means to fail as Muslims and should be condemned whole heartedly by all who claim to believe in Muslim Unity. No Pakistani is proud of it. Thats the difference between us and him.
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