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GEN.KIYANI's shopping list to CHINA!!!

So, you call yourself moderate and who calls the power which is responsible for most of the evils of today's world by its true name a 'mullah'. If your "ally" is such a benevolent power I don't understand why you Pakistanis are so upset about its recent actions, I don't understand why you people have such sinister thoughts about the "pure" intentions of your "ally". It is quite clear that you do not have any reservations about that "ally", you're too busy keeping your name in the good-book of your benevolent "ally", but even after all that your "ally" somehow thinks you're not sincere in fighting terrorism. Would you please elucidate why your "ally" chronically has such low faith in Pakistan ?

There is nothing much they can do as long as they receive the AID.
We dont have the required information to decide. Its not very straight forward. We may suggest them some modifications and improvements to get a tailor-made solution.

Therefore field trials should be done to test the performance like for the radar, whether it can pick up individual aircrafts in a tight formation and that too at which range? and other tests that I mentioned in the post like whether it can operate on frequencies of different bands etc...

HQ-9 too needs field trails and the results of field trials shall show us whether its good enough. We can check it against certain criteria for example as I mentioned in my above post about level of side lobes, back lobes, resistance to jamming etc.....or other criteria about SAMs that I have written in many other threads too....

For FT-2000, India would be getting a few AWACS or any country shall bring only a few AWACS to support fighters.....purchasing whole batteries for this purpose seems a bit of overdose.....

and if the FT-2000 becomes clueless once radar is shut down.....then I think its value is reduced if not finished...unless as I mentioned, some IR guidance is also put into it.....it may still achieve a soft kill by shutting down the radar of AWACS........fighters normally attack in radio silence and against them it shall not be very effective.....

In air combat, we cant use it because radars of our fighters shall also be ON.

Dear shehbazi2001; sir,
A lot of thanks, sir!
sir, i would be very thankfull to you if, you humbly plz, give some of your idaes , about what should be our COAS should be looking in china.
There is nothing much they can do as long as they receive the AID.

Mr, Lakshya; sir,
it would be better if we stick to topic,
plz no, more teasing, and no more counter veiws.
just , put what ever you think is better, on the issue.
Zardari to hold strategic talks with China
By Iftikhar A. Khan
Sunday, 21 Sep, 2008 | 07:22 PM PKT |
Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari waves as he arrives at 10 Downing Street in London, on September 16, 2008, for a meeting with British Prime Minister Grodon Brown.
Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari waves as he arrives at 10 Downing Street in London, on September 16, 2008, for a meeting with British Prime Minister Grodon Brown.
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ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari will hold strategic talks with the Chinese leadership during his forthcoming visit to the country next month, official sources told Dawn.

&#8216;The exact dates of the visit are yet to be worked out but the visit will take place somewhere in the mid of October&#8217;, they said.

They said Zardari, during his visit to China, will negotiate a nuclear deal similar to the one between India and the US, besides discussing ways and means to enhance bilateral trade as well as Chinese investment in Pakistan.

They said the increasing gap between demand and supply of electricity in Pakistan had made it all the more important for it to look at options other than thermal power generation. They said the visit would also provide an opportunity to the two countries to discuss ways to realize actual potential of their economic and trade relations by enhancing cooperation in joint ventures, hi-tech industry, telecom, development of mining industry and manufacturing

Even before he was sworn in as President, Asif Ali Zardari had announced his plan to conduct his first official visit to China, but the plan was somehow changed to the surprise of many, with the critics saying that it had been done under the US pressure. The President proceeded on a &#8216;private visit&#8217; to Dubai and United Kingdom on the dates which were being looked as possible dates for visit to China.

The sources however said the plan for President&#8217;s visit to China was still intact and he would be visiting the country in mid of October. They said the dates had been changed due to some complications, but did not elaborate.

Observers see the forthcoming visit of the President to China as significant in the context of the stepped up US raids inside Pakistan&#8217;s territory. They pointed out that under the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good neighbourly relations, inked as as part of 22 agreements signed by the two countries in 2005 during the visit of Chinese Prime Minister to Pakistan, China had promised to help Pakistan defend its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.

Pakistan and China have a long history of close cooperation that started in early 50s and saw stronger ties during former Prime Minister and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) founder Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's era.

In the last three years, there have been ten state visits by Pakistani officials to China. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani was the last top official to visit China last month. In April, former president Pervez Musharraf has also visited the country.

Pakistan-China defence-related cooperation has always been the most important component of their overall bilateral relations. The tradition of high-level exchange of visits for consultations between the armed forces of the two countries has provided sustenance to the bilateral relations, as the institution of the armed forces plays a special role in political decision making in both countries. In recent years, a mechanism of defense and security consultation has been institutionalized between the two countries.

In order to enhance military-to-military cooperation, China and Pakistan, in October 2003, conducted a joint maritime search-and-rescue exercise near Shanghai. That was the first time for the navy of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to conduct an exercise with a foreign country. Similarly, in November 2005, during their visit to Pakistan, Chinese naval ships conducted a second joint maritime search-and-rescue exercise with the Pakistan Navy. That was again the first time for the PLA Navy to conduct a joint exercise in waters abroad. Pakistan and China share a common interest in the security of the sea lanes of communication, and both support a multilateral framework for guarding energy and trade sea routes.

Defence production-related cooperation has also expanded in recent years between the two countries. Pakistan and China have jointly developed JF&#8211;17 Thunder&#8212;a multi-role fighter aircraft. Pakistan and China finalized a deal in April 2005, under which China Dockyard in Shanghai will build four F&#8211;22P frigates for the Pakistan Navy and transfer the technology as well. Cooperation on other ongoing defense projects is continuing to the satisfaction of both.

At the political level, Pakistan and China have unanimity of views on issues like the war on terrorism, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Iranian nuclear programme. Both countries wish to strengthen the authority of the UN and oppose unilateralism.

Besides this, the two sides have signed a large number of agreements on economic cooperation. Both countries are emphasizing expansion of the role and engagement between the private sectors of the two countries, with the patronage of the respective states, in undertaking initiatives on economic cooperation.

The overall geostrategic environment for regional cooperation is also gradually becoming more favorable. Pakistan&#8217;s entry into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as an observer and China&#8217;s entry into the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) as an observer would allow Pakistan-China bilateral economic relations to grow from a regional perspective.
So even the plained tours are aborted under the US pressure. What the bloody ****:angry:
Can you tell me any Pakistan military personal in those CCTV report?

Guangzhou Military Region Open House.
JY-14 Radar -- possible, as PRC already exported it to Venezuela

HQ-9 -- not going to happen, too many Russian components and huge internal demain that suck up all the production capabilites.

FT-2000 -- as covered else where, not going happen

Tu-154M -- not going to happen, why buy a end-of-life product?

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Chief of Army Staff Gen Pervez Ashfaq Kayani would be leaving for his first official visit abroad after assuming his charge for China tonight (Sunday).
According to military sources, during his five-day official tour to China he would meet with his Chinese counterpart People Liberation Army Chief Gen Chen Bingde in which matters related to enhancing Pak-China Defense and military cooperation would be discussed. Besides this Gen Kayani would also meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao who is also the commander in chief of the PLA.

Sources told that COAS during his stay would also visit key military and defense institutions where he would be briefed on the manufacturing and production of state of the art defense equipment.

The visit of COAS is significant for enhancing military ties between the two countries.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Chief of Army Staff Gen Pervez Ashfaq Kayani would be leaving for his first official visit abroad after assuming his charge for China tonight (Sunday).
According to military sources, during his five-day official tour to China he would meet with his Chinese counterpart People Liberation Army Chief Gen Chen Bingde in which matters related to enhancing Pak-China Defense and military cooperation would be discussed. Besides this Gen Kayani would also meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao who is also the commander in chief of the PLA.

Sources told that COAS during his stay would also visit key military and defense institutions where he would be briefed on the manufacturing and production of state of the art defense equipment.

The visit of COAS is significant for enhancing military ties between the two countries.

Dear Neo; sir
I guss, this time focus of the COAS trip to china, wouldbe on two key issues, the solid backing by china of pakistan army in any situation, and the recent existing hot situation between US & pakistan.
It all depends on chinese, how they see from thier veiw of point.
also, there wouldbe more shopping of militry hard ware is expected too, even in the case of J-14 RADAR SYETEMS,still its a getable system, and can be very help full to detact any of pakistani airspace violations inthe future, by any one. also its more important that its not an US product, so there are very minor chances that it can be jammed.
I would , put this vist of our COAS very important one, it could be a decider for the near future of pakistan?

I think the PRC is fine with its current BVR and IR Missile. I think jamming and ECM will be a problem on the battlefield for both sides and will be overlapping.
I think we need to back away from just one system winning wars but the strategy combined with the 360o way war will be fought the a Hi tech power like the PRC.

J-10-hunting every thing, ships-shooting everything, land based missile-shooting everything.
The lower tech J-811 running mach 2.4 intercept runs, Drones, Harpy and things we don't even no about. as I said before this would be a very cluttered battle-space.

Does anyone know and ever heard TD-2000 air defence system? Made by CHINA PRECISION MACHINERY IMPORT-EXPORT CORPORATION (CPMIEC) Seems like this TD-2000 will go to Indonesia air defence arsenal. or how about....
Calibre: 40mm
Muzzle velocity: 244m/s
Firing mode: Single, burst
Max range: 2,380m
Weight: 39kg
Elevation: -10~42 degrees
Traverse: 360 degrees
Rate of fire: N/A
Grenade weight: N/A
Ammunition: HE, HEAT



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Dear shehbazi2001; sir,
A lot of thanks, sir!
sir, i would be very thankfull to you if, you humbly plz, give some of your idaes , about what should be our COAS should be looking in china.

I can mention some of the possible areas.....without the costs involved....

We know that JF-17, J-10 and Y-8 programs for PAF are already going on.

If the artillery of Pak Army wants a long range punch (100km), it can go for chinese versions of 300mm Smerch MLRS. If more quantitiy is desired, then design and production ToTs can be considered.

Yes a long-range+high altitude SAM can be obtained to be placed on strategic points (and not around strategic assets). In this regard, design and production ToT should be acquired and system should be manufactured in Pakistan. This would provide a base upon which to move on. Just a production ToT cant provide sufficient base to move on.

We know chinese have got the capability to destroy low-orbit spy satellites. Why not think of it? there are some troubling satellites over Pakistan...

Joint cooperation for surveillance satellite design and production can also be an area to explore. Once satellite is ready, it can be launched into orbit by many of the launching agencies or even ourselves if Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) is available.

Space Surveillance Radars for detection of spy satellites can be still another area.

Then ELINT aircraft is necessity of the day. Even FT-2000 can be acquired in limited numbers but a more desired solution would be to ask china if they can provide a long-range anti-radiation air to air missile with the capability to switch to IR if target aircraft shuts down its radar and radio.
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I can mention some of the possible areas.....without the costs involved....

We know that JF-17, J-10 and Y-8 programs for PAF are already going on.

If the artillery of Pak Army wants a long range punch (100km), it can go for chinese versions of 300mm Smerch MLRS. If more quantitiy is desired, then design and production ToTs can be considered.

Yes a long-range+high altitude SAM can be obtained to be placed on strategic points (and not around strategic assets). In this regard, design and production ToT should be acquired and system should be manufactured in Pakistan. This would provide a base upon which to move on. Just a production ToT cant provide sufficient base to move on.

We know chinese have got the capability to destroy low-orbit spy satellites. Why not think of it? there are some troubling satellites over Pakistan...

Joint cooperation for surveillance satellite design and production can also be an area to explore. Once satellite is ready, it can be launched into orbit by many of the launching agencies or even ourselves if Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) is available.

Space Surveillance Radars for detection of spy satellites can be still another area.

Then ELINT aircraft is necessity of the day. Even FT-2000 can be acquired in limited numbers but a more desired solution would be to ask china if they can provide a long-range anti-radiation air to air missile with the capability to switch to IR if target aircraft shuts down its radar and radio.

Dear shehbazi2001; sir,
I am realy, very thankful to you for your great inputs.
that i was looking for, plz kindly mention the real chances, of pakistan getting these important defence equipments from china. As we all know, the position of our proxy political leaders, who were being hijacked by, CIA.
how you think that, chinese leadership would be looking that as whole?
Dear shehbazi2001; sir,
I am realy, very thankful to you for your great inputs.
that i was looking for, plz kindly mention the real chances, of pakistan getting these important defence equipments from china. As we all know, the position of our proxy political leaders, who were being hijacked by, CIA.
how you think that, chinese leadership would be looking that as whole?

I would like to but I am in no position to comment on that..........perhaps someone from the armed forces can comment on this. Whatever I mentioned as possible purchase items are feasible only if finances are available over and above the national priority areas.

In the current scenario, air force needs much of the investment. Strengthening the air arm means strengthening the whole Pakistan from any threat be it from the air, from ground or from sea.......Air arm does not only do targeting but also provides the country with intelligence through recce flights and ELINT operations.

For the sake of awareness, we can discuss anything but in hard economic times we need to define our priorities and then go ahead accordingly.
I would like to but I am in no position to comment on that..........perhaps someone from the armed forces can comment on this. Whatever I mentioned as possible purchase items are feasible only if finances are available over and above the national priority areas.

In the current scenario, air force needs much of the investment. Strengthening the air arm means strengthening the whole Pakistan from any threat be it from the air, from ground or from sea.......Air arm does not only do targeting but also provides the country with intelligence through recce flights and ELINT operations.

For the sake of awareness, we can discuss anything but in hard economic times we need to define our priorities and then go ahead accordingly.

Dear, shehbazi2001, sir
and what do you think, about this?

Calibre: 40mm
Muzzle velocity: 244m/s
Firing mode: Single, burst
Max range: 2,380m
Weight: 39kg
Elevation: -10~42 degrees
Traverse: 360 degrees
Rate of fire: N/A
Grenade weight: N/A
Ammunition: HE, HEAT

its not a major weapon system , but it could be very effective against the terrorist hunt, advancing troops, even for SOF teams.
what do you think about it?
No doubt looks impressive but at the same time we need to see whether we already have grenade launchers or not. If we already have grenade launchers then we need to see what specific advantage this grenade launcher shall give us over the existing ones.
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