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GDP 226 billion USD, Per Capita 1401 $

Show me last five years GDP growth composition of India. I will even accept your recent vedic growth rate.

I already showed you the per capita industrial and manufacturing production.

From the World Bank.

Manufacturing per capita in India:

2005: 100

2014: 250

Average yearly growth: 10.7%

For Bangladesh:

2005: 70

2014: 180

Average yearly growth: 11.1%

For Pakistan:

2005: 125

2014: 175

Average yearly growth: 3.8%

So good job you have grown at a rate slightly faster than us in manufacturing over the last decade (its to be expected since you started from a lower base) and now you have started to surpass Pakistan.

When its overall Industrial production, India pushes out way ahead in growth rate (even with Bangladesh starting at lower base) so I will spare you the embarrasment. Why do you think Indian growth rate has consistently been higher than Bangladesh for the last 2 decades? Why do you think our poverty rate is much lower? Why is our workforce more skilled overall? Why is our average education level better? Why do we file more than 3000 patents to the USPTO and Bangladesh can only manage 2? They all tie in together.
In 2014,Walton Group's annual turnover came to about Tk 3,500 crore.

which is equal to 2975 crore INR(about $446 million)


And this is apparently their best non RMG based manufacturing company.

In a year they make what Tata group does in a day or 2.

This clearly shows Bangladesh is much more industrialised than India!

Its weird that such an industrialised country has financials for its best industrial group only in some off the cuff article.
As per the notification dated June 22, 2011, the discussion about Indian economy, poor conditions in india etc are banned topics.

Also, trolling using another country , india in this case, while discussion is about Bangladesh.


Request @WebMaster to take necessary action against the posters who initiated these banned topics, tolling etc in this thread.

Also, to prevent further trolling, please close this thread.

I think it can be done in the next 5 years.Currently India's gdp per capita is 346 USD more than BD.But if you discount around 100 super rich Indian who have disconnected themselves from Indian realities and mostly live and spend their income in western countries,you can safely say that Indian per capita income is already below that of BD.

There are few pockets of relatively prosperous area in India like Punjab,Harayana,Goa,Mumbai,Bangaluru etc.Bharati Bollywood media only shows those places.But that regions only contain 15-20 percent of total population.Other 80-85 percent Indian have lower income than average Bangladeshi.You only have to look at the condition in the population giant like UP, Bihar, West Bengal,Madhya Pradesh,Rajastan,Chattishgarh,Assam to get the true picture of rising shining suppa pawa.:sick:

GINI index is your friend to see income equality .

2010 figures

1. Pakistan 29.6 ( not surprisingly as Pakistan's middle class has money)
2. Bangladesh 32
3. India 33.6

So yes out of the three India has the most income inequality.

It only occur if you can convience the rest of the world about Vedic growth deception upto 2021.Data manipulation can't do wonder forever. Read.....

India’s GDP numbers are so dodgy that even the central bank has doubts about them

PPP dollar are the imaginary dollar.It don't belongs to your pocket.Only nominal dollar do.

PPP calculation have many flows.I will give you one example, two product that are frequently used among many others to determine the cost and living standard across the countries are Car and wine.Car in BD is around 4-5 times more expensive compared to India as Govt. imposed a 400-500 percent import duty upon them.On the other hand most indian use domestically produce car which is cheap.Same is with wine.as a muslim country it is at least 10 times costly in BD compared to india.But car and wine are not essential commodity for most of the people in sub continent.These two product is enough to show India is much cheaper than BD.ppp is al about cost of living, so it will show BD is more expensive than India although most of the people in BD are quite fine without them.So ppp calculation have their limitation.

What is the source.How can anybody live with only 60 or 51 dollars?

Have I to count all the backward states? Here are some more Odisha, Jharkhand,Uttarakhand,Jammu and Kashmir,Tripura, and other north eastern states.These and the previous eight states contain around 1 billion people.So my statement was correct.

There are many states in India which are backward and have less per capita gdp than BD but Indian don't consider them to be backward.You only count 8 central and northern Indian states as a backward but there are also other backward in East and northern part of India.Entire north-east is backward.

PPP is important but its importance is secondary to nominal GDP.

No, local currency convert into USD in market exchange rate to get the nominal gdp not the ppp.India's nominal is 1747 usd or 115300 rupee.If you divide it by 12 and get 9600 rupee,that the monthly income average for an Indian or 48000 rupee for a family of five.If that were ppp dollar it would have almost 4 times the monthly 48000 rupee.Do you think average indian family earn 200,000 rupee per months?

PPP compare the price level of other countries with that of US price level which was chosen as a standard.That why US nominal and ppp gdp is same.Earning and spending 1747 dollar in India implies same living standard if one earn 6599 dollar in USA.Or in other word 1747 dollar in India can buy same amount of goods and services of 6599 dollars in US market.I am telling these just to keep it simple.:-)

This is very dumb statement.PPP is all about purchasing power.Import duty make the commodity costly in local market which in turn negatively affect the purchasing power of the consumers.Isn't it simple?:)
As per the notification dated June 22, 2011, the discussion about Indian economy, poor conditions in india etc are banned topics.

Also, trolling using another country , india in this case, while discussion is about Bangladesh.


Request @WebMaster to take necessary action against the posters who initiated these banned topics, tolling etc in this thread.

Also, to prevent further trolling, please close this thread.

Why dont you look at what the OP and some guy right after him posted.
Indian people are very gullible, They will buy whatever their government sells them. The truth is Indian economy is going through a rough time.

India's exports drop 13.6% in January to $21 billion in 14th straight fall



a) We are not export dependent economy

b) a large fall in the value was from refined petroleum products (made up more than 20% of India's exports by value at peak oil price scenario) Merchandise exports have contracted in dollar terms by about 5 - 6% year on year.

c) the trade deficit is what really matters to India, it is well under control compared to before because of cheap crude and gas imports. CAD is expected to shrink this year to about 20 billion. This is also the reason why India's forex reserves are touching new records.

d) Massive labour reforms, easing of business and manufacturing export push is underway

e) if India was in such a crisis, why has it become the worlds largest destination for greenfield FDI?

f) GCF rebounding, should hit 35% soon.

g) a large loss is from valuation through USD appreciation compared to rupee val. or overall trade volumes
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a) We are not export dependent economy

b) a large fall in the value was from refined petroleum products (made up more than 20% of India's exports by value at peak oil price scenario) Merchandise exports have contracted in dollar terms by about 5 - 6% year on year.

c) the trade deficit is what really matters to India, it is well under control compared to before because of cheap crude and gas imports. CAD is expected to shrink this year to about 20 billion. This is also the reason why India's forex reserves are touching new records.

d) Massive labour reforms, easing of business and manufacturing export push is underway

e) if India was in such a crisis, why has it become the worlds largest destination for greenfield FDI?

f) GCF rebounding, should hit 35% soon.

g) a large loss is from valuation through USD appreciation compared to rupee val. or overall trade volumes

a. India has been a trade oriented country since 1990s, so exports is a huge factor.

b. Get your facts right, petroleum products have never been a major export sector for India, in fact, India had to shut its export of refined oil as the domestic demands surpassed the existing capacity until recently.

c. When most of the emerging economies are enjoying BOP surplus, India is still at deficit.

d. Useless (show outcomes after they materialize in future)

e. Don't talk about pledges, how much investments have been actually made?

f. Another weird theory

g. USD appreciation should have been a positive thing for Indian exports.

Now some more comments,

"Fall in import of capital goods and raw materials is not a good sign for industrial recovery. SMEs will not have wherewithal to retain labour and in such a case, job losses become imminent,"

Non-oil, non-gold imports, seen as a measure of domestic demand, fell 7.4% to $20.78 billion.

India's capital imports are declining by a huge rate, which means the domestic investments are falling dramatically.
a. India has been a trade oriented country since 1990s, so exports is a huge factor.

b. Get your facts right, petroleum products have never been a major export sector for India, in fact, India had to shut its export of refined oil as the domestic demands surpassed the existing capacity until recently.

c. When most of the emerging economies are enjoying BOP surplus, India is still at deficit.

d. Useless (show outcomes after they materialize in future)

e. Don't talk about pledges, how much investments have been actually made?

f. Another weird theory

g. USD appreciation should have been a positive thing for Indian exports.

Now some more comments,

"Fall in import of capital goods and raw materials is not a good sign for industrial recovery. SMEs will not have wherewithal to retain labour and in such a case, job losses become imminent,"

Non-oil, non-gold imports, seen as a measure of domestic demand, fell 7.4% to $20.78 billion.

India's capital imports are declining by a huge rate, which means the domestic investments are falling dramatically.

You are wrong on so many levels that people from finance background (including me) will find it hard to even think of from where to start.....

No, India has never been an exporting economy. Even with this fall, our total exports are more than the WHOLE ECONOMY of Pakistan/ BD , etc :-)

If you didn't know, even with this fall, out Forex reserves are today at an all time high of 363.5 billion USD

Again more than THE WHOLE ECONOMY of Pakistan/ BD etc.:enjoy:

By the way, we have 1.2 billion Indians at home. Who needs export market if even 50% of our population becomes consumers.....

@Species By the way do some basic research before posting on international forums, our BOP had turned negative for sometime but is now back to manageable range. It is far from being worrying....


Infact, it is at present in surplus, even if only just

PS: I would suggest please keep away from economy related topics, as from your posts its quite apparent that you know sh!t about anything economics

According to world Bank, total Industry value added by GDP% in 2014:

India: 30.1%

Bangladesh 27.6%

Comes to total value of:

India: 616.6 billion USD

Bangladesh: 47.7 billion USD

Per capita industrial production:

India = 476

Bangladesh = 300

India 60% higher per capita.

You are not more industrialised than us. You are not more than 10% of India in any industrial aggregate. End of story.
47.7 billion and 300 dollar per capita is based on world bank 2014 nominal gdp of 172 billion for BD and 2048 billion nominal for India.In 2014, BD's GDP was heavily underestimated due to outdated base year(it is still outdated 2005-2006!).You are welcome to 2016.:enjoy:
So,my statement was correct at having more than 10 percent.
a. India has been a trade oriented country since 1990s, so exports is a huge factor.

So you start with a joke. How much of GDP do exports and imports account for in India compared to global norm? Do you have a basic clue?

b. Get your facts right, petroleum products have never been a major export sector for India, in fact, India had to shut its export of refined oil as the domestic demands surpassed the existing capacity until recently.

Um ok so you continue your stupidity. Back in 2014, petroleum products was the single largest Indian export item.


Petroleum exports of more than 53 billion USD in 2014. You have no idea about what facilities like the jamnagar oil refinery complex do w.r.t world petroleum logistics. Its ok you have been used to living in a backwater all these years.

c. When most of the emerging economies are enjoying BOP surplus, India is still at deficit.

Yet our forex reserves are increasing to new records. Strange isn't it?

d. Useless (show outcomes after they materialize in future)

Do you have any idea how FDI is logged by UNCTAD? Dont be so jealous that Bangladesh cannot even attract 1 billion these years. No one wants to see a factory sink under its own weight after all.

Something like this will never materialise in Bangladesh:


f. Another weird theory

Your way of saying you don't know what GCF is nor have access to the latest numbers. Got it.

g. USD appreciation should have been a positive thing for Indian exports.

Only if the US is our dominant client.

"Fall in import of capital goods and raw materials is not a good sign for industrial recovery. SMEs will not have wherewithal to retain labour and in such a case, job losses become imminent,"

Non-oil, non-gold imports, seen as a measure of domestic demand, fell 7.4% to $20.78 billion.

India's capital imports are declining by a huge rate, which means the domestic investments are falling dramatically.

Fall in raw materials in value terms is to be expected given the commodity price crunch. I doubt volumes are very much affected, in fact they may have increased.

As for capital goods, a lot is due to make in india program which has seen banning of previously duty free capital good import such as in the power sector:


It's not all necessarily a bad phenomenon as more leverage and space is given to the domestic capital goods industries along with grants for quality RnD (something unheard of in Bangladesh).
For example, India in 2015 produced around 12 million refrigerators on a much higher existing penetration whereas from your figures Bangladesh has just gone past 1 million a year production....and Bangladesh is labelling this as "self-sufficient" production.
Local producer have capacity of 2.3 million unit refrigerator.2014 internal sale was 1.077 million.They also export overseas.So production was around 1.5 million or proportionately same as India.
47.7 billion and 300 dollar per capita is based on world bank 2014 nominal gdp of 172 billion for BD and 2048 billion nominal for India.In 2014, BD's GDP was heavily underestimated due to outdated base year(it is still outdated 2005-2006!).You are welcome to 2016.:enjoy:
So,my statement was correct at having more than 10 percent.

So you assume the GDP % industry values hold across sources and definitions....across 2 years too? I was saying we should use complete sources together (i.e use CIA factbook with only other CIA figures). But hey if you really want to stretch to get your 10% ballpark, go ahead....because in any regard the main thing is that Indian per capita industrial and manufacturing is well ahead of Bangladesh....definitely way more than your "heavily underestimated" base year artifact.

Local producer have capacity of 2.3 million unit refrigerator.2014 internal sale was 1.077 million.They also export overseas.So production was around 1.5 million or proportionately same as India.

Capacity is not the same as production. And you give no sources to say how much was actually produced....neither did I give any Indian total production (only what was produced for internal consumption).

I mean your article "expects" something was produced in 2014 and the article itself was published in 2015. Something is amiss here.

We are also talking raw volumes here and not actual total value which would be very different for India already given the presence of massive global brand name companies and moving up the price and quality chain given the much higher existing market penetration compared to Bangladesh where walton is just pumping out some cheap chinese knockoffs,
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We are also talking raw volumes here and not actual total value which would be very different for India already given the presence of massive global brand name companies and moving up the price and quality chain given the much higher existing market penetration compared to Bangladesh where walton is just pumping out some cheap chinese knockoffs,
It is common knowledge that Indian customer prefer cheap goods over quality goods. That's why everything is sold in India as a minipack.You also have nano,micro,pico vehicles.:D Don't tell me that Indian are more quality conscious than Bangladeshi.Indian are cheap both outwardly and mentally.
So you start with a joke. How much of GDP do exports and imports account for in India compared to global norm? Do you have a basic clue?

Just take out BPO and sofware export off the economy and you will know how much India is dependent on export.
It is common knowledge that Indian customer prefer cheap goods over quality goods. That's why everything is sold in India as a minipack.You also have nano,micro,pico vehicles.:D Don't tell me that Indian are more quality conscious than Bangladeshi.Indian are cheap both outwardly and mentally.

Sticking to just appliances:


Does Bangladesh have such companies factories?

Or its just walton chinese-sourced assembly....with total yearly revenue of under 500 million USD?

Basically if a Bangladeshi consumer wants a non-Walton product, they have to import.....and it will probably be from India :D. Hence a large part of the trade deficit.

I mean how long till Bangladesh gets some variety in locally produced appliances? Thats what I mean by 10 years or more behind.

Price levels and purchasing power parity (since we do not buy anything inside the country in US dollars, neither are the products at US price levels).

Theres a reason why Bangladeshis rely on used throw away cars from Japan to the tune of 80% of private cars (as small as the car market is in Bangladesh) whereas India actually now exports cars to Japan.

If we bring in PPP (i.e look at actual consumption volumes more....how many units of appliances, energy, housing, food etc.. are consumed per capita)....India will end up having per capita industrial output more than double or triple that of Bangladesh....which sounds way more along the lines of what we see on the ground.

BTW, if you want to make fun of small cars, you can make fun of the Japanese too then and say they are cheap as well...since thats where the kei car originated.

But first you must develop an actual consumer base for cars in the first place to be taken seriously. You really think Bangladesh if it ever gets around to manufacturing cars, will be making large sedans for its overpopulated and traffic jammed streets?

Just take out BPO and sofware export off the economy and you will know how much India is dependent on export.

Tell me. How reliant are we:



Total services (incl IT and BPO) are much less than our merchandise goods exports (even less than our manufactured exports). Combining all goods and services (not just IT and BPO) its about 500 billion dollars in exports. Still a fraction of our entire economy.

But good to know we export around 2 to 3 times the entire Bangladesh GDP....and thats still just a quarter to a fifth of our total output.
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