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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


There are signs for more hostage release , maybe even tonight.

Report claims 50 hostages with dual citizenship set to be released

The i24 news network reports that 50 hostages with dual citizenship are on their way to southern Gaza where they are set to be released into the custody of the Red Cross.

The report cannot immediately be confirmed.

A statement from the Prime Minister’s Office attributed to a senior diplomatic source says “Israel will not be a party to a ‘selection’ for holders of foreign passports for release,” referring to a process that singles out certain groups.

Israel’s border skirmishes with Iran-backed Hezbollah could escalate into a full-scale war, Tamer Qarmout, professor of public policy at Doha Institute of Graduate Studies, told Al Jazeera.“There is a high possibility that this could escalate into a full-scale war,” Qarmout said. “What Hezbollah is doing at the moment is a calculated response. They have set some red lines for Israel which includes the land invasion of Gaza.“If Israeli forces go into Gaza then Hezbollah will escalate it. Where it will end and how it will end we don’t know yet.”

Hezbollah, Hezbollah, Hezbollah... Hezbollah has more balls than the entire ummah chummah combined.
That is wrong. Jews-Arabs were living peacefully until the Europeans tossed their guilt into the region.
There was no conflict before the establishment of Israel; the Arabs and Turks gave Jews papers to leave Europe under fake identity.
Either you're lying or ignorant of history. This is a French newspaper from 1929


Hezbollah, Hezbollah, Hezbollah... Hezbollah has more balls than the entire ummah chummah combined.
They're being liquidated by the dozens
As @Dalit pointed out, Palestine is a matter of survival for every true Muslim. The moment this cause is lost, we will end up in darkness. Western savages will have their mad dog right in the middle of our heartland then they will threaten Mecca and Medina. I have been in western forums, these bastards are asking for bombing of Ka'aba and Masjid ul Haram.

The fate of Muslims and Islam as a whole is knotted to fate of Palestine and Quds.

Jews and Zionists are aware of same fact, if they lose then they will be gone forever.

Quds is a matter of survival for both sides.
A Russian, Turkish, and Iranian statement demanding an end to targeting civilians in Gaza

Keep dreaming. Your diaper army is scared to enter the battlefield and is even asking the US to fight the ground war for it.
It's you who keep releasing hostages to stave off a ground attack LOL. If gazans were so sure about their abilities in a ground invasion, they wouldn't be pulling out all the pallywood stops just now and crying about "muh genocide". They'd be relishing the war and doing all they can to draw Israel in.
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