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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

This is what happens when you launch a war.

What do you think would happen if I went up to a gang in LA and called them the N-word? do you think they would beat me up 'proportionately' LOL

They launched a war and now they're getting that war 10 times harder. And you in the Muslim world encouraged all this, now you're crying.

Always amazes me that people have to do
things out of revenge perhaps they should
ask why someone did what they did in the first place...
they should've at least...

Like I said, you should apply for Sisi's advisor position if you're so disturbed by how or what was said. If it wasn't satisfactory to you, direct your frustrations in the proper venue. I honestly don't care what you think. I'm only replying to you out of common respect.

And covering up events like the destroyed MiG-29s. And yes they should've done something to protect those MiGs!!

I actually tore them a new a-hole on the armed forces thread for their incompetence, complete lack of security awareness & utter failure to protect those valuable assets. But unlike you, the ensuing statements were insignificant to me, so why would an Italian living in Egypt be so wigged out about such irrelevant issues to him? Is it because of the Giulio Regeni incident? That was also horrible, and the Egyptian intel & military deserves all the blame and responsibility. Even if they claimed the area was restricted or should've been known to be targeted because of frequent Libyan terrorist infiltration, there's no excuse for what happened. But I'm not the punching bag, bubba.

About Ethiopia, your rat president said it many times in his own words that the 2011 revolution is the reason Ethiopia had the guts to build the dam, lowkey admitting his cowardly administration emboldened the Ethiopians. Now how did your governments pre 2011 prevent Ethiopia from building that dam without war?

This is hilarious. Who gives us the bloody right to claim the entire Nile river? Your hypocrisy is stunningly beautiful because it's blatant as daylight. I bet if the construction of that dam was somehow prevented, either from the get-go or by military action you would've been front and center in the line of "hypocrites incorporated" screaming about how dare Sisi and the shameful Egyptian military think they can tell another country what it can or cannot build. Classic case of the hypocritical 'damned if you do, damned if you don't.' :lol:

Oh and bear in mind, that Israeli tank crew that fired at the Egyptian side, they were just having fun, they were BIG DI*KING you because you kept your mouth shut everytime the crossing was bombed.

LOL! Yeah, I'm sure that's what they were doing. :lol:

Wait, you rent an apartment in those zionists heads too? Not just Sisi's? You're all over the place, impressive.

I'm more fascinated by how angry you are at such non-pertinent things than any of the foolish substance of you disgruntle. That's much more fascinating for me to understand since it's evident that there's some misguided hatred somewhere in there and what is the real reason for that hatred. Especially an Italian fella living in Egypt.
US is fighting Israel's war for it. And Muslim world is so scared to make even a little action, lol. They want to enjoy dunya and girls, sorry Gaza.

Axios: An American military delegation arrives in Israel to participate in plans for a ground attack on the Gaza Strip

Israel’s border skirmishes with Iran-backed Hezbollah could escalate into a full-scale war, Tamer Qarmout, professor of public policy at Doha Institute of Graduate Studies, told Al Jazeera.“There is a high possibility that this could escalate into a full-scale war,” Qarmout said. “What Hezbollah is doing at the moment is a calculated response. They have set some red lines for Israel which includes the land invasion of Gaza.“If Israeli forces go into Gaza then Hezbollah will escalate it. Where it will end and how it will end we don’t know yet.”

Always amazes me that people have to do
things out of revenge perhaps they should
ask why someone did what they did in the first place...

The fault lies in our stars, brother. We saved these people when they were fleeing Europe under Nazi assault; knowing these people's ancient history, we extended an arm, and these snakes eventually came back and bite us. Even before, during the Spanish Inquisition, along with Muslims, the Jews were also targeted, and even then, Muslims accepted them in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Muslim countries were giving Jews passports to help them escape.

One problem or weakness we Muslims have is compassion. While I understand from a religious point of view that God commands sympathy, it's come back to bite us on more than one occasion, and I feel we need to toss this aspect out of our culture. We need to adopt a ruthless demeanor like the West and copy their same talking points, giving them a taste of their own medicine.

Not once have the Jews done anything to Europe outside of Nazi Germany; other European nations also facilitated exterminating the Jews; hell, even the American's turned away a Jewish refugee ship during WWII.

This conflict and live brutality from the Israelis have shown the world a different view never seen before, and it will haunt the Jews for decades to come as the younger generation is learning life through social media platforms and what's going on.
Always amazes me that people have to do
things out of revenge perhaps they should
ask why someone did what they did in the first place...
palestinian terrorism preceded settlements
palestinian terrorism preceded occupation
palestinian terrorism preceded the state of Israel

Who started it? the Arabs who started to murder Jews over 100 years ago before they had the excuse of 'settlements' or 'occupation'

Israel is 100% justified in how they handle this enemy.
The Muslim world is full of prostitutes. Not only leaders, but the entire cockroach masses.
I don't see you volunteering?
Perhaps most Muslims don't want to die for the 'palestinians' who are terrible people who have backstabbed Arabs and killed many.
US is fighting Israel's war for it. And Muslim world is so scared to make even a little action, lol. They want to enjoy dunya and girls, sorry Gaza.

Axios: An American military delegation arrives in Israel to participate in plans for a ground attack on the Gaza Strip

I believe Hamas would be helped, In Sha Allah...

Palestinians have punched way above their weights and have disrupted whole apple cart.

I hope for de-escalation but if ground attack begins then I believe all hell would be loosed upon Israelis, right in their major cities.
palestinian terrorism preceded settlements
palestinian terrorism preceded occupation
palestinian terrorism preceded the state of Israel

Who started it? the Arabs who started to murder Jews over 100 years ago before they had the excuse of 'settlements' or 'occupation'

Israel is 100% justified in how they handle this enemy.

That is wrong. Jews-Arabs were living peacefully until the Europeans tossed their guilt into the region.
There was no conflict before the establishment of Israel on this scale; the Arabs and Turks gave Jews papers to leave Europe under fake identity. If there were to be a conflict, the Muslims would have sunk those refugee boats the Jews were on.

Let me say this: the British had a policy and understanding with Arab nations to back the Allies during WWII that it would limit Jewish immigration. This is a valid point; you wouldn't allow unannounced people randomly into your homes, leading to a revolt. You, on this aspect, can't fault the Arabs who were being displaced with an open-ended immigration policy. Even now, the West has rules for illegals, etc., but you didn't stop and violate international laws even then. Your settlement policies show what mindset you people have.
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