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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I have news for many here. You guys should embrace the reality. Absolutely nothing will happen in the coming days, weeks and months. This conflict will grind on with the Zionist baby killers committing a genocide. The world will look away like it has been doing. We will continue to ramble in this topic and the world will move on like nothing happened.
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Who are you joking? We saw what happened on the battlefield on day 1. The whole Gaza Envelope corps fell to Hamas. Israel is winning at bombing and murdering children.
It's good that you think you're winning. It's just that I see a lot of crying from you which doesn't seem to correlate with how well you're doing on the battlefield. I should say, that part of war is to know what the enemy's reaction would be. Didn't those ISIS savages in Gaza expect an air campaign? LOL

ALL modern militaries start off with 'softening up' by air. All Israel has done so far is 'soften' Gaza up. It's just the initial stage. The worst has yet to come for ISIS.
Have you heard of 'slap on the wrist'? I am sure you have because that's what you do all the time! You blah blah like the Rodney King 'Why can't we all get along' but you, other than blah blahing, do not recognize the elephant in the room: As long as there is Israeli suppression of the Palestinians, there can't be peace. Yes, you are a hypocrite and yes, this conflict will be settled, one way or another, through violence. You want to kiss a Mr. Gandhi? Then to to Mehmoud Abbas in Ramallah and do that!
You're obsessed with the elephant in the room. There's another elephant,called "dumbfuck Palestinian radical groups who think they are liberating by launching terrorist attacks".

Palestinians have tried the violent way,that you say is the only way to solve this,for at least 40 years. If you count the '70s as well,then 50 years. They tried with terrorist attacks,hijackings,kidnappings and open warfare in the 70s and 80's. They tried it with guerilla warfare and insubordination from the late '80s and throughout the '90s. They tried it with terrorist attacks and random violence as well as guerilla warfare in the 2000s. They tried random missile attacks in the 2010s.

What has all this brought them? Absolutely no strategic or political gains.

Realistically speaking,their situation got worse and worse everytime. More settlers,more oppression,harsher measures by the Israelis,more evictions,more walls and less support from the Muslim world and the world in general. Especially after Hamas took over Gaza fought against Fatah and Iran got even closer in the game.

So they tried the violent way for 50 years. It didn't work. And they didn't succeed when they were stronger,more organized,
more united and had more support and crazy funding from Muslim and non-Muslim countries (Arabs,other Muslims and the Eastern Bloc).

I am telling you don't use vokative with palstelisation when you use one word of my language.,( Covjece) , carry on pretending that you are a Greek but then use nominative ( covjek)
Also if you are a serb from Serbia, you would drop j from word covjece

The funny thing is that no matter what nonsense you say @mulj and @Total Destruction are there to press "like" 😂
It just demonstrates how dumb you and the 'palestiinians' are to launch a war against a superior force with superior friends.

And the funny thing is, Israel hasn't even started their response yet. The bombings in Gaza are just 'softening up' and 'shaping' operations. You're already crying like little girls about "muh genocide" and Israel has still to actually attack with full force :rofl::rofl::rofl:

IDF has killed innocents many folds more than Hamas. What Israelis experienced one day, Palestinians experience many days in a year. People should take a look at themselves before pointing fingers at others.
My prayers are with the people of Gaza and
Palestine You are brave and resilient
Interesting coming from an Indian--a country ruled by a party which is globally recognized as a 'Hindu Nationalist' party which still harbors deep resentment against Muslims who are otherwise their kins in so many ways and living in that land for thousands of years--and yet you expect Palestinians/Arabs to have accepted what was planted on them a people far removed from that land for thousands of years--a people who are mostly racially and culturally different.
Isn't Hindu nationalism likely a mirror image of Muslim nationalism of their neighbors? They probably looked around and thought 'We will have what they are having'. Just as Mao looked at his neighbor and thought why only Lenin and Stalin should have that communism. Political beliefs can spread by imitation. In fact, I think British got some ideas about partition of Palestine in 1947/48 from their experience in solving national problems by partition of India in 1947.
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