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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

But we should keep giving 100s of billions to Israel , right ?😄

But we have to give all our money to Israel, right. 😄

It's good that you think you're winning. It's just that I see a lot of crying from you which doesn't seem to correlate with how well you're doing on the battlefield. I should say, that part of war is to know what the enemy's reaction would be. Didn't those ISIS savages in Gaza expect an air campaign? LOL

ALL modern militaries start off with 'softening up' by air. All Israel has done so far is 'soften' Gaza up. It's just the initial stage. The worst has yet to come for ISIS.
I don't read your ramblings , but do you know who else didn't care for public opinion? ISIS. The Jewish ISIS Nazi terror state is in its final stage.
IDF has killed innocents many folds more than Hamas. What Israelis experienced one day, Palestinians experience many days in a year. People should take a look at themselves before pointing fingers at others.
My prayers are with the people of Gaza and
Palestine You are brave and resilient
This is what happens when you launch a war.

What do you think would happen if I went up to a gang in LA and called them the N-word? do you think they would beat me up 'proportionately' LOL

They launched a war and now they're getting that war 10 times harder. And you in the Muslim world encouraged all this, now you're crying.
Speechless !!!

Palestinians have tried the violent way,that you say is the only way to solve this,for at least 40 years. If you count the '70s as well,then 50 years. They tried with terrorist attacks,hijackings,kidnappings and open warfare in the 70s and 80's. They tried it with guerilla warfare and insubordination from the late '80s and throughout the '90s. They tried it with terrorist attacks and random violence as well as guerilla warfare in the 2000s. They tried random missile attacks in the 2010s.

What has all this brought them? Absolutely no strategic or political gains.

Realistically speaking,their situation got worse and worse everytime. More settlers,more oppression,harsher measures by the Israelis,more evictions,more walls and less support from the Muslim world and the world in general. Especially after Hamas took over Gaza fought against Fatah and Iran got even closer in the game.

So they tried the violent way for 50 years. It didn't work. And they didn't succeed when they were stronger,more organized,
more united and had more support and crazy funding from Muslim and non-Muslim countries (Arabs,other Muslims and the Eastern Bloc).

More blah blah blah! Palestinians have tried BOTH violent and peaceful ways. The peaceful way was killed when Jewish extremists killed Rabin!
Read the Likud Charter again--and Likud is only the more honest way of the Israeli expression, others, like even Ehud Barak, could not or would not offer anything more than a Bantustan.
So, yes, violence is the only way to end this, one way or another!!
Pakistan LOL The most coward and humiliated nation on the face of the earth. Pakistan is a humiliated slave of daddy America. It is better for this coward nation to shut its trap.
So true.. no doubt.. the most coward people i have met in my life... britishers reall changed their DNA
Bro this post,is the typical "muslim delusion" online. No offence. But it is the typical delusion.

Muslim keyboard warriors imagine that Israel is at the verge of collapse,whenever they score a hit or the IDF suffers some casualties. Their government was in fact saved by Hamas' attack and the country is now unified against Hamas and any Palestinian militia. There are a lot of disagreements with the harsh bombarment of Gaza and the treatment of Palestinians,but overall,they agree something must be done against armed groups threatening them.

When it comes to the UN pressuring them for a two-State solution,I'm with you there,I agree they should have PRESSED THEM DECADES AGO into removing all settlements and giving full control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority,in the negotiations.No silly land-swaps and keeping settlements,no Israeli Army presence inside Palestinian territory,nothing. Two sovereign States,each responsible for itself and each having its official Armed Forces and government.

Yes,I agree that the majority of the world (not the governments) are on the side of the Palestinians. It's logical,they have been oppressed and abused for decades. But that doesn't mean they tolerate armed groups like Hamas nor that "Israelis are the most hated people right now".That's wrong.

You truly believe that a barbaric attack by Hamas,has turned Israelis into cowards and collapsed their armed forces? That's the biggest mistake. Remember 1973? They were surprised back then and Egypt retook the forts and a few miles of the Sinai. The full weight of Syria's armed forces fell on the Golan. And what happened? Back then,many thought it was over,but they turned the war over and managed to get inside Egypt and Syria as well.

As for the Muslim volunteers that you mentioned,how will thousands of Muslim volunteers join the fight? Who? And how?
Egypt and Jordan are closed. Syria and Lebanon are easy for Israelis for to bomb.

I'm saying,overestimating Muslim abilities and understimating these people as something "inferior",has been a usual rhetoric on the internet,I've been seing it for years. And yet,we're still at the point were Gaza is being bombed to pieces,Hamas is hiding underground or randomly firing a few hundred rockets and hiding again (while people are dying) and big Muslim countries won't even impose sanctions on Israel and USA. Not even that!

Dear, people can only absorb to a certain limit.

Ofer Cassif says he warned the situation would ‘erupt’ if Israel did not change its treatment of Palestinians.
Palestinians have tried BOTH violent and peaceful ways. The peaceful way was killed when Jewish extremists killed Rabin!
The peaceful way was also "killed" when Arafat and Abbas didn't try enough. As soon as yahood put some dumb terms in proposals,they wouldn't insist or make more counteroffers,they would refuse.

But truth is that both sides had bad terms. Palestinians would often not be too patient with the negotiations,Israelis would either swap too little land and insist on having big settlements in the West Bank or demand a demilitarized Palestine.

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