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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

As @Dalit pointed out, Palestine is a matter of survival for every true Muslim. The moment this cause is lost, we will end up in darkness. Western savages will have their mad dog right in the middle of our heartland then they will threaten Mecca and Medina. I have been in western forums, these bastards are asking for bombing of Ka'aba and Masjid ul Haram.

The fate of Muslims and Islam as a whole is knotted to fate of Palestine and Quds.

Jews and Zionists are aware of same fact, if they lose then they will be gone forever.

Quds is a matter of survival for both sides.
When are you volunteering?

I was asleep, what's happening in Gaza,?
Hamas f*cked around and they're now finding out.
My few observations....

1. Israelis are in complete disarray. The confusion and hopelessness can be seen on the faces of their officials. There was already a disunity among them (protests on judicial reforms etc) and this attack of Hamas has led to a complete collapse of their state. No one is trusting no one. Public has lost trust on the state.

2. Acting tough and macho on the back of Americans / Aircraft Carriers has also exposed Israelis big time in the region and in the US as well. Seriously, Israelis lost everything on that fateful day. Their image and dominance has been flushed down in the toilet.

3. Israelis want to eradicate Hamas while funnily are also carpet bombing Gaza. Common sense says this will lead more men to join Hamas. Israeli officials / Netanyahoo are fooling Israelis big time lol
Noone has carpet bombed anyone since Linebacker II at the end of the Vietnam war.

4. Israelis are trying to settle down a bit but so are their enemies.

5. Conflict can be resolved if US pressures Israelis for a 2-state solution. That's the only way otherwise this show will continue. Netanyahoo's expansionist policies blew right up on his face in epic style.
A two state ”solution” is not a solution until Palestinians accept a two-state solution. Hamas is far away from that.

6. World is, by and large, with Palestine. Streets are being occupied by supporters of Palestinians. Israelis are the most hated group of people right now. Imagine having Israeli passport as of now lol
Yes, Al-Jazeera noted that tens of thousands of the ten billion humans showed their support for Palestine,..
7. If 1000s of Arab/Muslim volunteers join this ongoing fight from surroundings, then Israelis are toast, effectively.
Or cannon fodder…
When are you volunteering?

Hamas f*cked around and they're now finding out.
Oh i have. Iranians have set up an online page. Millions of us have volunteered, despite having a family, i swear to almighty i will join them the moment they open the way. We have a division in IRGC called Quds forces, they think of destroying Israel and marching towards it everyday and night. They have armed Hezbollah as much as possible, they are responsible for what you are facing in Israel as of today.

Be sure, problem is not volunteers, we have millions of them. When Jihad is issued, Israel will end up in dustbin of human history.
palestinian terrorism preceded settlements
palestinian terrorism preceded occupation
palestinian terrorism preceded the state of Israel

Who started it? the Arabs who started to murder Jews over 100 years ago before they had the excuse of 'settlements' or 'occupation'

Israel is 100% justified in how they handle this enemy.
Don't talk shit. As I have said before. Your type of people are extremely dumb. Why you make ask? Just like any John, Dick and Tracey you come with some far fstched claims and we are suppose now debate with your insinuations.
Let's say dumbo , 1905 6 7 8 9, people like Rutenberg , Frankel etc came there after failed 1905 Russian revolution. All seasoned terrorist from SR. TRUDOVIK. RDLSP etc.
You illiterate donkey.
All of them seasoned killers. Also I forgot to mention Bund and other Zionist socialists Parties of different flavours.
Gtfoh dumbo

Will Hezbollah launch an all-out war on Israel? | Inside Story​

Listen to the Israeli commentator from 20 minutes onward - openly boasting they will bomb Lebanese civilians if Hezbollah joins the war. Also very clear from the discussion - they want to attack Hezbollah after they are done with Hamas. So if Hezbollah don't join in now, they will be losing the initiative.
When are you volunteering?

Hamas f*cked around and they're now finding out.

You must be 12 years or old something. We all saw what happened on the battlefield. Then you started begging US to send unlimited weapons supplies and air support and fight your ground war and send warships near you. And this is because of a lightly armed paramilitary group.

And you're making 50 statements a day about the ground invasion. Why don't you fight your own wars instead of making US fight it for you?
Listen to the Israeli commentator from 20 minutes onward - openly boasting they will bomb Lebanese civilians if Hezbollah joins the war. Also very clear from the discussion - they want to attack Hezbollah after they are done with Hamas. So if Hezbollah don't join in now, they will be losing the initiative.

A Kornet missile was launched towards a military site in Ras Naqoura
palestinian culture is worse than the Nazis at this point.

yes really sick
let show you the epitome of higher western culture



Oh i have. Iranians have set up an online page. Millions of us have volunteered, despite having a family, i swear to almighty i will join them the moment they open the way. We have a division in IRGC called Quds forces, they think of destroying Israel and marching towards it everyday and night. They have armed Hezbollah as much as possible, they are responsible for what you are facing in Israel as of today.

Be sure, problem is not volunteers, we have millions of them. When Jihad is issued, Israel will end up in dustbin of human history.
That's great to hear. It will be fantastic target practice for all the new IDF volunteers.
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