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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023


So you do not think that it is worth mentioning at all , that our homes have been raided and 1400 of our citizins have been murdered in cold blood in the most brutal way imaginable.

And i specifically chose a less " Graphic " images of what went on.

There is far worse stuff going around online.

Sickening footage has emerged of the moment murderous Hamas gunmen shot dead an Israeli family's dog before storming their home, raiding their fridge and setting their home alight amid a campaign of civilian slaughter.


Last night, the lives of more than 25 people in Gaza suddenly ended, at least 15 of them were children. This is the only number of dead bodies that have been taken to hospitals, and there is still no information about the people under the rubble.

The Palestine News Agency says that in the attacks of the last 24 hours, a total of about 400 people have been martyred.
So you do not think that it is worth mentioning at all , that our homes have been raided and 1400 of our citizins have been murdered in cold blood in the most brutal way imaginable.

And i specifically chose a less " Graphic " images of what went on.

Sickening footage has emerged of the moment murderous Hamas gunmen shot dead an Israeli family's dog before storming their home, raiding their fridge and setting their home alight amid a campaign of civilian slaughter.


We think you're a liar that's framing a well planned operation against dozens of Israeli military bases as a 'campaign of civilian slaughter '. We saw hundreds of videos of those military bases, dead soldiers , and captured soldiers. It's far from a civilian slaughter campaign. The civilian slaughter campaign is what we're seeing in Gaza.
The biggest question is Do the Muslims let the UK decide who gets a country and where. Some countries like Iran have said, no, we will decide. So this upcoming war will decide who sets the borders in the Middle East.

The west is firmly of the view that they are the global power and they set the borders. We shall soon find out.
But can you please stop all the begging?

“Amerikkaah save us”
“Europe!! Stand up for palestiinnee”
“Europe, give us more money!”
“Amerikkaaaa give us weapons”
“Please hold down the jew for us!!! Heelllp”
“pleeease let me migrate to your great country! Pleassssee feed me and my family pleasseeee”

Amerika parked two carrier groups in the med. so Iran is going to rewrite border? Just do it already instead of talking tough….
Iran has talked about destroying the big/little satan since 1979. Thats 24 years of talking big.
This is why Hamas should not release IDF war captives. Hamas has over 200 IDF captives. Israel wants them released to carpet bomb Gaza and force the residents into Egypt.

Channel 12 Hebrew:
Security officials: We are waiting for the best conditions to enter the Gaza Strip.

but you support jewish ethnic cleansing of native population, you have not consistency in your views and your whole purpose is to white wash jewish supremacy state and their crimes in palestine. so, who is now in that time frame you mentioned?
Quote me on that?

I support a two state solution on 1967 lines with some land swap to make a more viable palestinian state (access to sea).

I have a problem with people who pretend the best solution is to eradicate israel and ethnically cleanse the jews. Just uncompromising one sided bias which would only lead to generations of suffering.
This thread is full of those “muslim netanyahus”.
Egyptian coup was sponsored by the Saudis and Emiratis, Salafi Al-Noor party were the snakes.
U mean when nasser,fckked king darouk, disgrunted by egyptian army, contra _ IDF.1948?
Again nasseR got same boot up his *** in 67..... BY ISREAL
So much for glory of egyptian army,
They practically begged for sieze fire in UN.
Same tweet same reply .

Why are you not asking this Falcon29 person the same question ? At least i made an effort to write my own reply , not just post the same silly tweets over and over again,
No you are posting same sh*t again and again and guess what you are in fkn wrong forum and no one give a damn 2 cent about Zionist. Idk wtf do you want to proof so kindly come up with some sense and sensible debate rather posting lies and bullsh*t!

They're trying to slide my Hamas immunity thread that shows Hamas has been legal according to Petraeus orders in iraq.
I don’t care about what west thinks Hamas is fighting to defend its land which belongs to them and Zionist can suck my D!

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