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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

A modicum of intellectual honesty should be enough to accept that my observations on Hamas' political leadership are nowhere as offensive as explicitly calling HezbAllah "zionists" or attributing mendacity to them.

And I'm certainly not playing God (astaqfirAllah). I'm reacting to those attacks against HezbAllah and Iran by showing that two could play at this game.

You are way too sensitive and defensive to criticism of Iran or it's allies. We make a point about rhetoric vs actions and you throw a childish fit. You realize there is a debate in the region outside this forum. Since you don't speak Arabic, you may not notice that, but it is there. Arab people have launched the most revolutions against their governments and are critical of any governments/parties that may grand claims but don't come anywhere near backing them up.

You can hate Hamas all you want with the Zionists but don't detail the thread because you didn't like what was said. Many of the points you make to declare others as Zionist vassals can only also be used against you. Think twice before you post. You're too hotheaded.
Yes but you are forgetting that so called Muslim states are not really muslim states. They are states whose leaders have been installed by the west. Armed by the west and exist mainly to do the wests bidding. It will be very hard to liberate Palestine until the so Called Muslims states are liberated first. There are very very few free muslim states. Turkey is one, Indonesia. But even turkey could at any moment revert to a western back coup if the CIA try again.
you are right, I would exclude turkiye as free state, they are bound within nato and west for economic reasons, i understand their strategy but it does not work and it produce strife and mistrust towards them naturally beside their intentions.
indonesia might be free but they just stood on their feet and you can not count on them as possible leader and initiator due geography.
Hamas is a crown on your head and will always be.

Hamas is a a crown of thorns that bleeds the region.

Speaking of the son . . .

This is what the son of one of Hamas leaders have to say abour Hamas :



A Jewish Indian calling someone Pinocchio?
That’s really taking the piss. Coming from genes that are proven bullshitters and liars - that’s a bit rich.
Now toilet brush stop posting whilst looking in the mirror
I think he is the sh!t on the toilet brush and sticky as the sh!t, can't get rid of him.
An other child in Gaza slept forever. What was his sin, Quran asks and it will surely ask again when the time comes.

بِأَيِّ ذَنۢبٖ قُتِلَتۡ

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You are a Hamas hater.

In that case you are a HezbAllah and Iran hater.

I said Hezbollah will not engage Israel on a big scale, contrary to their rhetoric.

That's not what I took issue with at all, even if I don't share this view. Rather, I take exception with your designation of HezbAllah as "zionist freemasons" or simply "zionists".

I have no problem with simple criticism regardless of whether or not I agree.

And you bring religion and sects into it. Just like how Jews bring antisemitism into any discussion. You are backtracking on what you said. You will be thread banned. There is no priveleges anyone has.
And trying to bring religion and sects into topic. Have some shame.

Wrong, I responded to libel when you repeatedly called me a "zionist", by pointing to sectarianist types of comments you had made before because sectarianism is something zionists promote. I defended myself against a baseless accusation.

You're attacking Hamas for your own selfish narcissistic reasons in the middle of a genocide in Gaza.

No, I'm reacting to recurrent verbal attacks against HezbAllah and Iran. After putting up with a whole load of these I spoke out.
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Threatening to bomb Saudi Arabia and leave Israel alone. So called 'Resistance-axis'. What is the secret? Why do they refuse to target Israel? This is a perfectly reasonable and legitimate question to ask.
The so-called axis of resistance from Iran to the Popular Mobilization Forces and the Houthis threaten to bomb Saudi Arabia if the war on Gaza continues.

Guys come on. Stop making this about each other and bickering. You guys are both showing what’s wrong with Muslims in the world. Respectfully agree to differ and move on. Concentrate on what’s going on in Gaza and focus on the scum that want to kill both of you.
You talk endless amount of nonsense. The nonsense is in the base of we can tenniously call your reasoning.
Let me make it short for you
F off as no one here has any will to show you any understanding. The logic is pretty simple here. Do you honestly believe that someone here would entertain your ideas which we can in simplistic way describe, " Hey guys we f hate you, why don't you worship us, you are really bad for that "
Even today in the practical terms you lamented the fact that the Crusede wasn't waged in Bosnia. You are paradoxe on paradoxe, contradicto in objecto. You are so deranged and led by the lowest instincts and desires that you would cinfuse the staunchest islamophob of old.
It is all so stupid that you confuse me really. Yes I get it, you hate us and would love that we vanish, it is not anything new. It doesn't bother me a bit , the feeling is mutual but you think that we should be happy about it and at the end clap to your stupid joke.
You are such donkey that even the most stupid donkey would think that he is fake donkey.
Get the f out of here you deranged kyke.
You are not a German but a Kyke. If you feel comfortable in your setting , you wouldn't play the role.
You are nothing but a dirty offspring of Odessa watchmaker. P of shit
Learning basic reading comprehension is not really a focus in Bosnian schools i guess.

It is your buddies who want to justify ethnic cleansing based on borders going back to ancient national/religious line. “muslim empires”
I am just saying this is backward thinking that belongs to the 1600-1800s. and how that thinking would practically look if we europeans would do the same. It is not a pretty look….
Guys come on. Stop making this about each other and bickering. You guys are both showing what’s wrong with Muslims in the world. Respectfully agree to differ and move on. Concentrate on what’s going on in Gaza and focus on the scum that want to kill both of you.

Salar is spamming the thread. And trying to play God and claiming he 'wont allow' people to question Iran or Hezbollah. Salar will get thread banned. I can guarantee you that. There is no 'guys' doing anything. It's this narcissistic madman that is full of hatred towards Hamas and jealousy of what they accomplished. He's not gonna stop people from asking perfectly reasonable questions.
Hamas is a a crown of thorns that bleeds the region.

Speaking of the son . . .

This is what the son of one of Hamas leaders have to say abour Hamas :



Mosab Hassan Yousef, Hamas Leader Son born on May 5, 1978, in Ramallah in the Palestinian territories, has a life story that reads like a Hollywood thriller. He is best known for his role as an undercover agent for Israel’s internal security service, Shin Bet, from 1997 to 2007. Mosab Hassan Yousef’s Net Worth is estimated around $5 million. Mosab Hassan Yousef father is Sheikh Hassan Yousef, co-founder of Hamas.

lol, traitor and spy, you are really scraping the bottom of the pan,

Ruthless Hamas gunmen calmly raid family fridge after shooting brave pet dog… then torch the home in Israeli kibbutz where 108 bodies were found amid slaughter​

Salar is spamming the thread. And trying to play God and claiming he 'wont allow' people to question Iran or Hezbollah. Salar will get thread banned. I can guarantee you that. There is no 'guys' doing anything. It's this narcissistic madman that is full of hatred towards Hamas and jealousy of what they accomplished. He's not gonna stop people from asking perfectly reasonable questions.
Put him on an ignore list and don’t be sidelined into an unnecessary argument.
You are posting really valuable informative stuff and keeping us updated of the ground realities - stick to that please as I for one am logging on specifically to read your posts

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