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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Learning basic reading comprehension is not really a focus in Bosnian schools i guess.

It is your buddies who want to justify ethnic cleansing based on borders going back to ancient national/religious line. “muslim empires”
I am just saying this is backward thinking that belongs to the 1600-1800s. and how that thinking would practically look if we europeans would do the same. It is not a pretty look….
Yes ethics cleansing of Serbs because they are foreign element in Bosnia. No natives. Ethnic cleansing of Croats in Bosnia as they pretend that they are Crosts but in reality they are Bosnians. Because the problems that they caused, yes I would ethnicly cleanse them. Pretty logical. Of course you tried to annhilate us before but we are still here. Sick to your swinger party and can you tell me the percentage of **** stars in Hungary per 100k of the population?

You are actually correct. Sadly it is not the focus. We need to do better, but we are not known for our high and sharp intellect. We are very slow, talk slow and and act slow. But we are wise and strategic. And we are cunning bastards.

Europeans are doing the same to the extent that are able to. They have just lost their zest after WW2. Hitler tamed them with fire. And then Americans tamed Hitler with fire. So now everyone is either LGBT or going through transition. It might take europe hundreds of years to recover and threaten anyone again properly.

Begging is a legitimate strategy. It's part of special warfare. Feel sorry for us. help the children. Join us. Look at the Dutch far right politician who converted to Islam. Islamic Ideology is also a strategy. When you are at a technological disadvantage you have to compensate.

It believes it can. We will see. Muslims have fought against the odds more than once and prevailed. Look at the position in 1918 and look at the world now. Muslim are in a much better position. But we will see who prevails.
Don't talk rubbish

A ceasefire is just a temporary postponement of conflict.
and it does not help if after making the claim, they continue with attacks or “wipe off the map” threats.

They never could bring themselves to state that the jews deserve a nation as well.
you ignored part were they said that they are ready to accept 1967 borders why is that, reading comprehension skills not tought in dutch schools?

agree, western support for israel is main culprit in that fact along their "war on terror"

Since then, hamas, a organisation involved in terrorism and refusing a two state was voted into power in gaza.
And israel has become more and more right-wing

since then hamas realized that there was never on table that solution and they resorted to only viable source for achieving it, i will ilustrate it with george lucas statement.

Israeli self-propelled gun M109A5, crew training. In preparation for a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army began conducting exercises with artillery units. During the exercises, 155 mm American-made M109A5 self-propelled guns are used. Now this is the main self-propelled gun of the Israeli army; similar self-propelled guns of the M109 series are also in the Ukrainian army. The M109A5 self-propelled gun was developed in the eighties, so in 2019 Israel abandoned plans to repair and modernize the M109 self-propelled gun. The Israeli government plans to replace the M109 self-propelled guns with its new SIGMA wheeled self-propelled guns, we previously talked about it. The A5 modification differs from previous versions of the M109 self-propelled gun in the new M284 gun with an increased barrel length. This provides a firing range of up to 30 kilometers using an active-missile projectile, and a conventional projectile can hit a target at a distance of up to 22 kilometers. The M109A5 ammunition load includes 36 rounds. The self-propelled gun is protected by aluminum armor up to 32 millimeters thick and equipped with a machine gun. Self-propelled gun crew 6 people.

Ukraine war will be a joke if US forces Iran to enter.

Last news upon Israeli and Grahan threats of attacking Iran, Iran has already responded they would strike Haifa if neccesary.
underground cables trough tunnels, we did it in sarajevo, Gaza must remain fortress and beacon of freedom for palestinians.
Freedom with Hamas government? You mean this is freedom? It's the hell on earth.
But can you please stop all the begging?

“Amerikkaah save us”
“Europe!! Stand up for palestiinnee”
“Europe, give us more money!”
“Amerikkaaaa give us weapons”
“Please hold down the jew for us!!! Heelllp”
“pleeease let me migrate to your great country! Pleassssee feed me and my family pleasseeee”

Amerika parked two carrier groups in the med. so Iran is going to rewrite border? Just do it already instead of talking tough….
Iran has talked about destroying the big/little satan since 1979. Thats 24 years of talking big.
Listen you are a Jew not a European. But in case thar you are a German. Well twice in the last 100 years all of Germany was begging for food, didn't they? In the 20s Germans " Please Argentina, we want to ear something ". Let alone the situations like in the film " Eine Frau in Berlin " . What the f are you talking about? How many German Kykes or the real Germans begged for food, protection or to immigrate in the last 100 years?
What the f are you talking about?
Am I inventing something?..?
800k women raped just by the US army? No? How many by the Russians? In 70s if someone opens DDR border, practically all of them would runaway, no?
Changing the Wall , no? What the f are you taking about if you're a German,? Let alone if you're are a Kyke? What is your story.
I told you nicely to F off. Go watch animal human ****, a jew prepared it for you, didn't he. Wasn't it like that in 20s and 30s in Berlin ?
F off
Ukraine war will be a joke if US forces Iran to enter.

Last news upon Israeli and Grahan threats of attacking Iran, Iran has already responded they would strike Haifa if neccesary.
Just 4 or 5 small nukes on the iranian nuke facilites. It is the sole good answer, with a message saying : the next on is for Teheran.
Freedom with Hamas government? You mean this is freedom? It's the hell on earth.
Just like Parissien commune, when you yourself self killed 30 40 k of yourself and burned whole Paris in a couple of weeks.
Now days those responsible, you consider heroes. Don't you?
Just 4 or 5 small nukes on the iranian nuke facilites. It is the sole good answer, with a message saying : the next on is for Teheran.
yep, russians should do that in ukraine to, it is reasonable proposal.
U mean when nasser,fckked king darouk, disgrunted by egyptian army, contra _ IDF.1948?
Again nasseR got same boot up his *** in 67..... BY ISREAL
So much for glory of egyptian army,
They practically begged for sieze fire in UN.
Don't talk about history subhiman . 17 Turks conquered all be Bengal
Jebem ti mater u usta

Zionist savagery makes me sick to my stomach and I will pass my hate for Zionist to my generation due to there inhuman behavior.
I was fighting both side and raised my voice for peace between both Palestinians and Israel which is common sense so we don’t loose more children’s and civilians on both side but Zionist has changed my mind! I can’t stand Zionist injustice and barbarity!

Hezbollah and Israel Exchange Fire Amid Warnings of a Widened War​

BEIRUT — Hezbollah announced the deaths of five more militants as clashes along the Lebanon-Israel border intensified and the Israeli prime minister warned Lebanon on Sunday not to let itself get dragged into a new war.

The tiny Mediterranean country is home to Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim political party with an armed wing of the same name. Israeli soldiers and militants have traded fire across the border since Israel's war with the Palestinian group Hamas began, but the launches so far have targeted limited areas.

Hezbollah has reported the deaths of 24 of its militants since Hamas' bloody Oct. 7 rampage in southern Israel. At least six militants from Hamas and another militant group, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and at least four civilians have died in the near-daily hostilities.

Hezbollah has vowed to escalate if Israel begins a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, which is likely, and Israel said it would aggressively retaliate.

“If Hezbollah decides to enter the war, it will miss the Second Lebanon War. It will make the mistake of its life," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday as he visited troops stationed near the border with Lebanon. "We will cripple it with a force it cannot even imagine, and the consequences for it and the Lebanese state are devastating.”

Hezbollah and Israel fought a monthlong war in 2006 that ended in a tense stalemate.

Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency reported that small arms fire was heard along the tense border coming from near the Lebanese village of Aitaroun toward the northern Israeli town of Avivim where key military barracks are located. Meanwhile, Israel shelled areas near the southeastern Lebanese town of Blida.

Israel sees Iran-backed Hezbollah as its most serious threat, estimating it has some 150,000 rockets and missiles aimed at Israel.

Israeli military spokesman Jonathan Conricus accused the group early Sunday of “escalating the situation steadily.” He said the recent cross-border skirmishes had produced both Israeli troop and civilian casualties but did not provide additional details.

Hezbollah on Sunday posted a video of what it said was a Friday attack targeting the Biranit barracks near the Lebanon-Israel border, the command center of the Israeli military’s northern division. Footage shared by the group showed an overhead view of a strike on what it described as a gathering of soldiers.

During a video briefing, Conricus said the group has especially attacked military positions in Mount Dov in recent days, a disputed territory known as Shebaa Farms in Lebanon, where the borders of Lebanon, Syria, and Israel meet.

“Bottom line is … Hezbollah is playing a very, very dangerous game,” he said. “(It is) extremely important for everybody in Lebanon to ask themselves the question of the price. Is the Lebanese state really willing to jeopardize what is left of Lebanese prosperity and Lebanese sovereignty for the sake of terrorists in Gaza?”

The international community and Lebanese authorities have been scrambling to ensure the cash-strapped country does not find itself in a new war.

Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, has yet to comment on the latest Hamas-Israel war, though other officials have. Hezbollah legislator Hassan Fadlallah said Sunday said Nasrallah’s silence was part of a strategy to deter Israel from Lebanon and to “prevent the enemy from reaching its goal in Gaza.”

“When the time comes for his His Eminence (Hassan Nasrallah) to appear in the media, should managing this battle require so, everyone will see that he will reflect public opinion," Fadlallah said.


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