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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

1.5 million cases of the cannibalism in Russia in 20th century alone, in the practical terms millions upon millions of the slave Labour, peasantry in the practical terms serfs. Millions of rapes in Europe. Millions died of hunger.
Still there are people alive who at least partially remember that and this filth comes around to moralise in their stupid whatsboutisms, conjectures, tennious paralels.
They don't even know nor they can in the reasonable manner express even the life of their grandparents and yet they are here to evaluate me? M f s, illiterate cynical malicious trash . %80 are born out of wedlock . If you don't know your fathers how can you know your grandparents? And what they went through?

Half of the Continent got f. Ed for a tin of fish and now after nudist holidays, they come here thinking that they sussed everything????? Go guys talk to you grandparents, will you? M f ers
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German and Dutch special forces are transferred to Cyprus. A good chance to give these crooked fuckers a bloody nose. Still depends on the upcoming events.
Well I don't really understand Muslims who run away to western countries that support Israël 100%. Why would someone with principles work, pay taxes and participate in economy of a country that supports the killing of his "brothers" for the last 70 years.
Because you have your NGOs in the Muslim countries convincing the locals of great living in the West but not informing them of reality.
So under your logic hungary and serbia are justified in rewriting bosnian borders.
And considering islamization was under duress, i quote:
“Under the feudal system imposed by the Ottomans, only those who converted to Islam could acquire and inherit land and property”
re-christianizing bosnia would be fair game as well.
Serbia is trying. Hungary is trying to take what is now Serbian land. And yes, they are trying to re-christianise Bosnia. Yes it's fair game. But they won't win as there are major problems with Christianity, so it doesn't really have a chance. Even Europeans are rejecting Christianity.
And bosnia is a relatively mild case. Look what your friends (and former masters) the turks were up to!
Yes, Turks are tough people. They left behind many many victims, and they aren't done yet.
Luckily you have a strong double standard and hypocrisy about things.
Only muslims should be allowed to ethnically cleanse for revanchism and imperialism for something 100+ years ago.
The dhimmis/kuffars should uphold better morality!
Yes, as I said, I am European and my double standards and hypocrisy come naturally. I really fear for the world when Germans and English convert to Islam. What a combination that will be. English with their air of superiority and total self conviction and cunning combined with Islamic zeal. Shit, I'm moving to Greenland.
caused by israel, not them, they are fighting against oppresor, how hard is to understand that?
The babies disemboweled, the women raped, the old massacred are made by Israel ?

Hamas is just another form of the worst islamism. Same league than ISIS. Has do be eradicated. But then a political solution has to be found, with 2 differents states.
Nah, probably using the siege tactic. Siege it, bombard it, starve the people and then a ground invasion.

Either that or they are doing calculations about Hezbollah. Or waiting for US to deploy to keep a check on Hezbollah while they will enter Gaza.

Very unlikely as the Aid from Egypt has gone into Gaza. In fact my theory that Israelis are pussies is probably correct because the below is the latest headline from New York Times ! If I have to take a guess, Israel wants US to fight this war because it is scared to go into Gaza but US is refusing since it knows it is a trap !

U.S. Advises Israel to Delay Gaza Invasion, Officials Say​

The babies disemboweled, the women raped, the old massacred are made by Israel ?
yea, same as chemical weapons manual from pdf taken from internet.

Hamas is just another form of the worst islamism. Same league than ISIS. Has do be eradicated. But then a political solution has to be found, with 2 differents states.
it is legitimate freedom movement to fight for their land, your ideological labels to them are irrelevant, bu hu bad islamists card is long passed water under the bridge, you should update your software and if you are really honest about last sentence pressure israel first with honest approach but you should for start begin to avoid their spoon filled with lies and dishonesty.
German and Dutch special forces are transferred to Cyprus. A good chance to give these crooked fuckers a bloody nose. Still depends on the upcoming events.
Isn't this nice. And when the region is dragged into a massive war how many muslims refugees will come to Germany and Holland? 3 million? 5 million? or 15 million?

When I walk around Germany all I see muslims and LGBT people.

Sometimes I think Germans secretly want more and more muslims to populate their lands. Otherwise why would they be doing what they are doing?
Isn't this nice. And when the region is dragged into a massive war how many muslims refugees will come to Germany and Holland? 3 million? 5 million? or 15 million?

When I walk around Germany all I see muslims and LGBT people.

Sometimes I think Germans secretly want more and more muslims to populate their lands. Otherwise why would they be doing what they are doing?
Europe cold land does not interest anyone with a mindset.
This is why Hamas should not release IDF war captives. Hamas has over 200 IDF captives.

Enough with this lie !

Most of the hostages are civilians kidnapped from their homes. 87 just in one town and many such towns where raided. There where also many kidnapped at the rave music fetival.

There are countless clips of them being paraded in Gaza , yet you lie without blinking.


No civilian hostages you say ?

Watch : 00:03




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