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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

As a result of his support for Israeli crimes and massacres against Palestinians in Gaza & the West Bank, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been embarrassment rejected in a mosque. 500 Palestinians died in hospitals, he still refuses to accept the Israeli narrative.

Tbh this is not right behavior atleast the guy comes to the mosque to show his solidarity. None of the other leaders in the west would do anything like this. Atleast Trudeau payed a visit.

Palestinian mother holding her child for the last time, Gaza.
I think the simple thing is that this is a homeopathic statement like Erdogan's, as the Muslim Ummah does not need sympathy. For support of Palestinians, we need action like Iran, who stood soild with wording and action. Statements and actions are two different things, and the Quran clearly categorizes those people as hypocrites. Are we hypocrites?
[4:142] Surely the hypocrites strive to deceive Allah, and He shall requite their deceit to them, and when they stand up to prayer they stand up sluggishly; they do it only to be seen of men and do not remember Allah save a little. The hypocrites indeed seek to deceive Allah, but it is He who outwits them.
What does iran do what a puppetshow. Iran did the real damage to Syrian muslims. That was real whatever they do now is just for show and cheap talk.

Because Kimmi will smoke them, he is rocket man after all.
Kim will gladly push the button
They are scared to go into ground offensive. They know they can't fight in two fronts (considering Hizbullah joins in from North in large scale) simultaneously against opponents using guerilla warfare.

Yup. Hezbollah issued this message today. They put the ball on the court of the ones who are calling them not to join the war: "If you don't want us to join, stop the aggression" is the message they sent.👇

People like him are dispicable would defend any kind of slaughter over his nationalism.
My friend he is not even a nationalist, truly he is not. Just all of them who come here are by product of the general psychosis and nihilism. For them or is not about supporting Israel, it is about hating us.
The one who is not empty is Samuel . That's the reason I use different style with him.
Do you know what is tragic comic in this unsavoury affair? In the case of the real need. Mr Samuel would trust meva lot more then he would trust them. So would a great deal of Jews
We all know this apart from those Zeros
Palestinians can't be egged on from a few forum members on a Pakistani Defense site or from blogspaces in general.
This has been most muslim mindset for generations and is one of the reasons that the palestinians got DUMPED in “forever refugee camps” .
Egged on, armed, paid to not compromise, but enact a “to the sea” ethnic cleansing as how to “resolve” this.

Israel is supposed to be the 'home' and the 'sanctuary' for the Jewish people--probably the only place available for them unless some island is given instead because, apparently, no other country would take them in large numbers. So what good the 'Samson Option' do by making Palestine 'unlivable'?? Please look closely: Palestine is surrounded by Muslims; they would walk in to fill any void eventually.
If you mean well for the Jewish people--and I certainly make a distinction between Jews and Zionists--then come up with reasonable solutions.
People supposedly care for palestinian lives.
I warn that to never compromise will lead to the samson option and the END of palestine and the palestinians.
You reply with “well other muslims will just fill the void”

Which is basically proving my point.
Palestinians are the sacrificial lambs for some “dreams of islamic empire”. Its sick.
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Look at this,Ben is using the "C.E" thing.

I find this recent "BCE" and "CE" term thing as a New Age sneaky way to slowly replace "BC" and "AD". They use the cover of "political correctness" to make people actually stop saying "Before Christ" and "Anno Domini".

And if you think about it,it's so ridiculous,because if a kid asks "what's C.E.?" someone will say "It means Common Era". Then the kid will ask "Why is it called Common Era? What happened then? Why is it that point in time that we use as before and after?"

So it's really a hypocritical thing and I wouldn't surprised if Jews or liberal leftists (funded by Jews) started this.

But anyway,here's Ben talking about the conflict's history. A video from two years ago.

The darkest and worst period of Pakistani history, whose rulers and nobles lay naked in front of Dollars 💸 and could not say a single word about the Israeli oppression of Palestine.
The angels will also ask Allah Almighty with regret and surprise, "O Lord, this is the first nuclear country in the Islamic world? What has he done for the Ummah of your Prophet ﷺ until today?
Now we must worry about our fate because we are among the silent spectators.

A terrible war elsewhere is a darker and worst period for Pakistan than Partition, 1971 the wars, terrorism, extremism, the poverty and corruption, the mistreatment of its own people, the political system destroying the nation?
up. Hezbollah issued this message today. They put the ball on the court of the ones who are calling them not to join the war: "If you don't want us to join, stop the aggression" is the message they sent.👇

There is a long front page article on NY Times today describing the some of the discussions between the Biden Admin and the Israelis. The gist of that article is that Americans are trying to stop Israel from either a preventive strike against Hezbollah or even doing a ground invasion of Gaza as that would involve Hezbollah. Americans think it will be VERY difficult for Israel to wage a two-front war!
Reports that Israel has dropped more leaflets over northern Gaza saying: "Urgent warning. To the residents of Gaza - your presence north of Wadi Gaza is putting your lives at risk. Anyone who chooses not to evacuate from the north of the Gaza Strip to the south of the Gaza Strip may be identified as a partner in a terrorist organization"


Original source: Jewish Telegram
People supposedly care for palestinian lives.
I warn that to never compromise will lead to the samson option and the END of palestine and the palestinians.
You reply with “well other muslims will just fill the void”

Which is basically proving my point.
Palestinians are the sacrificial lambs for your “dreams of islamic empire”. Its sick.

Obviously it is YOU who is threatening with a 'Samson Option' willfully forgetting that that will be the end of the Jewish presence in that region!!! And, yes, Muslims would eventually fill in the void in, what you yourself called, 'unlivable' land!!
Look at this,Ben is using the "C.E" thing.

I find this recent "BCE" and "CE" term thing as a New Age sneaky way to slowly replace "BC" and "AD". They use the cover of "political correctness" to make people actually stop saying "Before Christ" and "Anno Domini".

And if you think about it,it's so ridiculous,because if a kid asks "what's C.E.?" someone will say "It means Common Era". Then the kid will ask "Why is it called Common Era? What happened then? Why is it that point in time that we use as before and after?"

So it's really a hypocritical thing and I wouldn't surprised if Jews or liberal leftists (funded by Jews) started this.

But anyway,here's Ben talking about the conflict's history. A video from two years ago.

Using Ben Shapiro as a resource for anything is pretty woeful.
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