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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Muslim countries failed to develop an industrial base and cannot compete.
That does not make them ”peaceful”
More nonsense. What has that got to do with anything there are plenty of Muslim countries out there which are peaceful and developing quite well.

Your islamaphobia and antimuslim sweden democratic party right wing propaganda don't work here.
The best proof that Hamas is responsible for the hospital nombing , is that they stopped talking about the casulties a day after they where proven resposible .

So why is Hamas not reporting those " 500 " killed any more ?

Why does he not update the numbers of those killed any more.

After all, in such cases the numbers keeps updating days after.

Here nothing. Zero. Silnce.

Does that not tell you something ?

ASk that Falcon29 here , why he stopped reporting the nunbers of casulties here , he was sohysterically screaming about yesterday.


God sake Indian stop talking nonsense.

They can’t dwell on the events of the hospital as there is literally the same number of deaths yesterday and today - they are flattening Gaza.
They are killing innocent people and you want to continue talking out of your brown backside.
Stop trying to pretend you are something you not.
War crimes and genocide is being committed and no one will forget it. Zionists - lowest form of human
Maybe but Pajeets no. Pajeets can only bark here . Good lack in the next life. I hope you won't be a rat or something.
3500 years of thinking and I can say freely this to you as it is the part of your beliefs
Haaahha..🤣🤣 gujjarkhan zindabad ,
U can stick the pajeet inur middel whole MARICA..
Al-Qassam Brigades bombed “Tel Aviv” in response to the occupation’s crime against our people in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

Long live Qassam Brigades

Muslims kept invading until they got beaten in Austria, Malta and Spain.
Muslim pirates in Northern Africa continued with their atrocities until put in their place.
Invading? You mean as Spanish, Portuguese or others in other parts of the world or Romans and Greeks in Asia Minor and Middle East? Did you mean something like that? Tell me as it is not clear to me.
But hey , we wouldn't have the oldest building in Belgrade Bayrkli Jammi now
As I have said before, you do not prove that you are a democrat by getting elected to office. You prove that you are a democrat by resigning, allowing opposition to move into office if that is the wish of the people.

Morsi should have resigned and called for new elections.

And I have seen some sitting American President's 'Approval Rating' to be well below 40%.
You continue to make nonsense arguments!

I did not know that there was great animosity against Russia among a large part of the German establishment.

This book fits very well with what I have learned in this forum

So there is a continuity between Kaiser Wilhelm II and today, and the Adolf is just an intermediate point in the hatred of the Slavs, and in the sack of the Slavs entered the Ukrainian-Polish Yiddish people

The only thing that has changed is that now the place of the Ukrainian-Polish Yiddish people descended from Turks and Italians is occupied by true Semites: the Palestinians descended from the Hebrews who were Arab tribes.

Let us not forget that the Great Temple was built by an Arab: Herod the Great.
As much, this will be a war between Hezbollah and Israel because Gaza.

If US enters, this is WW3,mark my words. Iran will not remain idle, Russia and China plays with their future also, and even North Korea will be forced, Turkey and Egypt will be forced, GCC coutnries would be forced to apply sanctions,...this is chain of events all very bad and ugly for the US interests.

Better for US to realize and reign on Israel and work for serious peace.

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