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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Urgent - officially:

Karim Benzema's lawyer confirms that Karim is currently working on filing complaints against 4 senior people in France, namely...•

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, who accused him of being a member of the Muslim Brotherhood

Member of the European Parliament, Nadine Morano, who said that Benzema is complicit with Hamas

Member of the European Parliament, Frank Tapiro, who said that Benzema is complicit with Hamas

French parliamentarian Valérie Pouilly, who officially requested the withdrawal of citizenship from Karim Benzema

Oh Ulster Scott. the nation who ate and ate and watched their Irish Catholic neighbours die from hunger back when you were in Ireland. The old habits and mentally, shitty cousin of Rev. Jan Peissly.
None of the family lived in the place that belonged to them for the last 400 years. No wonder, punk like you feel spiritual closeness ti the people the same like him.
Do not calm down. Biden said something his Zionist masters commanded him to say. So Muslims won't think situation in Gaza is urgent. It is. The people of Gaza conducted a successful prison riot out of their prison. It's not a war. Israel is committing a genocide. We must stop them.

I think this conflict needs to be escalated and spread---otherwise, we will be witnessing similar conflict again. Why stop now after Gaza is destroyed and even at the risk of depopulation?
It is my firm belief that an escalation of this war will either make Israel to compromise with the Palestinians or would cease to exist. There is nothing America would be able to do anything about that beyond killing people but would be kicked out of the region for centuries to come.

Posting the Scott Ritter video again, which I posted just a few pages before. He has encyclopedic knowledge of the various combatants' potentials and vulnerabilities and knowledge about the past wars.

This Friday during the Muslim afternoon prayers, prominent Shia clerics and the Imaam of Kaaba should call for a 'Jihad'. End the Fitna in that region; pay the price now or be humiliated and killed for centuries. The colonial dagger can only be removed from that region using surgery!!


So far there have been 450 failed launches by Hmas-Jihad that fell inside Haza , evidence of that would be shown shortly by the IDF.

That i think is about 10% fail rate , dont know how many rockets ehrtr fired exactly , i would check that.

As Usual , more palestinans die from this rockest than Israelies cause they dont have Iron dom to protect them.

Also , as we have have seen in the hospital , those rockets cause even more damage , because they are fully loaded with fuel , since they only have a short way to fly , and that causes even more damge,

450 rockests that Hamas fired at your own people , are you ok with that policy ?

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I think this conflict needs to be escalated and spread---otherwise, we will be witnessing similar conflict again. Why stop now after Gaza is destroyed and even at the risk of depopulation?
It is my firm belief that an escalation of this war will either make Israel to compromise with the Palestinians or would cease to exist. There is nothing America would be able to do anything about that beyond killing people but would be kicked out of the region for centuries to come.

My take is that Israeli right wing have been encouraging Hamas type groups to sabotage political settlement with the Palestinians. It is a 3 week operation to conquer Gaza. Then round up every Hamas sympathizer and put them in a detention camp. You will have few thousand dead Palestinians.

The only issue Israelis will be pressured to make a political deal after that
The thing is that Israelis have shit their pants - nice and proper.

Israel's national security adviser predicted on Tuesday that the United States would get "involved" if the Gaza war escalated to the point where Iran and Hezbollah joined in on behalf of Hamas.

This literally means My Daddy is here if you dare punch me :lol:

What a thrashing they got from Palestinians. Wow!

Israelis are standing naked right now. Many around them are smelling something :-)

Israelis have lost the war even before it begins.

The last hospital strike has pitted their whole region against them even more stubbornly.

Not a good idea to piss off entire neighborhood and rely on outside power only.

Hezbollah is already involved in fighting Zionist Troops...If Israelis decides to escalate, they will be shown something that would make 7th October, a trailer.

Israelis should be kept bogged down in this conflict. Their economy is suffering already.

The rat has finally come under the hammer.
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