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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I care about following the Geneva Convention, and I see that Hamas totally ignores the Geneva Convention, and Israel does much better, but certainly does not have a perfect record.
i must have missed the news where hamas carpet bombed israel and bombed israeli hospitals.

btw why don't israel sign the rome statute and allow ICC to investigate IDF for war crimes?
since they are so superior they should have nothing to hide right?
How come no pictures of this destroyed hospital is shown? The previous 500 posts condemning just about the entire world is based on the claim that the hospital was bombed and 500-1000 people were killed - and the aftermath shows a handfull of burned cars in a parking lot..

How come no Israeli air raid siren is heard like usual when Hamas fires rockets ?

EXACTLY! If you look at the TRAJECTORY of those rockets in the FAKE VIDEO from the IDF, the rocket would have to perform a 180 DEGREE maneuverer and REVERSE its course in order for it to strike the hospital. Even the IDF said the rockets were FLYING OVER the hospital, so does that mean the rocket REVERSED its flight path in EXACTLY the correct extent to hit the hospital by ACCIDENT?!!

Generals Murillon and Janvier do not ring the bell?
Mulj , cab you find a clip on YouTube. Ot was made by Capitain Gulliem Anciel( I think, who published a book called " Ice Winds Above Sarajevo " Glas Vent Sur Sarajevo. I posted this clip to you on the other forum and asked you similar questions and you failed to answer, am I lying?
Besides The Capitain also the guy who became Chif of the stuff of French Armed forces atest to the book of Gulliem Anciel .
The book talks about different crimes which your government committed.
Shall u believe you or The Chif Of General Stuff of French Armed Forces?.??
You or him?
You or him?
Tell me
I could not find it.
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