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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

This happens when you let misguided (sellout) “scholars” such as imran hossein influence the brain of the naive south asian people. You will in the end reach a point where denying Al Quds become the norm.
Why I do not see calls for declaring it a heritage site? I have floated this idea before. Now don't forget to credit me while you highlight this idea in your YouTube channel for views and revenues.
The state was created much like other states so what shall be done now? Coming up with religious basis to wipe out a state?
There is no need for a religious basis to wipe anyone out. I am sure the Muslims will band together to wipe out any non muslim state in the Middle East be in Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, native American Indian religion, or any religion at all.

What will be done now? Well more of the same for another 50 years until a Muslim global power emerges and then things will get very very bad.
Equipped with everything American other than the pilot, the Israeli F-15I preparing to sortie out on another genocidal mission, armed with 7 GBU-31 2000 lb JDAMs.
Why I do not see calls for declaring it a heritage site? I have floated this idea before. Now don't forget to credit me while you highlight this idea in your YouTube channel for views and revenues.
i dont support that idea my belief is not same as yours.

Al Quds will be conquered Rome will be conquered too its in the scriptures.

Where have i said israel supplied weapons to hamas

I have mentioned per Israeli officials Israel helped to create hamas to weaken the PLO, so go take it up with the Israeli officials.


You said that Israel is controlling Gaza and thus Israel is responsible if Hamas attacks Israeli citizens. What kind of logic is this?
These are Palestinians who brought Hamas to power and Muslim States who support them and Muslim people who support them (which seems to be majority of Muslims). So, if you want to condemn, then condemn them.

Show proof where I said I support hamas attacks, you are a twisted liar. I have only said violent resistance is allowed under international law when under occupation but I gave a clear criteria. That applies for all human beings
You are an individual, and I already made clear my comment was directed towards huge majority of Muslims who support Hamas and its attacks.
I also told in my post that violent resistance is allowed if you can face the opponent. But International law does not allow you to attack opponent's civilians and then hide behind your own civilian population.

Where are Muslims demanding that non Muslims should be allowed to convert in non Muslim countries? There are plenty churches and temples and other religious places littered across Muslim lands. This topic is about the conflict in gaza STOP trying to derail the thread.
Everywhere Muslims are demanding rights like the right to make mosques, the right to make minarets, the right to recite Adhan on loud speakers, the right to do Hijab. While the Secular western world is JUST and it already provided the right to preach and criticize and to convert by default as a basic human right.
Do you think that Muslims will not protest and demand if they are banned from preaching Islam and converting people in Western countries? Are you so blind? No, you are not so blind, but you don't have an argument to defend the injustices of Muslim countries where they usurp this right from non-Muslims.

You see the clear double standards, but you turn your eyes shut.

Your arguments are weak, generalised made up by your own subjective experience. They have more holes than swiss cheese.
Then bring your argument to prove your point instead of making empty accusations.
Its clear you know little about Islam if you really want to discuss the topic open another thread.
Please you open it, as admins have already warned me when I previously did so.

Now let me ask you some questions,

Do you condemn the indiscriminate killing of civilians by the IDF?
Indiscriminate killing, YES of course.
But is it indiscriminate?
How to prove it when Hamas is using its civilians as human shields?
I told you many times to see the facts that Hamas is more responsible for this situation than Israel. That is why the International Justice Court will never declare Israel a war criminal on this basis, as the same International Law allows you to still target the terrorists if they are using civilians as human shields.

I still condemn the Israeli bombardment, as I believe not enough time is given to Palestinian citizens to evacuate the buildings. I personally demand to end the bombardment and engage Hamas on ground.

At the same time, I also give Israel full right at this point to kill each and every Hamas member and all those who raise weapons to protect Hamas and those who support Hamas.

Do you condemn the racist apartheid set up Israel is imposing on the Palestinians ?
Yes, I condemn all racist apartheid setups and I want a 100% Secular Israel.
But the issue is, the Secular Constitution and laws of Israel are still better than any Hamas-influenced Muslim state, which will usurp the rights of non-Muslims, ex-Muslims and homosexual people.
I will support the end of any racist apartheid setups, and reforms in Israel, and end of illegal settlements, and two state solution with Secular al-Fateh.

Do you condemn the genocidal racist language being used and carried out by Israeli leaders, political, religious army and by general Israeli supporters as well.
Yes. If they talk about the genocide of Palestinian civilians, then yes. But if they want to genocide Hamas, then I welcome it, while we will go nowhere further till Hamas does not lay down its weapon and agrees that Israel has the right to exist.

Do you accept the Palestinians should have a home on the 1967 borders will full control to their land?

I would have supported it in 1967.
And I still support it if all security issues of Israel are resolved. I don't know how much the Oslo Accords affects this previous pact, but in general, I do agree.
I don't agree with Zionist argument that they have God given birthright to this land.
I just find it remarkable that there is a Pakistani that is of the view that Israel has a claim to that land. Religious or non religious. I fact apart from Right wing christians in US and some right wing anglo protestants (and those pacific island people that have colonised and brainwashed), and Jews, I don't think I have ever met a person who thinks Israel has any claim to even a square metre of that land. These people just dont exist in my observations. Or maybe I just haven't met them in real life yet.
But they do have. I don't know how much of it,but they do have. And don't forget that 500,000 Jews lived there before 1948.
These are Palestinians who brought Hamas to power and Muslim States who support them and Muslim people who support them (which seems to be majority of Muslims).
Yes,the majority of Gaza wanted Hamas,so there you go. Hamas.
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