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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

But they do have. I don't know how much of it,but they do have. And don't forget that 500,000 Jews lived there before 1948.
They have the right to do whatever they want while they have the backing of a global power and muslims have no global power.

While this situation persists they will have all rights and legitimacy. Once there is a global islamic power. There will be a Palestine in a month. And the holy lands will resemble north and South Korea.
Isn't that what all three Abrahamic religions want? So it effectively becomes a self-fulfilling 'prophecy'.
No Muslims are not allowed to desire war, war is only allowed when there is agression but these people obviously are in shirk. They believe if they start the Armageddon they can force God to bring the Messiah. So they want to start the Armageddon. This is shirk in the worst kind of form.

What kind of concept is this to “force” God (neuzubillah). These people worship sheytaan.
They have the right to do whatever they want while they have the backing of a global power and muslims have no global power.

While this situation persists they will have all rights and legitimacy. Once there is a global islamic power. There will be a Palestine in a month. And the holy lands will resemble north and South Korea.
So wait a minute,you don't think Jews had a right to the land of Israel back in the early 20th century? I'm not saying all of it,but a part of it at least.
So wait a minute,you don't think Jews had a right to the land of Israel back in the early 20th century? I'm not saying all of it,but a part of it at least.
No one has a right to any land. You only take what you can take by force.
Mohammad wanted an Arabic version of Abrahamism. To me, Islam is the Arabic version of Judaism. The enmity between Arabic Muslims and the Jews of the region is largely because the Jews did not accept Mohammad as a prophet.

No, his eminence gave the complete and unadulterated version. Also the enimity is not because of that if that was the case the Jews would have been extinct during the period of the caliphs. Sorry @LeGenD bur this was some bul

Old news.
aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh................ these Druze tribes is major part of Isreali army. Where they submit their locality to Zionist regime and got concessions from them...
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