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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Who are you looking for, brother?
My 4 kids.
They went to heaven before you.
God, I'm finished.

Just one of the countless tragedies that happen every day in dozens of neighborhoods in Gaza, and a few seconds of its. and after you see it in this video, you will never see him again, but that man will live with the fire in his heart until he breathes his last breath.

For this man, what is the purpose of living anymore, what is the purpose of breathing anymore?

They say Hamas is a terrorist organization, accept them as such or they labelling you as terror symphtizer. But when this man picks up a gun, will he be a terrorist, will you see him as a terrorist?

Whoever calls the mujahideen terrorists, don't hesitate to spit in his face, it is your debt in the Hereafter.
Man, I find many Indian movies distasteful and do not watch them but this one is a comedy classic. :woot:

Yessir, watched it in theatres in 2007 and it was money and time well spent. One of my favourite part was feroze khan lol
One child is killed every 10 minutes in besieged Gaza right now.
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