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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

In comments, people are saying its game

These proxies have clearly failed to save Gazans.So the Iranian support is doing more harm than good.
I will appreciate them if they fire a single missile from their own lands.Responding to a state is much more complex than to non state actors.
Israel&US will be forced to direct massive military resources towards Iran thus saving Gazans in the way.

Whilst the Arabs have done NOTHING

Iran has supplied the weapons, the tactics, the support and taken a principled stance

We should all support and appreciate Iran

The Arab states however are useless
And that's the irony with keyboard warrior Muslims. They always go like:

8,000 Palestinians dead to 18 Israeli soldiers dead


4,000 mujahedin dead and 5 IDF soldiers dead

Zionist regime is collapsing!

Come on,get a bit serious.
This is a an ideological problem. Muslims are willing to die enmasse while the broad thinking on the other side is "Make sure the other guy dies for his beliefs".

Plus a blockade, and unwilling sold out muslim cuntries (pun intended) don't help either.
This came out a while back, I see it fitting to post on this thread in light of this genocide taking place.

We all know who this is and coming out with this blatant admission just.....frankly......leaves one speechless.

@Falcon29 take a listen, quick snippet that many of us know already but to hear someone of this caliber just come out and admit the evil plan that the George W. Bush administration and the likes of Dickead Cheney were planning after 9/11 still resonates in one's mind. How evil was this "group" and how the plan has actually succeeded minus the 7th and last nation mentioned, which could very well be next by witnessing the evil happening in front of our eyes now.

They needed to flatten out Afghanistan looking for Bin Laden & co., sure, no problem with that at all. Then maybe carry out SMOs in a few other countries hosting Al Qaeda and that would've done the trick and leave it at that.

But to do this? 👇

@F-22Raptor , curious what's your opinion on this?

@FuturePAF @Meengla @RescueRanger @LeGenD @Mirzali Khan @mulj @Mehdipersian @PakFactor @Dalit @epebble @Novus ordu seclorum @A Concerned American @p100 @Hassan Al-Somal @_killuminati_

The plan simultaneously succeeded and failed. The Middle East did get destabilized but Afghanistan and Iraq are not under US control.

The Iraq War gave Iraq to Iran and Afghanistan is back in control of the Taliban.

But the Middle East has become economically weak and dependent on loans and aid. This is why Israel is allowed to commit atrocities in Gaza because the surrounding countries are too economically weak.

However what they underestimated was China and Russia.
Freedom is worth fighting for, sitting back and accepting occupation and oppression isn't
Hamas completely shook up the tree, now plans in place to make relations between Israel and the Arab and Muslim world are in ruins, anger is sky high, anti Jew hatred has spiked
And fundamentally people across the world are demanding a Palestinian state
Hamas has advanced the Palestinian cause regardless of the cost

You are correct on all things there except do realize people move on from such conflicts except for those in Palestine who are actually suffering due to this conflict. And this is not the first conflict between the Gazans and Israelis. People move on. Lives have to be lived. Until this conflict, the Palestinian cause had been mostly forgotten except by the Palestinians and Iran/Iranian proxies.

You and I, sitting in comfort at a distance, can't say what Palestinians should or should not do. It is their call to make. But a fully defeated Gaza would seal the fate of a viable Palestinian state for a long time, would also lead to severely crippled Hezbollah, and even more subjugation, if not expulsion of the Palestinians from the West Bank.

And from the silence of the GCC Arabs and even the GCC Arab members on this thread, it does seem the Palestinians have been abandoned by their own brothers. Those countries, as of now, have resigned to be Israeli $itches but they should know that they would remain at the mercy of Israel and its backers forever after this and that they would never be allowed to have truly independent foreign policy and that, should it come to that, they may even be threatened with force if they don't calibrate their trade/commerce policies to align with Israel and its backers' policies. Who is to say if, using a wild example, force to sell oil at $10/barrel?? What are they going to do then??
Israel bombing Lebanon , Lebanon is firing back at northern Israel
Iran has supplied the weapons, the tactics, the support and taken a principled stance
Those tactics,the support and weapons may save Hamas, but Gazans are dying and at an alarming rate.
There is literally a humanitarian crisis.Iranian regime needs to re-assess its strategy.They are only catalysing the death of Gazans.
West Bank will be the next target after Gaza, I hope they get weapons somehow.
Fully agree with you on this
After West Bank it will be Egypt,
No- Egypt is still in the "good books", has never been militarily violent towards Israel, no attack on Egypt, at least not major ones will occur.
No- Abrahamic accords? Hello...Saudis have been opening up to Israelis (exchanging flights, about to sign deals, etc. ) despite how slow or off-radar it seems.
No, a loyal proxy to NATO, no issue either.
and Syria's turn.
They have already
been peppering Syria for a long time.
IDF terrorists neutralised in Gaza:

1 Nov: 15
2 Nov: 3 (TBC)
Those tactics,the support and weapons may save Hamas, but Gazans are dying and at an alarming rate.
There is literally a humanitarian crisis.Iranian regime needs to re-assess its strategy.They are only catalysing the death of Gazans.
Tactics are Hamas tactics, it gets some support and tech know how from Iran. Hamas is not a proxy for Iran and is focused on the occupation of Palestine. Hamas is in a active war zone.

Palestinians are dying at a alarming rate because Israel is getting away with genocide. It cannot do that with unconditional US support.
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