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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Iran is the only country truly helping, Iran deserves full praise at the moment
These proxies have clearly failed to save Gazans.So the Iranian support is doing more harm than good.
I will appreciate them if they fire a single missile from their own lands.Responding to a state is much more complex than to non state actors.
Israel&US will be forced to direct massive military resources towards Iran thus saving Gazans in the way.
Palestinians have no army, they self organized in Gaza and are fighting back against Israel with the tools they have. No difference from the IDF (Jewish army) fighting the Palestinians.
Double standards are deafening in this war. Long term it will hurt the west’s credibility on everything associated with human rights, international rules, laws, norms and their inputs on international organizations. We see this already through the rhetoric by China, Brazil, Russia and many many other non-western nations.
as i said i never ever supported what Hamas do and its well known that I consider them terrorist but its also known that I consider Israel the Bigger terrorist
but the question is where is your condemnation of what Israel did in last 20 day , where is condemnation of what they did in last 75 years. its you who have double standard not me.

a question for you are you aware how many Palestinian civilian was killed in west bank by Israeli settlers , how many Palestinian olive tree burned how many village attacked by Israeli settlers
no you don't knew because you don't care about what Israel do , you want only portrait Hamas as the cause of the problem and use that to justify Israel war-crime in last 3 week in specific and last 75 year in general
He knows, everybody knows, but hatred towards muslims is bigger then sense of any kind of justice. Same like all other idiots that supports izrael.
I see no difference between the Oct 7th attack which aimed to achieve death of Israeli civilians and the IDF bombing campaigns on highly populated urban areas. Same outcome, different tools and tactics. More and more people are realizing this in the west.
Still, I am unsure—didn't, HAMAS know this outcome?
I am certain they did not plan on this. They likely bit off far more than they could chew. That is the problem with all wars. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was not meant to destroy Europe. Pearl Harbor was not meant to destroy Japan. 9/11 was not meant to destroy Middle East.
What kind of logic is that?

"They were going to die anyway,so it's ok if they die faster"?

Ok you say sometimes resistance is essential because the talking doesn't work. And they were going to die anyway.

So,I guess don't complain when Israelis bomb Palestinians then?

Whether they die quick or slow the consequence is the same and the occupier/occupation is to blame

Let's say they die slowly,,, slowly crushed by a brutal siege.. Israel doesn't care, they get to push for normality with states and their people live in comfort

This way, YES the Palestinians suffer, but they snatch peace from the occupiers also and Jews have to face the consequences of their brutal apartheid occupation

Everyone now understand that the status quo is not tolerable and Palestinians have to have freedom.

So regardless of the costs a sea change has happened that will.push the Palestinians further towards independence, it was a move the Palestinians were forced into due to nothing happening in peacetime
...because the invasion of Gaza by the IDF is now confirmed.
Hope that lesson is learnt from last war and that stocks are enough to flatten all enemy cities in close proximity like they did with Gaza.
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