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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Dialogue is not possible, because the U.S makes dialogue impossible with unquestioned support for Israel

It means it has no consequences
so dialogue is not possible and that make military action possible all of a sudden?

Again, you don't get to win a war because you need to, and doing things like this will not likely to get support from anyone. That's the issue here. Or is it some sort of "oh it's not gonna change anything so **** it and let go big and go home"?
All the keyboard warriors on PDF and elsewhere need to keep their bloodlust in check!
But they think they won a great war. They are happy. Especially the Iranians. They think this was a big victory.

They never understood that thousands of Palestinians will be killed by the IDF and if the IDF will continue until Gaza has become a completely impoverished blockaded area.
Where do you see hit and run warfare here? It is conventional conflict if you can't differentiate between these two basic stuff why do you have a professional tag. You are a casual troll
conventional warfare?? LOL.

So did HAMAS fought a set piece with Israel with tanks, artillery, aircraft and maneuver?

Dude, don't make me laugh....
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