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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Two States,removal of ALL settlements in the West Bank,disarmament of ALL political parties and militias,Palestinian Armed Forces and Police to be the only legally armed force in the country, Exchange of prisoners,neutral peacekeeping force to observe corridor connecting the Gaza Strip with the West Bank,Jerusalem's Muslim quarter to be protected by neutral peacekeeping force.

Call their leaders,tell them that's my proposal.

The could have easily send a UN force to stop the fighting but they never did because Usa/Israel wants to expand the Israeli state. For them Palestinians are not threat, small militias fighting against a modern army with nukes.
Israel was always a temporary project. It was a timeline based on few decades from the arrival and it has no long term future there as power of balance will shift from the US who can't sustained them anymore in the coming decades they will willingly sacrifice it and abandon the jews because they are expendables
For ****'s sake, it is raining Israelis at Antalya airport right now, direct and connecting flights are mainly Israelis. Every time there is a war in the fucking geography, does it have to touch us?
I wonder if there are many Iranian agents in Antalya
You didn't tell the whole story:

During the First Gulf War, it was revealed that German firms had assisted Iraq with modernizing its ballistic missile and chemical weapon programs, thanks in part to lax enforcement by German customs, in violation of the Missile Technology Control Regime protocols which West Germany had acceded to in 1987.[20] These enhanced missiles brought Israeli cities into Iraqi targeting range for the first time, and the Iraqi weapons research program included factories and necessary supplies for the creation of weaponized mustard and nerve gas.[21][22] Though not a belligerent in the Gulf War, Israeli cities were nevertheless bombarded by these upgraded Iraqi missiles.[23][24] To compensate Israel for war-related damage and economic losses[22][25] and keep German shipyards occupied with a high profile project in the post Cold War defense spending downturn,[26][27] then Chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl approved an assistance package to German industry including the construction of two Dolphin-class submarines.[28][29]
Germans also provided Saddam with chemical weapons to use against Iranians, we are still waiting for our free nuclear submarines

A bitter blame game will follow Israel’s wartime unity​

The inquest into what went wrong ahead of Hamas’s attack could lead down a dangerous path

Gideon Rachman

Wars unite nations. The shock and horror of the Hamas attacks on Israel have brought a deeply divided country together. It is possible that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, may now form a national unity government.Israeli unity will last a while because this crisis is very far from over. The fate of the hostages inside Gaza, including children and old people, will continue to torment Israel. The government also faces the risk of new fronts opening in the occupied West Bank or on the border with Lebanon. But, fairly soon, Israel will be plunged into a divisive political argument about what went wrong. Two failures will have to be addressed. The first is an intelligence and security failure. The second is strategic.Israel has long taken pride in its intelligence services. It was generally assumed that nothing much could happen in Gaza without Israel knowing about it. But Hamas was able to plan and execute a complex and multipronged attack and storm across a border that the Israelis thought was secure. In doing so, they carried out the most deadly attacks inside Israel since the foundation of the state in 1948.

Both the right and the centre are primed to blame each other for the intelligence and security failure. (The left barely exists anymore.) As prime minister, Netanyahu is the natural person to blame for what has happened.The prime minister’s working assumption that the threat from Hamas was contained now looks delusional and complacent. As he struggles to avoid conviction in a corruption case, Netanyahu has also formed a government reliant on parties from the far-right. Those parties have supported increasing aggression by Israeli settlers in the West Bank. Army forces were diverted to the West Bank to contain the resulting violence — which weakened the country’s defences on the border with Gaza.The Israeli right and far-right, however, have a counter-narrative ready. They are prepared to blame the opposition and intelligence establishment for weakening the security of the country.In recent months, there have been huge anti-government demonstrations — protesting against judicial reforms pushed by Netanyahu that the opposition say threaten Israel’s democracy. Some senior figures from the security world have supported these demonstrations, and many Israeli reservists have been refusing to report for duty.

When the head of Shin Bet, the Israeli domestic intelligence service, warned Netanyahu earlier this year that deadly attacks by settlers on Palestinians would increase the security threat to Israel, he was roundly denounced by members of Netanyahu’s Likud party. One Likud member of parliament complained: “The ideology of the left has reached the top echelons of the Shin Bet. The deep state has infiltrated the leadership of the Shin Bet and the IDF.”

The far-right will certainly repeat those kinds of arguments in the coming weeks, as they press for vengeance against Hamas. But Israel’s inquest will have to go well beyond the immediate intelligence and security failure — profound though that is. Netanyahu’s entire strategy towards the Palestinians now looks like a failure.This essentially involved containing and “shrinking” the conflict with the Palestinians — while providing security to Israeli citizens, building the economy and normalising relations with Arab states. Netanyahu believed that Israel could cope with occasional rocket attacks and live with international condemnation of Israel’s blockade of Gaza.The Israeli leader rejected the argument that Israel would never be accepted in the Middle East until it made peace with the Palestinians. He argued instead that establishing normal relations with Israel’s Arab neighbours would help to bring internal peace — by cutting off external support for the Palestinians.

This plan was gathering momentum — with growing talk that Israel and Saudi Arabia were on the brink of establishing diplomatic relations. But that normalisation is now likely to be put on hold. While much western coverage of the crisis will focus on the horrors perpetrated by Hamas, the focus in the Middle East is likely to be on the suffering of Palestinians caught up in the Israeli strikes on Gaza. In that climate, it is likely to be impossible to conclude an Israel-Saudi deal.

However while Netanyahu’s Palestine strategy has fallen apart, it is far from clear what can replace it. In the current climate of grief and fury inside Israel, it is inevitable that the government will embrace a ferocious military response. But the Israeli government does not yet have any vision that goes beyond killing Hamas leaders.

Over the long term, it is hard to believe that Israel can any longer accept Hamas’s control of Gaza. But although there is plenty of talk of sending the Israeli army back into Gaza, that looks like a trap. As the academic Lawrence Freedman points out, the army “neither has the capacity nor the staying power to take control of Gaza. This remains a territory of 2 million people, and as they have nowhere else to go, they will stay, still angry.”

The shock and fury in Israel are reminiscent of the emotions in the US after 9/11. That provoked a display of American unity and power. It also led to a decade-long “war on terror” — which many Americans now regard as misconceived and self-destructive. Israel may be heading down the same dangerous path.
J, we are fighting a evil occupier. These evil occupier must be forced to grant Palestinians independence or else cause a world war. Our army has many white nationalists in it that hate Jews and don't want to arm them.
The issue here is, the US is going to arm Israeli, it's naive to think the US won't because of white nationalist, the people are going to forget what Israel had done, that is if they knew anything to begin with, this attack is giving the Israeli more leeway to be more brutal, because they are going to use it to say we go soft on them and this happened.

This attack don't get anything done, you are not expecting to win a war against Israel with these hit and run attack. Because at some point you are going to need to stop and defend your gain and that is when they make mince meat out of you.(not saying you as you, I meant the attacker) and you loses international support over this. That is going make the clause even harder.
How do they stress me? I'm in Greece. On the contrary,you seem to be high on whatever you're smoking or drinking there. You're just talking and talking and it's like "blah blah blah". No real meaning,just an endless mumbling.
You are in Greece, I said that you are in Rhodos. I see now , deep down by the reflective instict you know that Rhodos is not Greece but Turkish.
I badly need to talk to your carer, tourist season is over , grey skies are coming with the southern wind. Armenians are living in the sports Halls in Yerevan, Moishe is in atik in Ghaza and you and that Kyke Kachrun with stone faces in front of toilet mirror imaging how and shadow boxing and thinking how would you punch my face in.
Relax my son ,come to Dr Mehmed, your pain and will be gone , even I can help Bobby and Minjjita. At least for God sake man , watch My Fat Greek Wedding.
Please please look for help.
Yours sincerely Dr Mehmed
Once again, this world is not perfect.
British occupation of the Indian sub-continent took centuries, but in the end, they had to leave.
The same happened in South Africa and peaceful resistance yielded the results in the present era. It took longer than the Palestinian issue.

Please also see the crimes of your own ancestors when they colonised non-Muslim countries. They brought 100% destruction on non-Muslim opponents. They killed their men (or made them slaves). They raped ALL of their women and girls. They didn't even spare small children and they were also made slaves for their entire lives. And all of their properties and land were looted and not a single penny was left for them.

Just look at the crimes of Turkey. Just look at the Genocide of millions of Armenians. Just look how the whole west Armenian is today a part of Turkey and nobody even utters a word about it.

Just look how colonial Iran made Nagorno-Karabakh a part of Azerbaijan, and later the colonial USSR also kept it a part of Azerbaijan, although it was an Armenian land for thousands of years and the majority there was Armenian. Just look how later Azerbaijan changed the demography by settling Azeries in Nagorno-Karabakh. It is exactly the same as how Israel was formed and how Israel settled the Jews in Palestinian land.

Unfortunately, all Muslims show double standards here. They cried only for Palestinian land and rights, but they never raised their voice against the plight of the Armenian people in Nagorno-Karabakh, where Azeris captured this land with the help of colonial Iran and the USSR.
Have u seen how Armenians treated azeris in karabakh n adjoining areas? This was payback and now armenians crying. War and occupation was a normal thing in the past and if anything, muslim invaders were considered most merciful. After 1000 years of rule in india, muslims are still in minority. On the other hand, ur so called secular wesrerners wiped out whole indigenous civilizations. Murdered whole civilizations by gifting them infected blankets, that is the worst barbarianism ull ever find. In modern times, ull not see muslims conquering other lands and forcing locals to live in open air prison, u wont find muslims in modern times invading a country based on lies of WMD. So maybe ppl were cruel in past but now the in modern times, the so called civilized world is the most cruel.
The issue here is, the US is going to arm Israeli, it's naive to think the US won't because of white nationalist, the people are going to forget what Israel had done, that is if they knew anything to begin with, this attack is giving the Israeli more leeway to be more brutal, because they are going to use it to say we go soft on them and this happened.

This attack don't get anything done, you are not expecting to win a war against Israel with these hit and run attack. Because at some point you are going to need to stop and defend your gain and that is when they make mince meat out of you.(not saying you as you, I meant the attacker) and you loses international support over this. That is going make the clause even harder.

Where do you see hit and run warfare here? It is conventional conflict if you can't differentiate between these two basic stuff why do you have a professional tag. You are a casual troll
You know what Dalit and Khansheeb were commenting on a photo of that girl last night?

View attachment 959555

I reported them,I called @waz but apparently,it's ok...nobody cares. Behavior like that apparently is ok here.
I'm sad that such images have been shared with rather despicable comments. I can't comment on the words of others, and being a Muslim my heart hurts for Palestine because I know from history what is waiting for them on the horizon, they are in the largest open air prison with no where to go, ruled over by a terrorist group masquerading as a political party, the same people who orchestrated these acts use civilian infrastructure to shield themselves from repercussions.

There are brutalities on both sides, videos of IDF and Police mistreating men, women and children. But the video of that women being bundled out of the jeep and into the rear passenger seat with horrific injuries, having dealt with rape victims in a professional capacity I can identify the signs, you don't need a PhD to be able to understand or identify when a woman has been brutalised. That video was horrifying!

There is no justification for this, not in Islam not in any society. Sadly Palestinians are at point now where I believe they have crossed the rubicon, you listen to Palestinian Arabs and they all say the same thing, we are all dying anyway...

There should be an immediate end to the violence, on both sides, but you, me and anyone with a braincell can see what is on the horizon for the innocents in Gaza. They have no where to go, West Bank bridge to Gordon is blocked by IDF, Gaza border is sealed. The most densely populated urban area in the world, no matter how precise your bombing, you can't prevent civilian casualties.

There is more to this, the intelligence failure caught Israel by surprise and gave its military a bloody nose, it removed the mystique and polish from what was seen by many as an elite intelligence gathering force with deeply imbedded HUMINT and SIGNIT targeted towards those who would threaten it. Listening to Israelis on MSM it is clear this has shocked many many people and the confidence in their military has been dented, there will be a heavy cost to pay.

The language used by opinionators and commentators in MSM/SM etc isn't helpful, phrases like "Biblical", "Fire and Brimstone", "Flatten to Rubble", "REMOVE FROM HISTORY".

As I read these comments I am reminded of Gordon Allport's scale of prejudice:


I talk about "putting on the breaks" but how does this benefit Israel? Israel cannot afford "loss of face".


I think we are closer to scenario II and moving closer to scenario III on the GLASL scale of Escalation. Remember that in 2021 due to a limited conflict with Hamas 247 people were killed in Palestine, given that the Israeli's see this as their 9/11, I shudder to imagine the human cost in the days to come.

All the keyboard warriors on PDF and elsewhere need to keep their bloodlust in check!
Only you pajeets are ready to handover your as$ to Zionists

Hamas and Palestinians know how to punish these settler occupiers
You are cheering Hamas today but will you cry for them tomorrow?, I don't know...!
But if past experiences are taken into consideration then Pakistanis will not shed a tear for their own dead but cry like the Nile for the Palestinians/ other muslims...!
The Israel Defense Forces began to carry out general mobilization and form armored strike groups. The video shows the transfer of military equipment, Israeli M113 armored personnel carriers, 155-mm M109A5 self-propelled guns, American-made HMMWV armored vehicles and Israeli-made Merkava Mark 4 tanks. According to the latest data, the evacuation of the population from the northern regions of Israel bordering Lebanon has begun. The Israeli leadership also turned to the United States for help.


‘The Guest’: the Palestinian mastermind behind deadly Israel incursion​

Mohammed Deif is commander of the military wing of the militant group Hamas, which carried out Saturday’s attack

The voice on the recording was calm and precise as it delivered a message of horror.“In light of the continuing crimes against our people, in light of the orgy of occupation and its denial of international laws and resolutions, and in light of American and western support, we’ve decided to put an end to all this,” said the speaker, filmed shrouded in shadows, “so that the enemy understands that he can no longer revel without being held to account.”The voice heard on the video, released within hours of Saturday’s attack on Israel unfolding, purported to belong to Mohammed Deif, commander of the military wing of the Palestinian militant group Hamas and mastermind of the incursion into Israel.

The mass raid in the early hours of Saturday has so far killed at least 600 people in Israel, left more than 2,000 Israelis injured and taken his decades-long campaign against the Jewish state to a brutal and unpredictable new level.Even as Deif’s message was being broadcast, hundreds of Hamas fighters were breaching the border fence between the blockaded Gaza Strip and Israeli territory, fanning out across southern Israel under the cover of thousands of rockets.Within hours, Hamas had scored an unprecedented first strike against Israel while also taking dozens of hostages — estimated on Sunday to number about 100 — back to its teeming coastal enclave.

Hamas’s social media channels simultaneously released slickly produced videos showing its militants paragliding over the border and gruesome images of dead soldiers and terrified Israeli civilians.For Deif, whose nom de guerre meaning “Guest” is taken as a reference to the practice of Palestinian fighters spending each night at the home of a different sympathiser in order to evade Israeli intelligence, the assault was his most audacious, and deadly, yet.Hunted by Israel for decades, and almost killed in an air strike 20 years ago that reportedly left him in a wheelchair after losing an arm and a leg, Deif’s ability to outwit Israel’s military while killing soldiers and civilians alike has earned him the reverence of Palestinian militants.

With the Israeli military seemingly caught unawares, Deif has catapulted himself to the highest echelons of the Palestinian leadership, eclipsing his rivals in Fatah, the more moderate faction favoured by the west, and his counterparts in Hamas, considered a terrorist group by the US, EU and Israel.“Even before this, Deif was like a sacred personality and very much respected both within Hamas and by the Palestinians,” said Mkhaimar Abusada, a professor of politics at Al-Azhar University in Gaza. His biggest operation against Israel will have now turned him into a figure “like a god to the young”, he added.

The most significant factor for Hamas is the sheer number of hostages hauled back to Gaza. Israel handed over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners to free a single soldier, Gilad Shalit, after five years of captivity by Hamas in 2011.“Hamas understands very well that, when it comes to holding Israeli prisoners, patience is all they need,” said a regional diplomat who helped negotiate Shalit’s release. “Over time, the Israeli public will create the pressure. All Hamas has to do is wait.”In interviews, Israeli and Palestinian analysts, including people who knew Deif before he vanished into the shadows of Palestinian militancy, described a quiet, intense man uninterested in the internecine rivalries of Palestinian factions. Instead, they said, he was single-minded about changing the nature of the Israeli-Arab conflict, and using violence as a means to achieve it.“You should fight the Israelis inside Israel, and demolish their fantasy that they can be safe in occupied land,” said a Palestinian fighter turned mid-level politician who met Deif in the early 2000s.

They also described a man whose ability to constantly evolve alongside the Israeli military’s technological achievements was illustrated during the ferocious 11-day war between the Palestinian militant group and Israel in 2021. Hamas deployed swarms of low-tech rockets in an attempt to overwhelm Israel’s air defence system, which nearly ran out of munitions in the 11 days before a truce was brokered.Like others in Hamas, Deif views the Oslo Accords, which in the late 1990s briefly held the promise of a negotiated peace settlement, as a betrayal of its resistance and the original goal to replace Israel with a Palestinian state.“

Deif has tried to start the second war of Israeli independence,” said Eyal Rosen, a colonel in the Israeli army’s reserves who in a previous role focused on the Gaza Strip. “The main goal is — by steps — to destroy Israel. This is one of the first steps — this is just the beginning.”Deif, one-time bombmaker and the architect of a decade-long programme to dig a network of tunnels under Gaza, was born Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri in the Khan Younis refugee camp during the 1960s, according to an Israeli official familiar with his security file.

Gaza was then under Egyptian control, and the Israeli official familiar with his file at the Shin Bet intelligence service said either his uncle or father had taken part in the sporadic 1950s raids by armed Palestinians into the same swath of land that Deif’s fighters infiltrated on Saturday.So little is known about him that even his name is a mystery. People who knew him in the 1980s say that even then he went by the name Deif, while others said they knew him by his birth name. Only one grainy photograph of him exists in the public domain.

His taste for theatrics was honed at an acting troupe he joined while at the Islamic University of Gaza, a hotbed of the Egyptian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood’s style of political Islam. By the time Hamas was born in the late 1980s, forged in the fire of the first intifada, or uprising, against Israel’s occupation, Deif was in his 20s.Around that time, Ghazi Hamad, now a Hamas politburo member, shared a prison cell with Deif after they were jailed by the Israelis.“

From the beginning of his life in Hamas, he was focused on the military track,” said Hamad. “He was very kind,” he recalled, “all the time a patriot who would make little cartoons to make us laugh.”Any hint of kindness would soon fade, as Hamas carried out suicide bombings to doom the Oslo Accords.

Israel holds Deif responsible for the death of dozens of people in suicide bombings, including a wave in 1996 that killed more than 50 civilians.Deif is said to have studied under Yahya Ayyash, a bombmaker with the nickname “Engineer” who was assassinated by Israel in 1996 with a mobile phone packed with explosives.Deif moved up the ranks of the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, and the Israeli official said he was involved in the creation of the first rudimentary rockets. Hamas’s arsenal is now in the tens of thousands and they fired 3,500 on Saturday alone.

The Israeli official said Deif sought high-impact targets, such as settlers and soldiers in the occupied territories, buses in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. He also oversaw the rocket barrages that send Israelis into bomb shelters at regular intervals.Within Hamas, the official said, Deif was an opponent of the complicated dance whereby Hamas would agree to halt fighting that sporadically flared in exchange for Israel allowing additional funds into the blockaded strip or more work permits for Gazans.

While this arrangement helped to manage cycles of violence, it has also led to four wars in 2009, 2011, 2014, 2021 and then this one, all of which the militants portrayed as a victory.“This terrorist action has finished this practice forever,” said the Israeli official of Saturday’s assault. “Now there will be no truce, only retaliation.”

Which is exactly, it seems, what Deif had always wanted.

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