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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Ukrainian war = increased Iranian power

Gaza conflict = increased Iranian power

Reasons Erdogan and Turkey are ranting loudly and madly about their "support for Palestine" = the points made above. Turkey wants to be in the # 1 Muslim power position when it comes to the issue of Palestine, but Iran is already in #1 position, and this is based on the different policies and strategies Iran and Turkey have executed over the past decades vis-a-vis the Palestinian cause. Turkey is a toothless tiger.

@Meengla Am i really being "very harsh" on Turkey or is the truth that is harsh on Turkey? LOL.

You have been too harsh on Turkey.
Turkey has compulsions due to its geography and its economy is heavily dependent upon the West and the economy is on its knees. Turkey also benefits from the NATO defense alliance. A Turkish leader has to look after Turkish interests just like a Pakistani leader or an Egyptian leader has to look after their own interests.
Iran is a wild card here-- had Iran not taken a principled stand against Israel, Iran would have been a major economic power. But Turkey, Pakistan, and Egypt don't have oil to 'absorb' the shocks Iran has been able to.
While it remains to be seen what will happen, I think Turkey will flex its muscles in case of a regional war.

PS. It is a futile discussion to talk about Turkey vs this or that just like Shia vs Sunny or like atheism vs religion as discussed above so many times.
If this isn't a precursor to a commando raid by Hezbollah or precision strikes on Israeli military and civilian infrastructure, then it is just for PR. Friday's speech by Nasrallah will give us an idea of Hezbollah's intention. I suspect there will be no action or escalation by Hezbollah and Nasrallah will deflect unto other matters for PR purposes.

Various info is pointing to various factions in Lebanon putting pressure on Hezbollah not to get involved

Hezbollah and their fighters seem very eager to up the fight

U.S has also warned the Lebanese to hold Hezbollah back
. Interviewer trying to twist Hamas officials words.

What do you mean twist ? , this is exactly what he said.

Mousa Abu Marzouk, a senior member of the Hamas political bureau, said in an interview to the RT network in Arabic that the tunnels built in Gaza were meant to protect Hamas - and not the residents of the Strip. "It is the responsibility of the UN to protect them," he said.

Fact is that Hamas after the ceasefire , took all the money from Qatar , and instead of developing Gaza those two years , spent it on building tunnels and planning this massacre.

He knew well the results and the price Gaza would pay , and still went on with this insane plan,

As for " twisting " his words.

Kindly point to us where in tne interview , his word are " twisred " ?


The tunnels are for us, the UN can take care of Palestinian citizens

Musa Abu Marzouk, a member of the Hamas political bureau, said in an interview that 'we built tunnels, these tunnels are meant to protect us from the airplanes.' According to him, '75% in Gaza are refugees, it is the responsibility of the UN to protect them' - and Israel's responsibility to provide them with services


Mousa Abu Marzouk, a senior member of the Hamas political bureau, said in an interview to the RT network in Arabic that the tunnels built in Gaza were meant to protect Hamas - and not the residents of the Strip. "It is the responsibility of the UN to protect them," he said.

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Hezbollah's logo now has a column in the middle.

After Nasrallah launched a major war on the column.
Then I wonder what Hamas' logo looks like

After Abu Obeida launched a major war on Israeli pensioners and got Gaza flattened with Hamas having no friends after they stupidly insult everyone who may help
Various info is pointing to various factions in Lebanon putting pressure on Hezbollah not to get involved

Hezbollah and their fighters seem very eager to up the fight

U.S has also warned the Lebanese to hold Hezbollah back

Hezbollah fighters want to, Hezbollah political leadership doesn't want to. They have so many weapons they have no excuse to keep reducing themselves to PR stunts.
OMG. I think I had rightly used your thinking as 'ossified' many pages ago.
Nobody is going to fight Israel head-on anymore--the last time that happened was in 1973 and Israel's opponents know that they would not be fighting some 'tiny Israel' but the greatest military and economic power and its allies and so they will fight using rockets and missiles.
Israel can be brought to its knees through a prolonged economic shutdown using cheap rockets from multiple directions. But if and when that happens, and that's inevitable if this conflict prolongs, what will be YOUR excuse for Israel's capitulation?
I think if Israel wins this war, one of the objectives will be to remove this cheap rocket pinprick ability. There is no sense in them ending the war and still allow Hamas the ability to fire rockets. Any Israeli government that allows that will be ridiculed. So, it is either dissolve the country and go away somewhere or stop the rocket attack at least for some time.
Various info is pointing to various factions in Lebanon putting pressure on Hezbollah not to get involved

Hezbollah and their fighters seem very eager to up the fight

U.S has also warned the Lebanese to hold Hezbollah back

this is a difficult one

once Israel cuts Gaza in half the North will be wiped clear and Hamas as we know it will not exist as they have no where to go

I think Iran will sacrifice Hamas for Hezbollah because without Hezbollah Iran has no Ace up its sleeve

flip side is that Hezbollah attack Israel + Houthi's and then by default this will bring Iran into the conflict

then all the US bases in the Middle East will be overrun by Iranian back militias which are now all over Eastern Saudi Arabia

USAF will répond from air as usual but without boots on the ground the gains will be limited

it means hitting Iran which then begs the question , Russia + China ?
Please don't be a blind person.

Just look at the crimes of Turkey. Just look at the Genocide of millions of Armenians. Just look how the whole west Armenian is today a part of Turkey and nobody even utters a word about it. (You also uttered not a single word against it and just neglected it, which is a shame).

And what about the killings by Azeri Governors of the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh under the colonial rule of Iran and Russia?

Today you say that Hamas has all the right to kill Israeli civilians while Jews illegally occupied this land. But when Azeris did the same under the colonial rule of Iran/Russia, then you shut your eyes.

What are you going to do now? Again show the double standards and neglect this issue of Armenia while they are not humans in your eyes as they are Kuffar? Do you want to say that only Muslims of Hamas have all the rights but non-Muslims don't have equal rights?

What merciful?
Killing war prisoners is merciful?
Raping all women and girls by making them captives merciful?
Looting even the last penny is merciful?
Separating small children from their mothers and selling them in Islamic Bazaars of Slavery is being merciful?

These were the crimes of Muslim ancestors for the last 1400 years, till the Caliphate existed and till the non-religious West didn't kick on their back and forced them to abolish slavery.

The colonial British Empire also committed crimes, but they were nowhere close to the crimes of Muslim ancestors.

The colonial British Empire ruled almost all Muslim countries, but it abolished slavery in its colonies and didn't rape women, otherwise, women from our great grandmothers generations would have been enslaved and probably raped too by white colonial people.

Mughal rulers decided only to take Jizya and not to kill the war prisoners or enslave them all. Muslims were never in such a majority to rule over the whole of India. Muslim rulers were divided among themselves too.

Ibn Battuta: How Muslim Rulers took Hindu Princesses as slaves and raped them​

Ibn Battuta writes about Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq:

Has Israel committed such heinous crimes against Palestinians? No.
Has colonial powers of the British Empire or France committed such crimes as colonial Muslim ancestors did? No.
Did the colonial Britishers and the French did such a Genocide as Turkey did of Christian Armenians? No.
But the problem is your double standards.

Yes, they did it and for that we condemn them and as consider them war criminals.
But do you also then condemn the war crimes of your Muslim ancestors and condemn them?
If not, then why these Double Standards?

Grapes are sour.
You don't have the power to invade non-Muslim lands, otherwise, you are no angels.
Your hero Saddam Hussain was one of the cruellest people who killed millions of Shia minority people and killed several hundred thousand Kurds.
Do you remember how Saddam Hussain killed 5,000 Kurds in one night when he bombed them with Chemical Weapons in Halabcha?

Halabja massacre

Your Muslim Heros of today didn't get power over non-Muslims, then they started killing their own Muslim brothers.

And your Muslim Caliphate of Turkey killed millions of Armenians in not distant past, but again all such killings for you are Halal Allah and the blood of non-Muslims have no worth for you.

U didnt provide a single factual argument, instead going on a rant... Ok do u believe the story of Umar and salahuddin and how they treated enemies after conquering them? Show me any such stories of others.
You say the british and French disnt do that? Killing whole civilizations with small pox, a biological attack is not something? The brits killing more than 3 million bengalis because they took their food for the war is not something? Most of French atrocities are so horrible, u wont believe it. You are an uninformed retard hypocrite. I never denied some rulers being cruel, my argument was muslims were way better than western barbarians.
Then I wonder what Hamas' logo looks like

After Abu Obeida launched a major war on Israeli pensioners and got Gaza flattened with Hamas having no friends after they stupidly insult everyone who may help

Why do you keep crying when posts made by general public critiquing Hezbollah? It's a perfectly valid point. Hezbollah's bravado and red lines don't match with their actions. Thus they get criticized. And will continue to be if they don't match their rhetoric and promises.
Why do you keep crying when posts made by general public critiquing Hezbollah? It's a perfectly valid point. Hezbollah's bravado and red lines don't match with their actions. Thus they get criticized. And will continue to be if they don't match their rhetoric and promises.
Criticism is perfectly fine. Trolling and insulting, is not.
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