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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

they are well known to mods, i lost my nerves to see their shit posts diverting from the ongoing genocide and resistance to it, thank you for your kind words but can not do anymore watching their lies and mocking by sammul, adir, trench, bon plain, ze german, ap richele and that gang of bastards, they are complicit to the zionist crimes and each written word by them is further contribution to it.
Brate , jebem ih ja u mozak. Pravilo je , pokusaj se pravit hladan i okrenut njihovu pricu protiv njih. Kao sto vidis sa mnom se nevole zajebavat, uvjek nastoje da me ignore. Meni jedino nervira obicna ciganija
The agreement negotiated under Clinton would give the West Bank and Gaza to the Palestinians with some minor adjustments.
Israel is not a monolith. Some certainly want all the West Bank, some do not.

Noone wants to be a minority amongst rabid murderers.

Palestinians has not presented any alternative to continuous war.

Freedom and independence from your occupier is a alternative to continuous war

Why did you clowns think Palestinians or Muslims would tolerate subjugation
they are well known to mods, i lost my nerves to see their shit posts diverting from the ongoing genocide and resistance to it, thank you for your kind words but can not do anymore watching their lies and mocking by sammul, adir, trench, bon plain, ze german, ap richele and that gang of bastards, they are complicit to the zionist crimes and each written word by them is further contribution to it.
Let me teach this French " patriot " history of his country. Let me induce into him the objective feeling of his own inadequacy. Though , he is shamleess , he is narcissistic. Which is the prelevant characteristic of this mindless people.
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Somebody posted this on Quora:


Yeah hindus did,, they and they don't understand the importance of brotherhood in Islam

For murtads, hindus and assorted idol worshippers we should be friendly with these pagan trash from India as opposed to fellow Muslims
Didn’t you lovely french frogs during WW2 help the Germans by arresting hundreds and thousands of your french Jews to be gassed and murdered!!!
History repeats.
'a series of mass murders of Jews perpetrated by mobs of French and German Christians of the People's Crusade'
French practise Muslim anti-Semitism now. This is a reminder.
'The Strasbourg massacre occurred on 14 February 1349, when the entire Jewish community of several thousand Jews were publicly burnt to death as part of the Black Death persecutions.[1]'
I don't believe mainland Europe has changed significantly. Only reason they hesitate going for massacres is the legacy of Holocaust and American imposed order.
Didn’t you lovely french frogs during WW2 help the Germans by arresting hundreds and thousands of your french Jews to be gassed and murdered!!!

They forget what they did in Algeria

They hated the Jews trash and dumped them on Palestine rather then accept them into their own countries
French goyim idol worshipper/atheist thinks Jew likes him. 😂

View attachment 965328
You see my friend, these thing the Frenchman doesn't believe nor he cares.
But because of this Talmudic rubbish, Talmud was charged with the various crimes in the Law Court of King of France ( I forgot which one Philippe Le Bel?) . Talmud , not Torah , was condemn to death and Jews expelled from La France. The state attorney was an ex- Jew, so Kykes can't say that it was done by someone, who didn't know Judaism.
Unfortunately, the French man Bob , doesn't know even his parents
Yeah hindus did,, they and they don't understand the importance of brotherhood in Islam

What about this one. A Christian Palestinian:

Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 18-28-17 Secular Pakistani nationalists.png

you spread propaganda again?
Every one know you are slave of westerners

Slaves of Westerners or Middle Eastern people?

FYI I support any Iranian who is friendly to Pakistan and willing to overthrow their corrupt, backward regime that only threatens Pakistan day by day.
Brate , jebem ih ja u mozak. Pravilo je , pokusaj se pravit hladan i okrenut njihovu pricu protiv njih. Kao sto vidis sa mnom se nevole zajebavat, uvjek nastoje da me ignore. Meni jedino nervira obicna ciganija
What's so important about this forum that Jews, Christians and Indians want to create a public opinion here that white washes Israeli Genocide? There must be a reason. And if this effort is going on here, then it must be going on everywhere.
Ahoy Bobby , where are you? I was having a real fun with you but you disappeared.
Come to Dr Mehmed. Dr Mehmed can cure you of your manic episodes. Oh you are not well in the head. This morning outburst showes that your ideas at work were shunned again. The answer is that you have to admit to yourself that you are dumb. After that, live like a fool that you are , for once you will be happy. After all the goyims are animals. Live by your instict and be Jewish trained sheep. Of course, you are a domesticated animal as your friends Kykes are telling you.
Bon matin mon chien
Personal notes.

Egypt's regional role is at its weakest time.
Qatar's regional role is greater than Saudi Arabia's.
Türkiye is nothing more than a parrot.
The Syrian regime specialized in repairing Aleppo Airport.
Hezbollah's field position is brave.

Sad that Egypt's regional role has declined to this degree.


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