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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

you’re always giving israel the benefit of the doubt and constantly framing events like Hamas initiated this conflict when in reality the core problem of this conflict is the occupation and disenfranchisement of the Palestinian people.
This specific round was initiated by Hamas. Do you disagree?

Yes,the core problem of course is the whole occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. And for me,it's the kind of oppression that started in the early 2000s. Anyone who has watched videos and documentaries of life in the West Bank knows how complicated life had become for Palestinians with the checkpoints,the occasional Israeli soldier arrogance who would say "Nooo you can't pass,go back...because I say so",the settlers and their even worse arrogance and bullying,the sometimes sniping and killing random people or targeting Palestinians at vital points to make them disabled for life,during riots.

You are sick
You are sick for supporting Hamas and what they did.

And for changing your forum flags every week.
He's a sick Jew. Care so much about them they bombed and killed them thinking they were Hamas soldiers. And putting them on border fence for dangerous work. Never a white Jew on border fence.

And where they also kidnaped by the israeli Army ?


When you throw grenades into shelters full of civilians , it is little wonder that thai people died too.

Though once they dragged those who survived out of the shelters and took them hostage.

You want to say they did not know , there are just thai farm workers ?

Here let me help :

Thai person :


Israeli person :


What's so important about this forum that Jews, Christians and Indians want to create a public opinion here that white washes Israeli Genocide? There must be a reason. And if this effort is going on here, then it must be going on everywhere.

What's so important about this forum that idiots , liers and fanatics want to create a public opinion here that white washes the Suterday 7 of October Massacre ? There must be a reason. And if this effort is going on here, then it must be going on everywhere.

What about this one. A Christian Palestinian:

View attachment 965335

Slaves of Westerners or Middle Eastern people?

FYI I support any Iranian who is friendly to Pakistan and willing to overthrow their corrupt, backward regime that only threatens Pakistan day by day.

Look stop crying,, muslims of all colors and backgrounds will have affinity to one another above anyone else

We get it, your some sort of Pakistani murtad and this is itching your ***, just like it does with the hindus

No one cares
what % of AMericans that support Israel would be willing to travel to Israel to defend Israel? Good we agree it is no more than 5%, so why should i go to Palestine to fight for Palestinians of most Americans supporting Israel wont go to Israel to die under Hamas rockets? stop being a hypocrite and making irrelevant requests.
That's like the dumbest excuse 😂

Just because your "enemy's" supporters won't go fight for him (which many actually did)means you don't have to fight for the cause that you so fervently support?

Also,when did we agree about percentage? Lol
Look stop crying,, muslims of all colors and backgrounds will have affinity to one another above anyone else

We get it, your some sort of Pakistani murtad and this is itching your ***, just like it does with the hindus

No one cares
How come we don't see Palestinian Christians,go around shooting Israelis and going on suicide missions? Or cutting heads and going around proudly saying they killed Jews? Palestinian Christians dislike Israel and hate the occupation as well. They are patriots too.

But you know the difference? The culture and mentality of radical Islam. The seeking of revenge among civilian population.
The "whoever kills our children we will kill his children" like a guy said in a documentary once.

This is what Hamas is. Hamas doesn't have any moral high ground,Hamas is the kind of group that will happily kill women and children and other fellow Palestinians,if they oppose their plans.

Yes,Hamas is a byproduct of the occupation,but it's a radical Sunni group. It's a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. It's the kind of group,that betrayed their long-time supporters Syria and Iran in the blink of an eye,as soon as similar like-minded groups appeared in Syria.
I found some description of the footage,some of the videos mentioned I've watched on Youtube and some scenes I saw on the news here,although heavily blurred @LeGenD

"The footage, captured by security cameras, body cameras worn by the Hamas attackers, vehicle dashboard cameras, social media accounts and videos from mobile phones, left some reporters in tears. The material included the killing of children and decapitation of some victims.

The audience was not allowed to record the compilation but one excerpt, approximately one minute long, was released to the public: it showed Hamas militants flagging down a car as it drove slowly along a rural road. The gunmen open fire, hitting the vehicle, which swerved and halted, revealing two people slumped in the front seats.

In another scene Hamas attackers entered a house and spoke to a girl hiding under a table. “After some talking back and forth they shoot and kill her,” tweeted Jotam Confino, one of the correspondents at the screening. “Hard to say how old she is but looks like 7-9 years old.”

Another scene showed a father and his two sons, aged approximately seven and nine, running in their underwear to what appeared to be a bomb shelter. A Hamas attacker threw a grenade, killing the man. The boys emerge bloodied and run. “Dad’s dead, it wasn’t a prank,” one shouts. “I know, I saw it,” replies his brother, later screaming: “Why am I alive?”

Other sequences showed a militant with an agricultural tool hacking at the head of a man lying on the ground, gunmen killing wounded female Israeli soldiers and a jubilant Hamas fighter calling his family: “I killed 10 Jews with my own hands. I’m using the dead Jewish woman’s phone to call you now.”

Another clip showed an Israeli woman inspecting a partially burned woman’s corpse to see if it was a family member. The victim’s dress was pulled up to her waist and her underpants had been removed. Maj Gen Mickey Edelstein, who briefed reporters after the viewing, said authorities had evidence of rape.

Still images showed a decapitated soldier, charred human remains, including those of young children, and several Islamic State flags, the Times of Israel reported. “When we say Hamas is Isis, it’s not a branding effort,” R Adm Daniel Hagari told reporters after the screening.

Grisly scenes from the attack, in which more than 1,400 Israelis died, have been widely shared on social media in the past two weeks but Eylon Levy, an Israeli government spokesperson, said there was a “Holocaust denial-like phenomenon” about the scale of atrocities."

From another reporter:

But what you’re about to read is not my opinion about this war. It is simply a detailed description of what I saw in those 43 minutes of footage.

The first clip opens with the smiling, excited face of a Hamas terrorist in the back of a Toyota pickup truck, waving his AK-47 in the air. With him are four others holding tight to the sides of the truck as it speeds along a dusty track. All dressed in black with the signature green Hamas headband. After a few words in Arabic, the man filming the video begins an ‘Allahu Akbar’ chant and is joined by the others.

The screen cuts to black.

The second clip, one that the IDF included in 90 seconds of footage that was made public, is a dashcam video taken from a civilian’s car. As the driver approaches, he sees armed men on the road. This isn’t an unusual sight in a highly militarised Israel, but one of the men on the road waves at the car and then fires right at it. The panicked driver steps on the gas to speed past, but the car is peppered with bullets cracking the glass. The driver, clearly hit by the time, loses control and the car careens off its path and smashes into a parked SUV.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is Hamas bodycam footage showing a bloodied body lying face down by the side of a car. The car is peppered with bullet holes.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip shows a white SUV speeding off the road and into a field. Two Hamas terrorists chase the car into the field, catch up with the stranded vehicle and shoot the driver point blank.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is dashcam footage from a Hamas-driven car. The dashboard is red velvet. Voices can be heard speaking in Arabic as the car snakes into a Kibbutz. The car then passes the body of a blonde woman in jeans and a black sleeveless shirt face down on the road. A voice off-camera is heard hooting as if to cheer.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is from traffic cameras. A wide shot from height shows Hamas terrorists climbing out of their pickup truck and ambushing a car on the other side of the road, firing repeatedly into it.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is from the Kibbuts Be’eri, where over 130 people were murdered on October 7, an area I reported from earlier this week. Neighbourhood CCTV footage shows a Hamas terrorist wearing an IDF uniform stealthily approaching the gate and then clambering into the guard booth. A Tesla car approaches the gate. The terrorist in the booth and another from off to the side enter the frame and fire into the car killing both occupants. The driver is a young man who slumps to the side after being shot.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is bodycam footage from a Hamas terrorist. The ‘buddy’ pair are seen walking inside a Kibbutz. Speaking constantly to each other in Arabic, they walk past a children’s park with colourful slides, tubes and swings. They approach a garage which is revealed to contain a parked ambulance. The Hamas terrorist wearing a bodycam fires at one of the tyres of the ambulance, deflating it. The hiss of released air is heard.

The two terrorists are then seen venturing deeper into the Kibbutz. A black dog, likely a Labrador, appears and runs toward the two Hamas men. The man wearing the bodycam fires three shots killing the dog instantly on the track.

The two terrorists then step close to a house. They peep inside through an open window. The terrorist in front takes aim and fires a single shot. A loud groan, likely, of a senior citizen, is heard.

It is not clear if it’s this same house or another, but the two men then step into the front porch of the house and using a lighter, set it ablaze. The two men then leave, one of them whispering Allahu Akbar.

A playful mobile ringtone is heard from a house, catching the attention of the two Hamas men. They enter the house. It appears empty but the occupants are clearly not far — an iPad sits on the table with its screen still on, while a MacBook sits next to it. They venture deeper into the house but do not find anyone.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is CCTV footage from a home in a Kibbutz. A father with 2 boys — all in their underpants — enters a room, panic-stricken. The audio captures the father seeming to tell the boys to hide. It appears they are hiding because Hamas terrorists have entered their home.

A second CCTV camera shows the father and two boys attempting to exit the house through a courtyard of sorts, but are ambushed by two Hamas terrorists. One of the terrorists shoots the father point blank. The two boys, their father’s blood spattered across them, run back into the house.

The CCTV now captures the two boys in what appears to be the kitchen. Both boys are wailing. One boy tells the other ‘Dad is dead’. Then he falls to the floor, bangs on it and cries, "Why am I alive? Why?" Then he composes himself and turns to his younger brother whose face appears to be covered in the blood spatter from his father’s gunshot wound. The elder boy asks the younger one "Can you see from this eye? Can you see at all?" The boy answers in the negative.

The outside CCTV camera that captured the father’s killing now shows the mother returning with two Kibbutz security guards. She sees the crumpled, bullet-riddled body of her husband (not clear in the image) and collapses crying. She is held up by the two security men who then drag her away off camera.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is from Kibbutz Be’eri. The video shows a group of Hamas terrorists on motorcycles congregating around a Blue Mazda. One of the terrorists enters the frame, opens the front passenger door and drags a body out to the road. He searches the body’s pockets and pulls out a mobile phone. More terrorists enter the frame and begin to empty the car, throwing out a large ice keg and other items. A second body is pulled out from the driver’s side. It’s a young man in shorts. He is flung to the ground near the car, where his body lands with an apparent thud. The two terrorists then climb into the car and drive off.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is a mobile video taken by a Hamas terrorist. Filmed inside a house, it shows a grievously injured man lying on his back on the floor. Wearing a yellow T-shirt with Hebrew text, he appears to have been shot non-fatally in the stomach. A terrorist picks up a construction hoe kept nearby and, while chanting 'Allahu Akbar' loudly, hacks at the injured man’s neck repeatedly with all his strength until his arms slump to the side. The attack does not decapitate the man, though it is clearly enough to kill him.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is mobile footage taken by a Hamas terrorist inside a house. Chanting 'Allahu Akbar', he opens a room door revealing blood spattered on the floor and four bodies piled up.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip shows a group of Hamas terrorists torching a white Toyota.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is a video selfie showing a group of Hamas men smiling, talking to each other, cheering into the camera and chanting 'Allahu Akbar'. It is not clear if they are the same men seen in the previous footage.

The screen cuts to black.

A woman with red curly hair is seen slumped on a bed face down, the area around her face smudged with blood. She has likely been shot in the face or head.

The screen cuts to black.

A mobile video follows a thick trail of blood, the kind of trail that would be left if a body was dragged. It ends in a room with two bodies, congealed blood turning black on the floor amidst sacks of cement and other construction material.

The screen cuts to black.

The next picture is a still image. It’s a picture of an infant in diapers with three gunshot wounds, including one in the head. It’s an unblurred version of the same image that the Israeli Foreign Ministry released days after the October 7 attack in the wake of the ‘beheaded babies’ report from Kibbutz Kfar Aza.

More stills show a completely charred infant, the head of either an infant or a toddler, more charred infants and a dog shot dead in a living room.

Two still pictures show an ISIS flag on the floor, followed by pictures of a woman shot dead in a baby playroom and another slumped with gunshot wounds in a laundry room.

The next item is the full audio clip of a young Hamas terrorist who phones his parents in Gaza during the attack. The publicly released audio captures the frenzied terrorist repeatedly tell first his father that he has killed 10 jews and that he should see his WhatsApp. He asks for his mother, who comes to the phone apparently in tears, asking her son to come back with god’s help. He says there is no return, and that this is the way he has chosen for martyrdom. His weeping mother pleads with him to come home.

The next clip shows a pile of bodies slumped on a park bench next to a shop. The wall has a bookshelf on it.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is mobile footage filmed by a group of women IDF soldiers inside a room. The sound of rifle fire can be heard nearby as the women speak to each other in panicked whimpers. They huddle together.

The screen cuts to black.

Another home invasion by a group of Hamas terrorists shows them entering what appears to be a study. One of the home’s occupants is clearly under the table, though it isn’t clear if he/she is alive or shot earlier. The terrorists chant Allahu Akbar and fire into the table. One of the terrorists is holding an American M4A1 carbine.

The screen cuts to black.

A still picture shows what appears to be an IDF soldier’s corpse on the road. Covered in blood, the head is missing. It is not clear how the head was removed.

The next clip shows a frenzied group of Hamas terrorists in a circle around a body that is revealed to be a dead IDF soldier. They bludgeon his head with their boots while chanting 'Allahu Akbar'.

The screen cuts to black.

Next is a clip that Hamas had posted on social media soon after the attack, showing terrorists dragging a woman (her hands bound, face bloodied) out of the boot of a jeep and pushing her into the back seat. This appears to be in Gaza. A small crowd forms chanting 'Allahu Akbar', while two men stand with their middle fingers raised akimbo.

The screen cuts to black.

The next video is from the Re’em rave party. It opens with smiling selfie videos of party-goers. In one frame the background shows what appear to be inbound Hamas paragliders. The scene quickly shifts to young men and women running for their lives as the firing begins. Some of them run into a field to escape the approaching terrorists.

In the parking lot of the rave party, a Toyota pickup truck full of Hamas terrorists zooms into the frame and ambushes a Honda hatchback. One terrorist climbs onto the bonnet of another car and fires off-camera presumably at party-goers trying to escape to safety.

The scene cuts to bodycam footage from a Hamas terrorist who fires into a row of portable toilets set up for the rave party. A still image shows the inside of one of the toilets with large spatters of blood.

The footage then cuts back to the car park where Hamas terrorists are seen dragging bodies into a pile. In one corner of the frame, a car is set on fire.

A young woman in spectacles wearing a white dress with red flowers is seen in a selfie video whimpering as she appears to hide from the terrorists nearby. Another group of men and women are seen hiding in what appears to be a dumpster. The footage cuts back to the car park where a man is dragged out of his car and shot point blank. A body on the ground stirs for a moment.

A terrorist walks in from the off frame and fires two shots into the body, ‘finishing’ it off.

The footage then cuts to a terrorist dragging a woman’s body out of a car and tossing it into a field. Amidst chants of Allahu Akbar, a body is set on fire on the road.

A selfie video shows a terrified young man hiding from a shelter that appears to have bodies inside it. The man peeps from behind a wall. The scene then shifts to Hamas terrorists dragging wounded men and women into the back of a pickup truck presumably as hostages. Amidst wails and whimpers, they are driven away. Some of them are grievously injured.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is mobile footage by a Hamas terrorist or the hostages in the pickup truck as it speeds back towards Gaza, though it is not clear what the precise location is. Filmed at an angle, it shows blue sky on one side, brown golden earth and fields on the other, and the bloodied hostages in the middle.

The screen cuts to black.

A survivor is then seen filming charred remains and burning cars. Two cars show charred remains in their seats. A third shows a charred skull lying on its side.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is night footage from a police mobile phone showing responders trudging through a field of ash, strewn apparently with body parts and burnt organs. The camera pans to what appears to be a small pile of charred bodies in a pile.

A wailing man looks for his family among the dead, filmed by a third person. Around him are broken and burnt bodies.

The screen cuts to black.

Next, we see a series of still images of charred bodies. Three of the pictures show hands tied. One shows a gag tied around the head of a burnt head. One charred body of a woman is seen in a crawling position as if trying to escape.

A final image shows a dumpster filled with charged torsoes and body parts.

The screen cuts one final time to black.

Not that lack of evidence is the problem in this debate here , some here deny suff even when it is placed right before their eyes.

But can you post the links of this reports , specially the last one :

I found some description of the footage,some of the videos mentioned I've watched on Youtube and some scenes I saw on the news here,although heavily blurred @LeGenD

"The footage, captured by security cameras, body cameras worn by the Hamas attackers, vehicle dashboard cameras, social media accounts and videos from mobile phones, left some reporters in tears. The material included the killing of children and decapitation of some victims.

The audience was not allowed to record the compilation but one excerpt, approximately one minute long, was released to the public: it showed Hamas militants flagging down a car as it drove slowly along a rural road. The gunmen open fire, hitting the vehicle, which swerved and halted, revealing two people slumped in the front seats.

In another scene Hamas attackers entered a house and spoke to a girl hiding under a table. “After some talking back and forth they shoot and kill her,” tweeted Jotam Confino, one of the correspondents at the screening. “Hard to say how old she is but looks like 7-9 years old.”

Another scene showed a father and his two sons, aged approximately seven and nine, running in their underwear to what appeared to be a bomb shelter. A Hamas attacker threw a grenade, killing the man. The boys emerge bloodied and run. “Dad’s dead, it wasn’t a prank,” one shouts. “I know, I saw it,” replies his brother, later screaming: “Why am I alive?”

Other sequences showed a militant with an agricultural tool hacking at the head of a man lying on the ground, gunmen killing wounded female Israeli soldiers and a jubilant Hamas fighter calling his family: “I killed 10 Jews with my own hands. I’m using the dead Jewish woman’s phone to call you now.”

Another clip showed an Israeli woman inspecting a partially burned woman’s corpse to see if it was a family member. The victim’s dress was pulled up to her waist and her underpants had been removed. Maj Gen Mickey Edelstein, who briefed reporters after the viewing, said authorities had evidence of rape.

Still images showed a decapitated soldier, charred human remains, including those of young children, and several Islamic State flags, the Times of Israel reported. “When we say Hamas is Isis, it’s not a branding effort,” R Adm Daniel Hagari told reporters after the screening.

Grisly scenes from the attack, in which more than 1,400 Israelis died, have been widely shared on social media in the past two weeks but Eylon Levy, an Israeli government spokesperson, said there was a “Holocaust denial-like phenomenon” about the scale of atrocities."

From another reporter:

But what you’re about to read is not my opinion about this war. It is simply a detailed description of what I saw in those 43 minutes of footage.

The first clip opens with the smiling, excited face of a Hamas terrorist in the back of a Toyota pickup truck, waving his AK-47 in the air. With him are four others holding tight to the sides of the truck as it speeds along a dusty track. All dressed in black with the signature green Hamas headband. After a few words in Arabic, the man filming the video begins an ‘Allahu Akbar’ chant and is joined by the others.

The screen cuts to black.

The second clip, one that the IDF included in 90 seconds of footage that was made public, is a dashcam video taken from a civilian’s car. As the driver approaches, he sees armed men on the road. This isn’t an unusual sight in a highly militarised Israel, but one of the men on the road waves at the car and then fires right at it. The panicked driver steps on the gas to speed past, but the car is peppered with bullets cracking the glass. The driver, clearly hit by the time, loses control and the car careens off its path and smashes into a parked SUV.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is Hamas bodycam footage showing a bloodied body lying face down by the side of a car. The car is peppered with bullet holes.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip shows a white SUV speeding off the road and into a field. Two Hamas terrorists chase the car into the field, catch up with the stranded vehicle and shoot the driver point blank.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is dashcam footage from a Hamas-driven car. The dashboard is red velvet. Voices can be heard speaking in Arabic as the car snakes into a Kibbutz. The car then passes the body of a blonde woman in jeans and a black sleeveless shirt face down on the road. A voice off-camera is heard hooting as if to cheer.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is from traffic cameras. A wide shot from height shows Hamas terrorists climbing out of their pickup truck and ambushing a car on the other side of the road, firing repeatedly into it.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is from the Kibbuts Be’eri, where over 130 people were murdered on October 7, an area I reported from earlier this week. Neighbourhood CCTV footage shows a Hamas terrorist wearing an IDF uniform stealthily approaching the gate and then clambering into the guard booth. A Tesla car approaches the gate. The terrorist in the booth and another from off to the side enter the frame and fire into the car killing both occupants. The driver is a young man who slumps to the side after being shot.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is bodycam footage from a Hamas terrorist. The ‘buddy’ pair are seen walking inside a Kibbutz. Speaking constantly to each other in Arabic, they walk past a children’s park with colourful slides, tubes and swings. They approach a garage which is revealed to contain a parked ambulance. The Hamas terrorist wearing a bodycam fires at one of the tyres of the ambulance, deflating it. The hiss of released air is heard.

The two terrorists are then seen venturing deeper into the Kibbutz. A black dog, likely a Labrador, appears and runs toward the two Hamas men. The man wearing the bodycam fires three shots killing the dog instantly on the track.

The two terrorists then step close to a house. They peep inside through an open window. The terrorist in front takes aim and fires a single shot. A loud groan, likely, of a senior citizen, is heard.

It is not clear if it’s this same house or another, but the two men then step into the front porch of the house and using a lighter, set it ablaze. The two men then leave, one of them whispering Allahu Akbar.

A playful mobile ringtone is heard from a house, catching the attention of the two Hamas men. They enter the house. It appears empty but the occupants are clearly not far — an iPad sits on the table with its screen still on, while a MacBook sits next to it. They venture deeper into the house but do not find anyone.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is CCTV footage from a home in a Kibbutz. A father with 2 boys — all in their underpants — enters a room, panic-stricken. The audio captures the father seeming to tell the boys to hide. It appears they are hiding because Hamas terrorists have entered their home.

A second CCTV camera shows the father and two boys attempting to exit the house through a courtyard of sorts, but are ambushed by two Hamas terrorists. One of the terrorists shoots the father point blank. The two boys, their father’s blood spattered across them, run back into the house.

The CCTV now captures the two boys in what appears to be the kitchen. Both boys are wailing. One boy tells the other ‘Dad is dead’. Then he falls to the floor, bangs on it and cries, "Why am I alive? Why?" Then he composes himself and turns to his younger brother whose face appears to be covered in the blood spatter from his father’s gunshot wound. The elder boy asks the younger one "Can you see from this eye? Can you see at all?" The boy answers in the negative.

The outside CCTV camera that captured the father’s killing now shows the mother returning with two Kibbutz security guards. She sees the crumpled, bullet-riddled body of her husband (not clear in the image) and collapses crying. She is held up by the two security men who then drag her away off camera.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is from Kibbutz Be’eri. The video shows a group of Hamas terrorists on motorcycles congregating around a Blue Mazda. One of the terrorists enters the frame, opens the front passenger door and drags a body out to the road. He searches the body’s pockets and pulls out a mobile phone. More terrorists enter the frame and begin to empty the car, throwing out a large ice keg and other items. A second body is pulled out from the driver’s side. It’s a young man in shorts. He is flung to the ground near the car, where his body lands with an apparent thud. The two terrorists then climb into the car and drive off.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is a mobile video taken by a Hamas terrorist. Filmed inside a house, it shows a grievously injured man lying on his back on the floor. Wearing a yellow T-shirt with Hebrew text, he appears to have been shot non-fatally in the stomach. A terrorist picks up a construction hoe kept nearby and, while chanting 'Allahu Akbar' loudly, hacks at the injured man’s neck repeatedly with all his strength until his arms slump to the side. The attack does not decapitate the man, though it is clearly enough to kill him.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is mobile footage taken by a Hamas terrorist inside a house. Chanting 'Allahu Akbar', he opens a room door revealing blood spattered on the floor and four bodies piled up.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip shows a group of Hamas terrorists torching a white Toyota.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is a video selfie showing a group of Hamas men smiling, talking to each other, cheering into the camera and chanting 'Allahu Akbar'. It is not clear if they are the same men seen in the previous footage.

The screen cuts to black.

A woman with red curly hair is seen slumped on a bed face down, the area around her face smudged with blood. She has likely been shot in the face or head.

The screen cuts to black.

A mobile video follows a thick trail of blood, the kind of trail that would be left if a body was dragged. It ends in a room with two bodies, congealed blood turning black on the floor amidst sacks of cement and other construction material.

The screen cuts to black.

The next picture is a still image. It’s a picture of an infant in diapers with three gunshot wounds, including one in the head. It’s an unblurred version of the same image that the Israeli Foreign Ministry released days after the October 7 attack in the wake of the ‘beheaded babies’ report from Kibbutz Kfar Aza.

More stills show a completely charred infant, the head of either an infant or a toddler, more charred infants and a dog shot dead in a living room.

Two still pictures show an ISIS flag on the floor, followed by pictures of a woman shot dead in a baby playroom and another slumped with gunshot wounds in a laundry room.

The next item is the full audio clip of a young Hamas terrorist who phones his parents in Gaza during the attack. The publicly released audio captures the frenzied terrorist repeatedly tell first his father that he has killed 10 jews and that he should see his WhatsApp. He asks for his mother, who comes to the phone apparently in tears, asking her son to come back with god’s help. He says there is no return, and that this is the way he has chosen for martyrdom. His weeping mother pleads with him to come home.

The next clip shows a pile of bodies slumped on a park bench next to a shop. The wall has a bookshelf on it.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is mobile footage filmed by a group of women IDF soldiers inside a room. The sound of rifle fire can be heard nearby as the women speak to each other in panicked whimpers. They huddle together.

The screen cuts to black.

Another home invasion by a group of Hamas terrorists shows them entering what appears to be a study. One of the home’s occupants is clearly under the table, though it isn’t clear if he/she is alive or shot earlier. The terrorists chant Allahu Akbar and fire into the table. One of the terrorists is holding an American M4A1 carbine.

The screen cuts to black.

A still picture shows what appears to be an IDF soldier’s corpse on the road. Covered in blood, the head is missing. It is not clear how the head was removed.

The next clip shows a frenzied group of Hamas terrorists in a circle around a body that is revealed to be a dead IDF soldier. They bludgeon his head with their boots while chanting 'Allahu Akbar'.

The screen cuts to black.

Next is a clip that Hamas had posted on social media soon after the attack, showing terrorists dragging a woman (her hands bound, face bloodied) out of the boot of a jeep and pushing her into the back seat. This appears to be in Gaza. A small crowd forms chanting 'Allahu Akbar', while two men stand with their middle fingers raised akimbo.

The screen cuts to black.

The next video is from the Re’em rave party. It opens with smiling selfie videos of party-goers. In one frame the background shows what appear to be inbound Hamas paragliders. The scene quickly shifts to young men and women running for their lives as the firing begins. Some of them run into a field to escape the approaching terrorists.

In the parking lot of the rave party, a Toyota pickup truck full of Hamas terrorists zooms into the frame and ambushes a Honda hatchback. One terrorist climbs onto the bonnet of another car and fires off-camera presumably at party-goers trying to escape to safety.

The scene cuts to bodycam footage from a Hamas terrorist who fires into a row of portable toilets set up for the rave party. A still image shows the inside of one of the toilets with large spatters of blood.

The footage then cuts back to the car park where Hamas terrorists are seen dragging bodies into a pile. In one corner of the frame, a car is set on fire.

A young woman in spectacles wearing a white dress with red flowers is seen in a selfie video whimpering as she appears to hide from the terrorists nearby. Another group of men and women are seen hiding in what appears to be a dumpster. The footage cuts back to the car park where a man is dragged out of his car and shot point blank. A body on the ground stirs for a moment.

A terrorist walks in from the off frame and fires two shots into the body, ‘finishing’ it off.

The footage then cuts to a terrorist dragging a woman’s body out of a car and tossing it into a field. Amidst chants of Allahu Akbar, a body is set on fire on the road.

A selfie video shows a terrified young man hiding from a shelter that appears to have bodies inside it. The man peeps from behind a wall. The scene then shifts to Hamas terrorists dragging wounded men and women into the back of a pickup truck presumably as hostages. Amidst wails and whimpers, they are driven away. Some of them are grievously injured.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is mobile footage by a Hamas terrorist or the hostages in the pickup truck as it speeds back towards Gaza, though it is not clear what the precise location is. Filmed at an angle, it shows blue sky on one side, brown golden earth and fields on the other, and the bloodied hostages in the middle.

The screen cuts to black.

A survivor is then seen filming charred remains and burning cars. Two cars show charred remains in their seats. A third shows a charred skull lying on its side.

The screen cuts to black.

The next clip is night footage from a police mobile phone showing responders trudging through a field of ash, strewn apparently with body parts and burnt organs. The camera pans to what appears to be a small pile of charred bodies in a pile.

A wailing man looks for his family among the dead, filmed by a third person. Around him are broken and burnt bodies.

The screen cuts to black.

Next, we see a series of still images of charred bodies. Three of the pictures show hands tied. One shows a gag tied around the head of a burnt head. One charred body of a woman is seen in a crawling position as if trying to escape.

A final image shows a dumpster filled with charged torsoes and body parts.

The screen cuts one final time to black.

Not that lack of evidence is not the problem in this debate here , some here deny suff even when it is placed right before their eyes.
I know,they just deny the videos completely. First,they cheered for Hamas and rejoiced for their massacre. If you check the first 20-50 pages,they proudly count the victim numbers.

Then,they started denying the video footage,saying "it's fake". The same videos which Hamas itself was happy about and boasting of their great victory against the Zionists.

It's as if these people have never seen radical Sunni groups committing the exact same kind of atrocities in numerous wars around the world.

Now as for the footage: As I was reading the incidents,I recognized many of them,because they were already released. You can easily find those on youtube. However,the more gruesome ones weren't released (at least unblurred). I think the first link was from the Guardian,the second I don't remember what media it was. But I want to find more reporters' testimonies about all that,because I know the same people here will easily discard certain nationalities as "biased",even if the videos are there and they are the same for everyone to watch.
How come we don't see Palestinian Christians,go around shooting Israelis and going on suicide missions? Or cutting heads and going around proudly saying they killed Jews? Palestinian Christians dislike Israel and hate the occupation as well. They are patriots too.

But you know the difference? The culture and mentality of radical Islam. The seeking of revenge among civilian population.
The "whoever kills our children we will kill his children" like a guy said in a documentary once.

This is what Hamas is. Hamas doesn't have any moral high ground,Hamas is the kind of group that will happily kill women and children and other fellow Palestinians,if they oppose their plans.

Yes,Hamas is a byproduct of the occupation,but it's a radical Sunni group. It's a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. It's the kind of group,that betrayed their long-time supporters Syria and Iran in the blink of an eye,as soon as similar like-minded groups appeared in Syria.

But nevertheless resistance against a occupier is essential

You can say whatever you want about Hamas but Hamas is a consequence of the occupation

I will say again, if Hamas ended tomorrow the occupation will go on

So you don't care about Israel and it's crimes or brutality, you only care about the response and this one sided oppression of the Palestinians for 75 years is what's creating incredible amounts of hatred and a monstrous response

Even today, the deep seated hatred created by a one sided response from the west will create a generation of hatred
u can say whatever you want about Hamas but Hamas is a consequence of the occupation
Hizbollah is a concequence of the Israeli occupation and meddling in Lebanon too. But Hizbollah eventually stopped any type of terrorist activities and became a legitimate political party and armed force. Legitimate meaning,they stopped terrorist activities. And although still,some of their actions are controversial,they are largely regarded as a more "moderate" and more tolerant group. Tolerant to other ethnicities,religions. That's why many countries around the world don't officially consider it a "terrorist group". Hamas doesn't enjoy any of this. Even its staunchest backers and old supporters have cut ties with it.

Seems that you live on another planet. The muslim planet? unfortunately it is the same than mine;...


You coming from India pretending to be French. Hilarious.

You have zero credibility on this forum as an exposed indian embarrassed to shine your own flags.

No one can show glee by what Hamas did - horrible act. However what Israel has done subsequently is beyond belief. A war crime and genocide taking place as we speak.
Muslims and christians being slaughtered by a state that simply plays the fiddle with rules set by itself.
Unfortunately the world is turning - As the UN said the attack by Hamas was not created in a vacuum. It is a reaction of systematic 70 years of vile aggression illegal settlements and killing of innocent Palestinians. The world is now calling out Israel for what they really are.
So you don't care about Israel and it's crimes or brutality, you only care about the response and this one sided oppression of the Palestinians for 75 years is what's creating incredible amounts of hatred and a monstrous response
Who said I don't care? Don't draw such conclusions. Should one wrong,wash out another though? When I see a group acting like brutal islamist jihadists,should I say "oh well,it's ok"? One should condemn parties like Hamas,which would go on being a jihadist group,even if Palestine was liberated. Similar radicals have been in Lebanon,Syria,Egypt,Iraq,Chechnya etc.

It's haram.

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