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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I think the resistance from Iraq and Yemen pursue hold a hit and run strategy. If they are in hundreds or thousands, they can be easily bombarded. People from Swat went to fight in Afghanistan and lots of them were killed. Muslims have a wide space to operate from, they should elongate the time as well.

Unlike a pretty much flat and small terrain of Gaza, look at south Lebanon and Syria around the Golan Heights-- a large area with plenty of spaces to dig in in scattered way, deep in the hills when possible, and, as you say, 'hit and run' with cheap rockets. I don't think anything, short of massive nukes over large areas, would be able to prevent the rocket fires. As it is, I just saw report on Haaretz that Americans have supplied all the Iron Dome available to Israel from the American inventory.
Sure .1400 of our people just vanished and 220 decided to fo site seeing in Gaza , among them 30 children.
Then don’t delude your people and put them what by all definitions is a war zone. Israel is responsible for deluding its citizens tat its some first world country when its a known occupation land and the other side is ready to attack. Its would be like US moves people to the border from Mexico infested with drug cartels and who then kill the families.
There is no escape. The GCC Arabs will have to make a choice.

They will and so will Iran and Hezbollah. We're watching closely if Iran and Hezbollah just seeks to occupy Arab nations or actually fight Israel.


The stands at Celtic Park were a sea of Palestinian flags shortly before kick off against Atletico Madrid

A Celtic fans' group defied a club appeal and held aloft Palestinian flags before Wednesday's Champions League match.
Saudi Arabia is going to feel the wrath now. From recognising Israel to hiding in embarrassment. MBS has no answers.
Poor MBS plans to have Davos In the desert and build NOEM are shattered. Poor guy, so sad! Whats he going to do wiith the McKinsey/Bain vision of his kingdom now. The thousands dying are ruining his plans and hard and its just not fair to the young prince is it?
They will and so will Iran and Hezbollah. We're watching closely if Iran and Hezbollah just seeks to occupy Arab nations or actually fight Israel.

In probably a few days hell will break lose. The GCC Arab nations won't have any excuse left.
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