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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Not trying to give you a hard time or anything like that, Lord knows the last thing I want to do is bang heads with you looool. Just trying to get a better understanding of this animosity some of you guys have towards Arab leaders. Do you expect them to actually fight like you quoted above? Make some kind of military intervention and start a war with the apartheid state?

If so, gimme an example of what let's say Saudi Arabia should do in your opinion.
Even Egypt or the UAE.

Since you did say "to fight for the Palestinians" then you're not advocation for something along the lines of what some others have suggested like be more aggressive than just condemning the genocide and actually expel the zionist ambassadors from their countries. Or cut off trading if they're doing any, even boycott commerce etc. That I would agree with, and I do think that they should do more in that respect.

But to start a war? As we all know quite well and have seen it happen right in front of our eyes in this war and in the Ukraine, it's not only the illegitimate zionist child of the United States, but the USA (and co.) will also bring forth its own wrath that would cripple any country and bring it down to its knees. No leader would ever risk such a thing, regardless of holding on to his seat or how much money he's making. Leaders are supposed to be cautious and rational, not impulsive or reactionary, especially when that reaction is irresponsible and could bring utter destruction and total collapse. Iraq, Libya & Syria even Afghanistan all come to mind as perfect examples. Does anyone even consider that? Or is it just about bashing them because they're hated scum? Just trying to understand the logic here.

Your point about Iran is superb. That's not really an angle brought up by many. You never really hear or read much about the Mullah's 'raison d'etre' being the necessity to keep the continuation of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict to fuel the need for its proxies and give it additional options and strength to counter the apartheid state's constant threatening or war because of a supposed perceived Iranian "nuclear threat." It's really an incredible cat & mouse game played at the 2nd highest stage in the world. Nice observation by you.

What happened was I quoted the wrong post by @HGV . This one below was the one I was supposed to quote when I posed the question to him about Saudiya shooting down a Yemeni/Houthi missile.

The tweet claimed that Saudi Arabia has been shooting down several missiles fired by someone in Yemen, presumably towards the apartheid state. implying that Saudiya was somehow "defending" the zionist state and complicit in its crimes, so to speak. Which is obviously absurd and ridiculous on a magnagamothical scale!! lol. A delusional, bigoted, racist, hateful and deceitful comment directed at Arabs is all it is. So, assuming there's even a shred of truth to that insinuation, regardless of what destination those missiles were headed to, if the only route is directly over Saudiya's territory, then why the hell wouldn't it shoot them down without a spec of prejudice? Who the hell would ever allow a single missile, let alone several missiles to be lobbed from a neighboring country (a country with a hostile element) through its airspace regardless of who the intended recipient is? No one is the answer.

As far as your point about whether a ballistic missile could be shot down at its mid-course altitude which in Yemen's case, most of the missiles the Houthis have been firing have been categorized as ballistic (SRBM, MRBM or IRBM) then they're obviously within reach of Saudi air defenses. And they don't have to be intercepted only at their midcourse either. Afterall, they did spend $15B on THAAD.

Wow! Did they really do that? This is unbelievable. That's a huge hit on the apartheid state to downgrade their credit rating that badly!? Some things are happening, brother. This sacrifice might not be in total vein after all. T3ala nakol el halawa ya s3at el beh! :D

Your leaders haven't done anything meaningful and that is put very mildly.

I have explained in detail what needs to be done by all Islamic nations where the GCC Arab nations should take the lead. Form an economic and military bloc.
You seem to be drunk on cow wee as you are jumping from one topic to another which have no relevance to the topic under discussion.

COAS Munir meets Palestinian envoy, expresses concern over Israel’s ‘unabated violence’ in Gaza

Iftikhar Shirazi Published October 24, 2023 Updated about 14 hours ago

Chief of Army Staff Gen Asim Munir (R) meets Ambassador of Palestine to Pakistan, Ahmad Jawad Rabei who calls on him at the GHQ on Tuesday. — Photo via ISPR

Chief of Army Staff Gen Asim Munir (R) meets Ambassador of Palestine to Pakistan, Ahmad Jawad Rabei who calls on him at the GHQ on Tuesday. — Photo via ISPR
Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Asim Munir on Tuesday expressed grave concern over the “indiscriminate killing” of Palestinians in Gaza and called on the international community to put an end to the “unlawful use of force” by the Israeli military.
He passed these remarks during a meeting with Palestinian Ambassador to Pakistan Ahmed Jawad Rabei at the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the military’s media wing.
According to the Palestinian health ministry in Gaza, more than 5,700 people, including over 2,000 children, have been killed in relentless Israeli bombing since October 7. A humanitarian crisis has gripped the besieged enclave, with hospitals shutting down due to a shortage of fuel.
In a press release issued today, the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) said the army chief expressed condolences over the loss of Palestinian lives.

“The COAS expressed grave concern over unabated violence and willful, indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians by the Israeli Defence Forces in the war. Incessant attacks on the civilian population, schools, universities, aid workers, hospitals and the forced exodus of Palestinians from Gaza are manifest crimes against humanity,” it stated.
The army chief also reiterated Pakistan’s principled support for an “independent, viable and contiguous state of Palestine established on the basis of pre-1967 borders with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital”.
“Pakistan believes that the fresh spate of violence in Gaza is the result of unabated repression, continued human rights violations and state-sponsored sacrilege of Al Aqsa mosque.
“Conflating this war with terrorism would be naive; taking a narrow and self-serving view of the issue as an isolated attack, obscures brutal oppression spanning decades that has led to this outcome,” the ISPR quoted the COAS as saying.
Gen Munir further stated it was imperative that the international community must be mobilised to put an early end to unfolding human tragedy due to “disproportionate and unlawful use of force by the IDF”.
He also called upon the global community to desist from “encouraging them [Israeli forces] to continue perpetrating atrocities in manifest violation of all norms of civility and humane conduct”.

Whisky makes an appearance.
Surely, she won't loose her job like someone on cnn would. Ah democracy

This is unusual interview in an Arab station , that is why i brought it.

He is not used to being asked hard questions , that is why he looks so surprised.

The international community should have intervened A LONG TIME AGO. With severe,not just heavy,sanctions to ensure that Palestinians were not abused and that Israelis left the West Bank and Gaza.

Of course I denounce the occupation! The international community and I don't mean the UN necessarily since it rarely works anymore,countries together should have enforced heavy measures to put Israelis back in place. To remind extrem right-wing Jews to behave. Because the Americans would definitely block any UN resolution. But then again,most countries look at their own interests and trying not to lose income from their dealings with USA and Israel. Or try not to start a war with any of those. As you see,few countries would risk war or loss of profit,just to support or protect the Palestinians by standing up to Israel.

1.Show me where I've said that Israeli carpet bombing is "ok" or "should happen".
2.What exactly makes you say that I'm an Indian and a liar?
3.Show me where I approved "genocide and war crimes"

Go ahead,you have all day to do it.
So do the Palestinians have a right to fight for their freedom without being vilified?

Thank you by the way for stating your views.


Khaled Meshaal , forced to face his own lies by sky inreviewer :

Go on read what have written 15 minutes ago and check out about the lying or as usual you will duck and dive , when you don't have the answers.
By its nature, avoiding the difficult questions and carrying regardless, means that you are an ordinary propagandist.
Why , in that case, we should listen to you?
What's that to you?
You can just answer,simply.

So do the Palestinians have a right to fight for their freedom without being vilified?
Yes,when they fight against IDF and not butcher people house to house or run around a Kibbutz to hunt down old men and children.

You can't have double standards. Condemning Israelis for bombing Gaza,but praising Hamas for killing people like a gang.
Surely, she won't loose her job like someone on cnn would. Ah democracy
He is shocked that there was civilized arguments exchange between anchor and hamas person, he really thinks that arabs are lower life for like most of israelis, so for him this is surprise and shock.

On defence hub , I argued that Istanbul Canall is very very important for these reasons exactly.
I can't log on there and I don't know why
At least, now we see why the engineers work day and night in Turkey. Some people there saw what's coming.
Same here, forgot password, lol. Now it would be interesting to come back there
This is unusual interview in an Arab station , that is why i brought it.

He is not used to being asked hard questions , that is why he looks so surprised.


Arabs are cowards and the reason why the Palestinians are suffering today. Remember it is the Arab leaders who allowed the Jews to settle in Palestine. Today the Arabs can look the other way, but this is the harsh truth.
Arabs are cowards and the reason why the Palestinians are suffering today. Remember it is the Arab leaders who allowed the Jews to settle in Palestine. Today the Arabs can look the other way, but this is the harsh truth.
Palestinians are Arabs too,though.
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