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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You can tell me whatever but the overwhelming tilt of your posts show who you really support! And it is not just me, I believe others too have seen through your charade.
Yeah 5-6 others who have been fanatically pro-Hamas from the beginning and cannot understand what I've been saying from the start. And what I said was very simple:

1.Hamas did something bad
2.Israel would retaliate

But these guys were cheering and rejoicing and counting how many dead the Jews had every day. I told them,this gave Israel the excuse to start the worst reprisals in decades. They ignored me. The reprisals started,I told them Hamas took the entire Gaza hostage,they said Hamas was only doing resistance.
I don’t despise white people, I despise imperialism. I have white people in my family. I have had relationships with white women. I have close long friendships with white guys.

It is America’s imperialistic and warlike foreign policy controlled by the MIC and the attitudes it breeds that I hate, like how all of society are brainwashed to hate certain people or countries on a daily basis by this lying, manipulative media.

Notice how casually this @Foinikas brought up the white race into his argument, assuming everyone who opposes the American/Israel policy hates 'the West', hates 'the Christians', 'hates the whites'. This is the guy's pattern and he tries to hide behind big neutral words but his bias is for the world to see. This guy closes his eyes to how the Jews, the whites, the global South protesting against Israel in large numbers and sheds crocodile's tears for Palestinians.

I tend to think he just seeks attention in this forum!
Notice how casually this @Foinikas brought up the white race into his argument, assuming everyone who opposes the American/Israel policy hates 'the West', hates 'the Christians', 'hates the whites'. This is the guy's pattern and he tries to hide behind big neutral words but his bias is for the world to see. This guy closes his eyes to how the Jews, the whites, the global South protesting against Israel in large numbers and sheds crocodile's tears for Palestinians.

I tend to think he just seeks attention in this forum!
Yep. Noticed this pattern a long time ago and tbh it is a similar pattern that many who support imperialism has. They equate white supremacy and western imperialism with white. So if you hate imperialism and hate seeing the US bomb and kill poor people worldwide, you must be against White people.
Why don't you experience life in Gaza for 20 years and tell us if you like saying, good massa would you let us eat and drink. Do you even understand Israel is in violation of Geneva conventions.
No shit Sherlock,I've known that stuff for 20-22 years. Why don't you,the keyboard warrior,go live in Gaza and let's see if you want your entire family bombed,because your horny Hamas friends wanted to do resistance by attacking Israelis (and not just soldiers)and kidnapping toddlers and 85 year-old grannies.

"A message sent to Zikim settlers from the Qassam Brigades via phone: We are now in Zikim and under your house and inside it as well. You and your children should abandon from this place. We do not want to harm your children and your women. The base has now been captured, and explosives have been placed in it. For the safety of your innocent children, get outta here."
Yeah 5-6 others who have been fanatically pro-Hamas from the beginning and cannot understand what I've been saying from the start. And what I said was very simple:

1.Hamas did something bad
2.Israel would retaliate

But these guys were cheering and rejoicing and counting how many dead the Jews had every day. I told them,this gave Israel the excuse to start the worst reprisals in decades. They ignored me. The reprisals started,I told them Hamas took the entire Gaza hostage,they said Hamas was only doing resistance.
It is their only way of fighting back.
Would you like to live in Gaza? Israel is in violation of Geneva conventions.
But these guys were cheering and rejoicing and counting how many dead the Jews had every day. I told them,this gave Israel the excuse to start the worst reprisals in decades. They ignored me. The reprisals started,I told them Hamas took the entire Gaza hostage,they said Hamas was only doing resistance.

It may surprise you that even in the Urdu language channels in Pakistan, there is a subtle disapproval of Hamas killing civilians on October 7, as also you can see in this forum.
But, yes, Gazans are doing resistance and that's recognized by a person of no less stature than the UN Sec. General today when he said the incidents of October 7 didn't happen in a vacuum.
Notice how casually this @Foinikas brought up the white race into his argument, assuming everyone who opposes the American/Israel policy hates 'the West', hates 'the Christians', 'hates the whites'.
It's because I keep seeing people here nagging about the "evil white man" or nagging about the West..........while actually living...in USA,Canada,Britain,Netherlands,Australia.

It's like you go to a party,you hate the party,you don't leave,you hate the decor,you hate the food,you hate half of the people or more,you hate their music,you hate the movie playing on the DVD player,you don't like their games....but instead of leaving or trying to fit in a bit,you just nag and talk bad about them all night.

As for "anyone who opposes American/Israel policy",you assume way too much. Did you see me support America's meddling in Ukraine? Iraq? Syria? On the contrary. But I guess you forgot the times we used to agree a lot.

Now you can't fathom anyone having a different opinion than yours. Hamas not a benevolent freedom-fighting group? No way! You must be an Israeli talking like that!

It may surprise you that even in the Urdu language channels in Pakistan, there is a subtle disapproval of Hamas killing civilians on October 7, as also you can see in this forum.
But, yes, Gazans are doing resistance and that's recognized by a person of no less stature than the UN Sec. General today when he said the incidents of October 7 didn't happen in a vacuum.
Do you disapprove it yes or not? Do you condemn it?

Do you condemn entering houses and shooting at families,shooting at random people passing by,grabbing and abusing hostages,taking infants,toddlers,young children,women and elderly women as hostages? Do you condemn using the Gaza Strip civilians as a shield as much as you condemn the IDF bombing the Gaza Strip?

This guy closes his eyes to how the Jews, the whites, the global South protesting against Israel in large numbers and sheds crocodile's tears for Palestinians.
Dumbass,my own country had protests as well. Who told you that I supposedly close my eyes to how people react to Netanyahu's right-wing fanatical government? Because I didn't mention anything? FFS you make such assumptions and draw such dumb conclusions.
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Is this actually true?.Because if it is then that really is the end of 💩israels💩 once much vaunted military reputation,theres nothing left of it.
In 1967 the Israelis had better equipment and better training and were on the offensive. In 1973, the Egyptians had some decisive equipment and were well trained on their strategy, and went on the offensive.

Superior tech, superior training, superior strategy all play a part. It also is important to read the “terrain”. One of the terrains is geo-poltics and internal politics in Arab countries.

Normalization talks are still continuing, as we speak. The Arab street isn’t being listened too, even while Gaza is besieged, and Palestinians are dying by the hundreds everyday.

Do all these protests matter if the governments of these countries don’t listen.
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It's because I keep seeing people here nagging about the "evil white man" or nagging about the West..........while actually living...in USA,Canada,Britain,Netherlands,Australia.

It's like you go to a party,you hate the party,you don't leave,you hate the decor,you hate the food,you hate half of the people or more,you hate their music,you hate the movie playing on the DVD player,you don't like their games....but instead of leaving or trying to fit in a bit,you just nag and talk bad about them all night.

As for "anyone who opposes American/Israel policy",you assume way too much. Did you see me support America's meddling in Ukraine? Iraq? Syria? On the contrary. But I guess you forgot the times we used to agree a lot.

Now you can't fathom anyone having a different opinion than yours. Hamas not a benevolent freedom-fighting group? No way! You must be an Israeli talking like that!

Do you disapprove it yes or not? Do you condemn it?

Do you condemn entering houses and shooting at families,shooting at random people passing by,grabbing and abusing hostages,taking infants,toddlers,young children,women and elderly women as hostages? Do you condemn using the Gaza Strip civilians as a shield as much as you condemn the IDF bombing the Gaza Strip?
Wtf are you even going on about? Hating US foreign policy and its pro Zionist position does not equate to hating American people, culture, food or music. I’m a multi generational American. I’m not an immigrant that stepped foot here yesterday you idiot. Culturally I’m much more American than Chinese. I make American food to eat at home you idiot. Also let me remind you that a lot of American music was actually created by Black people. You seem to equate American with White which is complete bullshit.
Yes, this missile has been made in Iran for many years. We even exported this to Russia for the war with Ukraine.

we have better and newer anti-tank missiles that I hope we have given to Hamas and Hezbollah

Which variety?
Would you like to live in Gaza? Israel is in violation of Geneva conventions.
Would YOU like to live in Gaza? And if you do,would you rush and attack the yahood? Or encourage people to attack them,when you have your family in a building that is a perfect target for an IDF bomb?
Foinikas and Richileau are convinced the moral thing to do is to suck up to good massa. Palestinians are racially and culturally Semite who are in their homeland. They are not Western wannabe Semites.
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