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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The Israeli military said on Sunday that one of its tanks accidentally hit an Egyptian position near the border with the Gaza Strip.

“The incident is being investigated and the details are under review. The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) expresses sorrow regarding the incident,” it said in a statement, giving no further details.


Col. McGregor's new video. One thing to note about McGregor is that he is not some pro Palestinian or a peacenik or pro Russia. He maybe in fact just a one more American patriot which thinks for America and may even be pro Israel but he puts American interests above anything else.
In this video, he slices and dices various scenarios if/when Israel launches a ground operation into Gaza. And you'd notice that in none of the scenarios Israel comes out ahead. And that's why I keep saying that this conflict needs to escalate, broaden, and prolong. Finish this one and for all.

Ansarallah has threatened to attack Israeli ships in the Red Sea after the US Navy intercept 15 cruise missiles it fired towards Israel

Wow, Houthis are surely a matured fighting force in the Middle east, lets just remember the US Navy also didnt stop Iranians from hitting Israeli-linked ships in the Persian gulf, so Houthis can probably hit Israeli ships in the red sea if they decide to, US can protect Israel or Israeli jews everywhere in the world, just not possible.
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