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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Wow, Houthis are surely a matured fighting force in the Middle east, lets just remember the US Navy also didnt stop Iranians from hitting Israeli-linked ships in the Persian gulf, so Houthis can probably hit Israeli ships in the red sea if they decide to, US can protect Israel or Israeli jews everywhere in the world, just not possible.
Persian Gulf is much smaller than Red Sea and Iran has better intelligence over ships there than Ansarallah does for ships in the Red Sea, but lets see

Egyptian military & intelligence is looking into it.
Your military spokesperson already said it was a mistake so it's ok
They are gauging the Muslim response to the destruction of mosques. In a way, also desensitizing the audience; a type of predictive programming. In the end, they will destroy al-Aqsa.

The Muslim response is pretty lame. Useless protests, crying and begging those who committed the crime. Imagine, a thief robs your home daily and your only response is to stand outside the thief's home, telling him to stop. That's what Muslims do.

I'd say, they've gotten the result they were searching for.

Water rises to it's level!
They can only push so much before the loaded spring crushes them...

Let the water rise. There is a reason why U.S and Brits are present in the region... the vengeful bully has gone on a full retard mode. It is these blows that are either stomached or dodged. Let the maniac dance the last dance... even the mad dogs are put to rest! You can see the schizophrenic responses of the in house zionists here... they're are on both sides. It is not principled nor on objective TRUTH!

All I can say is, be patient.

@OldenWisdom...قول بزرگ
I read a post of @MastanKhan where he highlighted that Pakistan should have entered in Middle East during Saudi Arabia-Yemen war when Saudis requested for our help.
Had we availed that opportunity,we would have much bigger role to play in Middle East.Even could have extended our Nuclear Umbrella to other Arabian Countries thus building a solid geostrategic influence there.
All that required was just courage.
We missed that opportunity.
Indeed you were right when you said Pakistan should not wait for its economy to get in good shape instead avail any opportunity to lead the World.

One cannot be a brick in someone's hand. But the right foot must always be put forward. It mandates sacrifice...
Only but if Pakistan knew it's true power and hadn't pimped itself out for cheap for all to see would people have elevated themselves to their true potential. But all is not lost.

Pakistan all but needs a token presence in the region. Only for some to understand the consequences. And here you'd start seeing with clarity on who stands with The Truth and unmask those who're complicit. A token presence of mid four figure number will do exactly that... those in the region that balk will only expose themselves. For a selfless and magnanimous presence will put fear in those with power with ulterior motivations.

Enough said!
They have been targeting Iran openly for years, killing and maiming Iranian scientists.

Now however it will escalate things. I have a feeling we are on an unstoppable path to WW3
Iran has a right to retaliate. They will not forget their scientists and generals who were killed in peace time .
At a very minimum the seeds of WW3 have been laid.
Yes, when the Ukraine-Russia was started--yet another Eurasian war. The Eurasian continent is the seat of human activities, innovations, strife, and sadly World Wars.

It's sad when Olmert sounds so reasonable--tells you how vile Netanyahu is. I remember decades ago someone said 'If you think Sharone is bad, wait until you see Netanyahu'.
But this is a very good video! The best way to break the Israeli narrative is to break it in America, using American, European, and Israeli sources. Otherwise, it would be an echo chamber.
Col. McGregor's new video. One thing to note about McGregor is that he is not some pro Palestinian or a peacenik or pro Russia. He maybe in fact just a one more American patriot which thinks for America and may even be pro Israel but he puts American interests above anything else.
In this video, he slices and dices various scenarios if/when Israel launches a ground operation into Gaza. And you'd notice that in none of the scenarios Israel comes out ahead. And that's why I keep saying that this conflict needs to escalate, broaden, and prolong. Finish this one and for all.

I watched it till end, most interesting part is russian offer to guard probably turkish sea fleet to deliver help to gaza, i did not read that kind of news anywhere?
They killed 300 soldiers in a surprise attack, 1,500 Palestinian terrorists died in the first 24 hours in Israeli territory.

5000 more Palestinians died since then by Israeli strikes.

Can't stop the JDAMs lmao
So Hamas did kill 300 and more soldiers but the Zion media never mentioned that.
Oh, how the tables have turned!!! 50,000 Israelis being asked to move to Tel Aviv from the north of Israel. I can't say I am terribly sorry for them!! Only when Israelis learn to realize the bubble of peace and prosperity they have been living in at the expense of Palestinians is a bubble then a real change is possible.

I watched it till end, most interesting part is russian offer to guard probably turkish sea fleet to deliver help to gaza, i did not read that kind of news anywhere?

It seems odd that Russians would make such an offer. So far, I have only seen some reports that Russia is not going to let Syria fall to Americans.
Your military spokesperson already said it was a mistake so it's ok

I know, what was he thinking!? He should've come out and said "we've declared war on Israel" and moved 1000 tanks to the border while immediately & simultaneously launching an aerial attack on zionist kibitzes in the Negev. Yep, how dare we exercise some restraint and diplomacy and shame on us that we're not immediately overreacting on impulse & anger and annoying so many keyboard warriors out there because an outpost was hit. Damn, that's terrible.
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