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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

What sort of strategy is to build settlements in Palestinian territory beyond the prescribed 67 borders?

You will not find an honest answer from either the Israelis or the Israeli bootlickers in the West or, in some cases, from the Indians.
Basically, this is an overt, brutal colonial enterprise and the enterprise is ONLY possible because the Zionists have the control of the American govt. The rest of the bootlickers are irrelevant--they just follow what America says.
A clear case of taking control of the narrative using false information. It doesnt matter what really happend anymore, since everybody now “knows” the hospital was destroyed and 1.000 died by the hands of Israel.

Also from all the images i saw , it is clear that what was hit , was the parking lot and not the buildings.

Why send a missile guided bomb to a parking lot , if they wanted to hit the hospita , as some here tried to argue ?

Makes no sense.

This seroiusly looks like an accidental and not directed hit and all fingers point To Hamas , he is not exactly know for the accuracy of his missiles.


And where is the crater ?
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It is clear as daylight to anybody with any common sense that Israel bombed that hospital. Why do you argue with ignorant people who create theories out of their rears?
No doubt some rocket, missile, or bomb landed in the parking lot. Everything else posted the last 18 hours was pure speculation.
You will not find an honest answer from either the Israelis or the Israeli bootlickers in the West or, in some cases, from the Indians.
Basically, this is an overt, brutal colonial enterprise and the enterprise is ONLY possible because the Zionists have the control of the American govt. The rest of the bootlickers are irrelevant--they just follow what America says.
At this moment, it’s pretty obvious. The US politicians and media are essentially hijacked and doing the Zionists bidding.

I would resist from calling them Jews. Have got a few Jewish friends and they are decent people.
Also from all the images it is clear that what was hit , was the parking lot and not the buildings.

Why would send a misille guided bomb to to a parking lot if they wanted to hit the hospital.


And where is the crater ?
The missing crater is a tell. No JDAM did this. Most of the cars burned out. Alot of news outlets are now trying to figure out how to deal with their premature reporting of events. They were obviously taken for a spin.
Israeli PR machine themselves claimed they hit the hospital and then retracted.

They took on themselves to claim JDAMs could not have created such an after effect. Who claimed it was JDAM? It could have been a simple drone strike or an airstrike.

The fact is, the hospital was bombed and scores of Palestinians (ie non combatants) were martyred. This implicates Israel, out and out.

Going by history the Israelis have been involved in such acts and every time their modus operandi is the same. Blame it on the enemy.
The proof is the damage and casualties ,,,,

When Hamas fired rockets and missiles than does convert to flowers?
Comments like this show me that Indians like you like to brown nose the white man. Your pajeet hatred is so deep for Muslims that you will defend the white master to the death - not realising g if you was on fire - they wouldn’t piss on you.
Why do you try to be more Israeli than the Israeli? Your just a brown Insignificant indian that’s managed to get an Internet connection
can be high pressure over the surface explosion... Hamas can never make such weapons. its so sad that world will even question this.
Could be anything, but not exactly the hospital being destroyed. Im sure we would be watching footage of a hospital in ruins if that was the case, and not some burned cars.
Also from all the images i saw , it is clear that what was hit , was the parking lot and not the buildings.

Why send a missile guided bomb to a parking lot , if they wanted to hit the hospita , as some here tried to argue ?

Makes no sense.

This seroiusly looks like an accidental and not directed hit and all fingers point To Hamas , he is not exactly know for the accuracy of his missiles.


And where is the crater ?
Air exploded ammunition, above ground. seems more like fuel laden, to kill as many as possible. not Hamas. and this is not the area only, 500 peopole cant fit there ... and Hamas does not have capacity to kill more than 10-20 people in a group with their joke sorta rockets.

Could be anything, but not exactly the hospital being destroyed. Im sure we would be watching footage of a hospital in ruins if that was the case, and not some burned cars.
As i said, air explosion ammunition. it was using proximity fuze

here are several types of impact fuzes commonly used in missiles. Here are a few examples:

  1. Contact Fuze: A contact fuze is designed to detonate upon physical contact with a target or a solid surface. It can be a simple mechanical device that triggers the explosion when it senses the impact.
  2. Proximity Fuze: A proximity fuze is a more advanced type of impact fuze that uses electronic sensors to detect the distance to the ground or a target. It is designed to detonate the warhead when it reaches a predetermined proximity to the target, typically a few meters above the ground. Proximity fuzes can use various sensing technologies, such as radar, laser, or infrared, to detect the target.
  3. Time-Delay Fuze: A time-delay fuze is programmed to detonate the warhead after a certain amount of time has elapsed from the moment of firing or release. This type of fuze is often used when the missile needs to explode at a specific point in its trajectory, such as over a target or within a designated area.
  4. Penetration Fuze: Penetration fuzes are used in missiles designed to penetrate hardened targets, such as bunkers or reinforced structures. These fuzes are designed to detonate the warhead after the missile has penetrated a certain distance into the target, maximizing the destructive effect.
Could be anything, but not exactly the hospital being destroyed. Im sure we would be watching footage of a hospital in ruins if that was the case, and not some burned cars.

Whole of Gaza is one big hospital if not a slaughter camp. You could fit a field hospital housing thousands in the images shared. It's one of the most densely populated strip of land on the planet.
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