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Future of Bangladesh

No i really meant testicles. Wet dreams-testicles, get the joke??

I think the bengalis(both sides) are doing quite well. We wont get wiped out so easily. Our footprint is deeply engraved in many countries.

LOL! All of a sudden it does make sense. :D

The part in bold: that's a really good point! But that's not good enough to ensure supremacy over other powerful civilizations. Supremacy comes with technology. Let's go for that!

---------- Post added at 12:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 PM ----------

God's on our side.

I thought you're neutral. Neutral people neither believe in God nor do they deny God's existence. So you can't say that. :D
Bangladesh needs to have really strong Military because I don't want to see it's relations with India improving and also the region is going to soon turn into flash point so Bangladesh should have at least 350000 Strong Army and 25000 Air Force and same number Navy and it's Air Force should have 300 above most modern fighter planes and also 4 to 6 Submarines also modern Frigates and also latest 4 Generation Tanks

corrected for ya ;)
@ Because solving bilateral disputes and working together, as opposed to nurturing the mistrust and undermining each other's national security, is good for both Bangladesh and India. Many Bangladeshis AND Indians don't understand this, and don't want to.

Their policy hasn't changed since 71. Even under a pro-India administration, not much has progressed. Now that speaks volume.

I thought you're neutral. Neutral people neither believe in God nor do they deny God's existence. So you can't say that. :D

Who told you I am an Agnostic?

I do strongly believe in God. Bangladesh has come a long way since 1971, and that came with the blessings of the Almighty. Bengali Muslims do love Islam, although not necessarily in the political sense.

There can be nothing without His blessings. And that brings people hope for the better even under very difficult circumstances.

Even Kissinger started to believe in God after visiting Bangladesh for the first time.
For what? :blink:

I want Jinnah's Pakistan( Bangladesh) to become a Superpower of South Asia

Their policy hasn't changed since 71. Even under a pro-India administration, not much has progressed. Now that speaks volume.

Who told you I am an Agnostic?

I do strongly believe in God. Bangladesh has come a long way since 1971, and that came with the blessings of the Almighty. Bengali Muslims do love Islam, although not necessarily in the political sense.

There can be nothing without His blessings. And that brings people hope for the better even under very difficult circumstances.

Even Kissinger started to believe in God after visiting Bangladesh for the first time.

Kissinger? If it was up to him, Bangladesh would still be part of Pakistan
^It might be good prospect for bangladesh, or the bangladeshis.
I don't want to sound rude, but if current levels of global warming persist and Arctic ice continues melting -- the future of BD is at the bottom of Bay of Bengal.

India is Jinnah's Pakistan, i mean Jinnah of 1948. :/

Jinnah of pre-1940. 1948 Jinnah was a confused man who did not know what he actually wanted.
I don't want to sound rude, but if current levels of global warming persist and Arctic ice continues melting -- the future of BD is at the bottom of Bay of Bengal.

Any Chance India annexes Bangladesh ? and will Bangladesh Sinking affect India ?
Any Chance India annexes Bangladesh ? and will Bangladesh Sinking affect India ?

No way in smoking hell will we give Bangladesh the luxury of becoming India's 30th state. And yeah there will be attempts at migration inward once the sea starts reclaiming the delta land..we have to be careful and prevent such migration because we ourselves are over crowded and we dont want fresh people coming.
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