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Future of Bangladesh

I guess the following are in the procurement pipeline (last time I checked): locally built OPVs, submarines by 2019 and new corvettes/frigates to replace some of the old ones.

I'm sure bd4ever, mil-avia and asad can keep us updated on this. :D

got ur eyes on any particular sub?????

---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 PM ----------

F-22B to replace the aging ex-Royal Navy frigates.

Type 053H3 frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are other types as well.

great!!!!......as time progresses u guys should look forward to inducting a few stealth ones don't u think??????
got ur eyes on any particular sub?????

Some navy officers were sent to Turkey for training. So I guess it has to be Type 209, either 1200 or 1400. All a guess at this point. Heard German subs are awesome!
Some navy officers were sent to Turkey for training. So I guess it has to be Type 209, either 1200 or 1400. All a guess at this point. Heard German subs are awesome!
the indian navy has 4 1500's!!!!..........bdn can get some experience from us too!!!!!!!:)
Future in the Bay of Bengal:



Once we establish a solid manufacturing base (BD's industrial revolution), the next two steps would be to exploit African countries, with diplomatic support from either China or India, and colonizing the seas. :D
well they do look like testicles. But a bankable solution in the future, or BD population can move to canada

:rofl: you mean, tentacles? Testicles are male gonads. :D

Zab: No species or subspecies are meant to survive for ever. I'm looking at ways we can sustain the Bangali branch of the Indic race. The other Indic races in India are going to do pretty well in the foreseeable future, and they're already in the race to secure a greater portion of the world's resource from other great civilizations, i.e. the West and China.

We are falling behind! The most basic principle of evolution: either gather strength to compete for resources or die the death of a weakling. I know I sound crazy, but the clock is ticking.
No we shouldn't. Forget that chapter of our history. Let's have a fresh start. We can join hands with India to look for resources in other parts of the world.

@ Why you are so fond of India ?????
:rofl: you mean, tentacles? Testicles are male gonads. :D

Zab: No species or subspecies are meant to survive for ever. I'm looking at ways we can sustain the Bangali branch of the Indic race. The other Indic races in India are going to do pretty well in the foreseeable future, and they're already in the race to secure a greater portion of the world's resource from other great civilizations, i.e. the West and China.

We are falling behind! The most basic principle of evolution: either gather strength to compete for resources or die the death of a weakling. I know I sound crazy, but the clock is ticking.

No i really meant testicles. Wet dreams-testicles, get the joke??

I think the bengalis(both sides) are doing quite well. We wont get wiped out so easily. Our footprint is deeply engraved in many countries.
well they do look like testicles. But a bankable solution in the future, or BD population can move to canada

I did say for now. These things will never even be initiated under the current netris we are stuck with. The sooner they and their families are gone, the better.

:rofl: you mean, tentacles? Testicles are male gonads. :D

Zab: No species or subspecies are meant to survive for ever. I'm looking at ways we can sustain the Bangali branch of the Indic race. The other Indic races in India are going to do pretty well in the foreseeable future, and they're already in the race to secure a greater portion of the world's resource from other great civilizations, i.e. the West and China.

We are falling behind! The most basic principle of evolution: either gather strength to compete for resources or die the death of a weakling. I know I sound crazy, but the clock is ticking.

God's on our side.
No i really meant testicles. Wet dreams-testicles, get the joke??

I think the bengalis(both sides) are doing quite well. We wont get wiped out so easily. Our footprint is deeply engraved in many countries.

BENGALIS ARE HARDCORE PEOPLE!!!!..................JOY BANGLA!!!!!:yahoo:
the indian navy has 4 1500's!!!!..........bdn can get some experience from us too!!!!!!!:)

1. Thank you. We are already getting plenty of assistance from PLAN.

2. BN is concentrating on phased development which will take it to a brown navy capability. In the first phase we are looking at the Bay of Bengal which we must make invincible through Swarming Tactics like the Iranians. We have a lot of islands which we are developing for air defense, long range weapon base and air strips. In fact static aircraft carriers. We will integrate these with shore defense.

3. In the next phase we want BN to be able operate independently in the Andaman Sea. The sub our personnel are training g for is Turkish built based on a S African - German model with inputs from S Korea. We have lined up for most advanced frigates and catamaran fast missile boats from China. We should eventually get at least two destroyers with massive shore bombardment capability.

4. BN follows PLAN closely in its development. In short BN ops will be complementary to PLAN's ops in this region. As BN will look for facilities in Indonesian and Malaysian ports, we will provide same to PLAN in BD. In fact there is a long standing offer by PLAN to build submarine bases here. For long GOB has under consideration a PLAN proposal to place a nuclear sub in one of these bases.
@ Why you are so fond of India ?????

@ Because solving bilateral disputes and working together, as opposed to nurturing the mistrust and undermining each other's national security, is good for both Bangladesh and India. Many Bangladeshis AND Indians don't understand this, and don't want to.
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