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Future leader of India : Rahul Kim Jong Gandhi

Personal attacks is not going to lead anywhere.We can have a constructive debate on the difference of the economic policies between NM and RG. But what are we going to prove with his personal details?
‘Rahul Gandhi is completely mediocre, he should find another profession’

@Hobo1 btw dont believe whatever sub swamy has to say....he is another jackass......attacking the sexual orientation of a person by spreading rumors is not exact gentlemanly....

I think SS has made it his mission of his life to carry out character assassination of Nehru family.

Personal attacks is not going to lead anywhere.We can have a constructive debate on the difference of the economic policies between NM and RG. But what are we going to prove with his personal details?

It's not his personal details, it's about his educational qualification and this should be put under scrutiny when you are aspiring for top job of the country .
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It's not his personal details, it's about his educational qualification and this should be put under scrutiny when you are aspiring for top job of the country .
Well,MMS is a scholar but that does not make him a great prime minister.
Well,MMS is a scholar but that does not make him a great prime minister.

Yap, MMS is a world wide respected economist but absolutely not the right man to be the PM of this country.

Not really a leader, rather Sonia G.s poodle. And with his lack of majority in the parliament, he will always have a difficult time in implementing any bigger economic reforms which are badly needed.
Well,MMS is a scholar but that does not make him a great prime minister.

He is capable but as whole India knows barring few instances like nuclear deal he has only served as rubber stamp of Sonia mata.

Or do you want to suggest that one who has no past records to count upon should be preffered over leader having proven record and vast experience of running the efficient system.
Its not personal, I just dont like the attitude of foreigners on my country.

And I am not into politics so I cannot say much on that blog article, but its obviously biased and does not show the other side of the coin.

We should be open to criticism from any quarter be it Indian or Foreigner. Also OP actually asked about the validity of the article itself and didn't put any criticism of RG. Even if you are a RG support it would be better to correct the inaccuracies of the article rather than blasting OP for his citizenship.

Just a thought.
Unfortunately we have too many Congress a$$lickers in India who cannot imagine anything beyond the dynasty. Typical slave mentality.
Rahul Gandhi fools with "Youth power" talk. In Karnataka, only 7% CON candidates are under 40. 64% are above 50!! (In BJP 80% around age 40)
Exact translation would be something like... learn how to become clever from being an idiot within 15 days!

Are you sure that word means 'Idiot' :P

If Rahul baba and his Italian goons are standing up in the forthcoming elections then I doubt that Congress will even win enough seats to be a top opposition party .
This corruption and backwardness legacy has to quit India and if Modi is the most lively candidate to do so then my vote is for BJP and that too cause of this one man .

Well if only the elections were happening in Social Media. But sadly thats not he case. Congress has a huge mass base who are illiterate and poor and who don't see all this Rahul babas antics. For them He is the Rahul Gandhi grand son of Indira Gandhi and Grand Grand son of Mahatma Gandhi. Sad but true.
He is capable but as whole India knows barring few instances like nuclear deal he has only served as rubber stamp of Sonia mata.

Or do you want to suggest that one who has no past records to count upon should be preffered over leader having proven record and vast experience of running the efficient system.

I do not think MMS is a capable leader,as we like our prime minister to be.He just can't say NO to Madamji,when it is needed in time.
I am not suggesting anything,nor do I prefer RG over the calibre of NM.What I am trying to say is RG's educational qualification should not be the criteria of judgement to be a national leader.
According to SS Raul Gandhi is GaY.

Shouldn't matter. Thats his personal choice. Lets not get too personal here.

Better talk about his policies (which I haven't seen). He seems pretty aloof and cynical. He only complains without giving any solutions. That is my main problem with him. To sum up -he needs to change his attitude.
I really appreciate most of you guys for standing up for me. I really mean it. I know sometimes ppl don;t like outsiders talking bad about India, but this is not the case. Indians regardless of where we are all have a duty to help Mother India. I am just trying to do my small part. I and others may be citizens of other countries but our blood will always be INDIAN. A person who tries to stifle and stop NRI's and others from commenting on India regardless if it is positive or negative is not doing a favor for India and INdians. We need debate and an exchange of thoughts and ideas to improve our current situation. What Koovie does not realize is that he is hurting not helping India by creating a divide between Indians and NRIs/foreigners, which plays exactly into a typical Congress tactic. Keep our focus of the real issues and place the focus elsewhere. Divide and conquer ain;t going to work anymore Kooovie.....India and Indians demand the best and most capable politicans not some cheap dynasty politics. As for Koovie, your points don;t make any sense. I countered your arguements but you just make illogical statements that have no place.

Shouldn't matter. Thats his personal choice. Lets not get too personal here.

Better talk about his policies (which I haven't seen). He seems pretty aloof and cynical. He only complains without giving any solutions. That is my main problem with him. To sum up -he needs to change his attitude.

I have a lot more problems than his aloofness and cynicism. The guy seems to be an incapable idiot who uses his last name (btw which was changed and an example of a cheap political tactic) to hold onto power.

Are you sure that word means 'Idiot' :P

Well if only the elections were happening in Social Media. But sadly thats not he case. Congress has a huge mass base who are illiterate and poor and who don't see all this Rahul babas antics. For them He is the Rahul Gandhi grand son of Indira Gandhi and Grand Grand son of Mahatma Gandhi. Sad but true.

Very true about the huge mass base of uneducated and illerate that Congress enjoys. Its funny how ppl don;t spread the fact the Nehru and Congress never pushed enough funds to increase educational funding.
As for Koovie, your points don;t make any sense. I countered your arguements but you just make illogical statements that have no place.
What illogical statements`? First try to bring something more objective and not such biased and onesided blog posts which dont reflect the other side of the coin.

You want to help Indian politics?, fine. Then try to help people to get rid of this blind and completely brainless and zombie like party following which will make it impossible for any ruling party to take decisive steps, no matter whether they are good or not.
What illogical statements`? First try to bring something more objective and not such biased and onesided blog posts which dont reflect the other side of the coin.

You want to help Indian politics?, fine. Then try to help people to get rid of this blind and completely brainless and zombie like party following which will make it impossible for any ruling party to take decisive steps, no matter whether they are good or not.

I dont have to be more objective. Maybe you should mater the English Language and understand what my first ost stated in the first place. The other side of the coin is there, so plz present it to us all.

As for the other part, I agree but you are the only one defending Rahul here. I wonder why?
I dont have to be more objective. Maybe you should mater the English Language and understand what my first ost stated in the first place. The other side of the coin is there, so plz present it to us all.

As for the other part, I agree but you are the only one defending Rahul here. I wonder why?

Where did I do that :coffee:
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