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Fuss on alcohol clouds Istanbul music festival

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I did a quick research about that, looks like that was a proposal and not passed, the reason showed by proposers was because there was no incest incidents so banning the sex between two adults even if they were family members was unnecessary.

If it was passed its mean its no longer a taboo in Switzerlands which means its no more a moral question for the Swiss people and there would be no problem in unbanning it, although there is also a health issue, thats probably the main reason why its not passed and will still as a taboo.

Its not changes my claim, secular law can suit the changes and views in society.

Government's mission is informing people, blocking the unconcious harmful acts, such as drinking or smoking in early ages.

Edit: Ahlaki yönden iyiye mi kötüye mi gidildi bunu ne kadar alkol tüketildiği ile mi hesaplıyorsun ? başka bi açıdan bakalım, Islamdan sonra farklı görüşlere inançlara karşı hoşgörüsüzlük arttı, İslamdan önce böyle birşey yoktu.
I did a quick research about that, looks like that was a proposal and not passed, the reason showed by proposers was because there was no incest incidents so banning the sex between two adults even if they were family members was unnecessary.

If it was passed its mean its no longer a taboo in Switzerlands which means its no more a moral question for the Swiss people and there would be no problem in unbanning it, although there is also a health issue, thats probably the main reason why its not passed and will still as a taboo.

Its not changes my claim, secular law can suit the changes and views in society.

Government's mission is informing people, blocking the unconcious harmful acts, such as drinking or smoking in early ages.

Edit: Ahlaki yönden iyiye mi kötüye mi gidildi bunu ne kadar alkol tüketildiği ile mi hesaplıyorsun ? başka bi açıdan bakalım, Islamdan sonra farklı görüşlere inançlara karşı hoşgörüsüzlük arttı, İslamdan önce böyle birşey yoktu.

This was only a example of what can/will happen if it is the secular human law, controlled and formed according to some peoples will.
So basically you say that i have understood you the right way, the Switzerland people have no moral in that issue and therfore want the law changed. :)

Secular law can and will not satisfy whole people. Freedom to offend, freedom to expose freedom to ruin families and harmony. Thats what secular law brings in the end.

Well, then lets have a alcohol ban, in the society until you get 40, you are not allowed to drink. :D

Islam sana inege bile tapsalar saygi göstermeyi emrediyor. Evet alkol tüketimi bir toplumun ahlak seviyseini göstermek icin cok güzel bir veri kaynagidir. Bunun yanina toplumun kumarda harcanan parayida katabilirsin, evlenip bosanma sayisi, kürtaj sayisi, tecavüz sayisi, adam öldürme sayisi. vs vs. hepsi bir toplumun durumunu hem ekonomik acidan hem ahlak ve moral acisindan ne durumda oldugunu gösterir.
^^^ da fuq is human secular law? Secularism is egalitarian in it's approach and it is self-defeating to the very purpose to nurse any select people's will over others.....

did a quick research about that, looks like that was a proposal and not passed, the reason showed by proposers was because there was no incest incidents so banning the sex between two adults even if they were family members was unnecessary.

Seriously,what is wrong with you folks ?
Its still a taboo at there, thats why its not passed, although its not just about moral issue but also health issue, if it was just a moral issue and passed , its means its not a social taboo anymore and there isn't a need for such ban, so yes secular law can be suit to people's changes, representives are also people btw.

Secular law will not satisfy people who wants more, more specially people who can't stand againts the personal views of other peoples, the more ironic part you basically say Secular law will not satisfy whole people, but Sharia, the law of a certain belief will satisfy everybody ?

Kaç tane dinde alkol yasak kaç tanesinde değil ? onu yasaklamayan dinler ve inananları ahlaksız mı ? alkol ahlaksızlık falan değil, çoğu yerde kültürün ve geleneklerinde bi parçası , senin bu dediğin bi hindunun inek yiyenlere ahlaksız demesi gibi birşey.

Islam ne diyor bilmem, ben inananların yaptıklarına bakarım, inananlar İslam hoşgörü dinidir lafını biraz tersten anlamışlar gibi.

Yarım sayfa mesaj yazıyosun ama sonuç olarak yazdıkların killutroll un laf kalabalığından farklı değil
Its still a taboo at there, thats why its not passed, although its not just about moral issue but also health issue, if it was just a moral issue and passed , its means its not a social taboo anymore and there isn't a need for such ban, so yes secular law can be suit to people's changes, representives are also people btw.

Secular law will not satisfy people who wants more, more specially people who can't stand againts the personal views of other peoples, the more ironic part you basically say Secular law will not satisfy whole people, but Sharia, the law of a certain belief will satisfy everybody ?

What would precisely be the health issue ? Don't get me wrong, I did not understand an ounce of what you're trying to communicate anyway but this is the one that stands out of the entire ordeal.
Well the risk of disabled children ?
I don't know any more then that, all I know is children of close family members has a risk of disable :D
This was only a example of what can/will happen if it is the secular human law, controlled and formed according to some peoples will.
So basically you say that i have understood you the right way, the Switzerland people have no moral in that issue and therfore want the law changed. :)

Secular law can and will not satisfy whole people. Freedom to offend, freedom to expose freedom to ruin families and harmony. Thats what secular law brings in the end.

Well, then lets have a alcohol ban, in the society until you get 40, you are not allowed to drink. :D

Islam sana inege bile tapsalar saygi göstermeyi emrediyor. Evet alkol tüketimi bir toplumun ahlak seviyseini göstermek icin cok güzel bir veri kaynagidir. Bunun yanina toplumun kumarda harcanan parayida katabilirsin, evlenip bosanma sayisi, kürtaj sayisi, tecavüz sayisi, adam öldürme sayisi. vs vs. hepsi bir toplumun durumunu hem ekonomik acidan hem ahlak ve moral acisindan ne durumda oldugunu gösterir.

The secular human law you mentioned and ignorantly blemished is superior to every other both religious and non-religious system designed to solve the religion and its problem with basic human rights. I think you really need to research the secularism a little bit more rather than acting like classic fundementalist with no credible information who attacks secularism and civil liberties with non-sense arguments like Stalin was an atheist or Mao was an atheist...

And sorry about breaking our deal Zulkarneyn but after his attacks on secularism by Swiss model of incest which is to me another civil liberty as long as sexual participants are mature even though I myself find the act itself disgusting but who am I to judge others when only thing they do is do whatever they want WITHOUT harming anyone other than themselves.

Female circumcision (and male too, male circumcision causes insensivity in male genitals and causes discomfort to females ), barbaric honor killings, stonings, sharia, beheadings, cutting of limbs, forced marriages, forced marriages between rapist and the rape victim, child marriage, lynching and etc... I am pretty sure that these words will seem familiar to you...

Eğer bir toplumun ahlak seviyesini ölçeceksem alkole değil, gözlerini kaçırıp sokakta çürümesini izledikleri evsizlerin, korktukları için baş kaldıramadıkları yolsuzluk dolu hükümetlerin, cinsel tercihleri yüzünden toplumdan dışladıkları ve insan yerine koymadıkları bireylerin, onur deyip ahlak deyip kendi öz kanının kanını dökenlerin, caizdir deyip, normaldir deyip 11-12 yaşındaki çocuk yaştaki kızları evlendirip gene o yaşlarda daha kendisi bir çocukken onların eline bebek verenlerin sayısına bakarak değerlendirmeyi yeğlerim ama seni bilemiyorum tabi.
I am somewhat confused over this alcohol issue. As I said before I do drink and I consider myself a secularist. However people here please note I am looking at this from a temporal aspect. Secularism does not mean I adopt and accept every thing that say Western Europe regards as acceptible. If I did that I would be abandoning my ability to reason and rationalize and as such would be as bad as those who blindly follow religious dogma.

So I want people to look at the following points:-

1. Why is it legal to drink alcohol yet when according to published data in Lancet [British Medical journal] Cannabis, Annabolic Steroids and LSD to name a few are less addictive and harmful yet are prohibited?

File:Rational scale to assess the harm of drugs (mean physical harm and mean dependence).svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Alcohol is also a drug, is more addictive and which has proven negative potential health effects like Liver Cirrhosis. In addition every year many people are killed as a result of drunken behaviour in accidents or engaging aggressive behaviour. In addition there is sigificant social damage to society.

So please can somebody rationalize this? Why alcohol is fine but Cannabis is prohibited. As for as free choice why can't I take my life. It is my body and if I die or live is no business of yours or societies. I am a thinking adult, my faculties are intact so why can't I make my free choice?

* For now let us try to keep religious dogma out of this thread.
I am somewhat confused over this alcohol issue. As I said before I do drink and I consider myself a secularist. However people here please note I am looking at this from a temporal aspect. Secularism does not mean I adopt and accept every thing that say Western Europe regards as acceptible. If I did that I would be abandoning my ability to reason and rationalize and as such would be as bad as those who blindly follow religious dogma.

So I want people to look at the following points:-

1. Why is it legal to drink alcohol yet when according to published data in Lancet [British Medical journal] Cannabis, Annabolic Steroids and LSD to name a few are less addictive and harmful yet are prohibited?

File:Rational scale to assess the harm of drugs (mean physical harm and mean dependence).svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Alcohol is also a drug, is more addictive and which has proven negative potential health effects like Liver Cirrhosis. In addition every year many people are killed as a result of drunken behaviour in accidents or engaging aggressive behaviour. In addition there is sigificant social damage to society.

So please can somebody rationalize this? Why alcohol is fine but Cannabis is prohibited. As for as free choice why can't I take my life. It is my body and if I die or live is no business of yours or societies. I am a thinking adult, my faculties are intact so why can't I make my free choice?

* For now let us try to keep religious dogma out of this thread.

Why are you asking ''Why is alcohol legal'' rather than ''Why isn't cannibis legal'' Bans never solved any addiction problems in human history...

Murat the Fourth banned tobacco and opium but people still used it, US banned alcohol but again people used it, US banned cannibis and now millions of US citizens suffers from that decision and most of them are non-voilent users. While we have Netherlands that lifted the ban of cannibis and now rips the benefits of that decision.
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